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Posts posted by Scousemouse

  1. Right, we have been here 7 years. Came with kids, all school age.......

    Now, I have a secure job, my OH has 20 hours secured,my 20 yo, son, cant get work even in humgry jacks; my 19 yo old son is at uni, studying to be a teacher!!! And my 17 yo daughter is at TAFE studying patteserie.....cake making, for the less informed..........:arghh:. I pay my taxes, live frugally, sort of, However, what I hear day after day.......we dont know people, we have no connections, and because my son wants to be a sound engineer, and my daughter a cake maker........stuffed.

    Can anyone help us to make the "right " coonections??

  2. I think if I were you,I would hold a family meeting and consider everyone else's wants/needs first before committing to anything.Hmmm I think maybe "Wanting to provide more"could put you on that relentless wheel that spins out of control.When is "enough stuff"ever enough?On the positive side though its great you are being sort after,best of luck whatever you choose to do.


    hi Lily, I understand what you mean, but this isnt about financial, or material things; more a rounded way of life.........

    Thank you for your good wishes, and yes, it does make one feel a little better about things to be "wanted"!

  3. You could try Hanan Maghazaji, ( womens health plus) on Glyndeburn road.

    Beth Russ or Anna Bof, theyre in the yellow pages, or through NECH in Campbelltown, i know they work at the Lyell McKewin

    Neisha Wratten on Kensington road, she is freaking awesome!!

    Good luck

  4. Hi All, not been on here for an age, but thats another story!!


    So, why the post now? The other day (Tuesday), I had another shabby day at work, so bad I decided to hunt for another job. I submitted my cv to an agency, for a similar job that i have now, because anytime i have applied for more senior roles,here, i dont get shortlisted!!:arghh:

    Anyhoodles, the next morning, at 0720hrs (!), the agency rang me; They asked the usual questions, what my experience was, where had i worked, about my NHS banding in Australian terms.....I was a Band7, or a level 3; would i consider rural ( in ozzy terms, something not in a city, but not beyond the black stump which is remote); they then said they have another, more senior post that they would like to have me apply for.........in Victoria!!! Err, ok, says I, a bit sceptical, and not really considering that I would have a sniff at such a post, please do...........


    Yesterday.........the agency rang me again, at a much more civilised hour of 1420hrs. I missed the call.....so I rang them at 1600hrs. Apparently, I have an impressive cv! The hospital DON and CEO were very taken with my experience, knowledge, qualifications, and the agency opinion of how I am, at least over the phone!! They wish to speak with me.......with a view to meeting....


    Now, we are settled, sort of, in Adelaide, the OH got a part time job after 3 years of looking; the kids have made friends,and another "big move" may be in the offing. We have a house, in a nice area, 10 mins from the CBD, 12 mins from work, and free parking therein, some friends of our own, whom we admire and respect. We enjoy the convenience of having town, country, beach within 30 mins. We have great neighbours.


    However, I have ambitions, and a shot at being able to provide my family with "more" inspires me. Yet, I am nervous....how does one move interstate? What if I dont like it? how much will it cost? Why shouldnt we? Do we sell or rent the house? What's keeping us here? This is worse than moving half a world away!!!And whilst I know himself and the offspring will make a "go of it" anywhere, I will be "starting again", with nursing and medical colleagues who dont know me, who might resent me. Oh, but the salary and the position are so good...both our salaries combined.....and we can get more bang for our buck in housing terms.........


    I get ahead of myself, I havent even spoken to them yet!:goofy:

    Wondering if ANYONE has had a similar predicament??

    Thanks for listening........

  5. As a British Citizen, he would be entitled to recciprocal care. You will need to visit the medicare store, and they will issue a temporary card for the family. Essentially he would get free emergency treatment, but not ambulance cover! and be able to see a GP in one of the clinics..........Im not sure if payment would be required, hes under 16, so it should be free.

    the staff at Medicare will give you all the info required.

    If you think you may need ambulance cover, im sure SA ambulance have a scheme to cover short stays too!!

    Hope your grandson and his parents make it to see you.



  6. Hi there.

    Check out the DECS website for schools information.not entirely sure that primary schools are IB accredited, so the best thing is to research thaton the web.

    The Easten burbs are lovely,(and a bit pricey, in most cases). the BEST primary school, imo, is Marryatville Primary, but Magill has a good reputation.Burnside is also a good school.

    Glenunga High school has a very small catchment area, and is very competative to get in!! they are IB accredited. hope that helps.


    Best Eastern burbs.........take your pick, magill, wattle park, roslynpark, erindale, tusmore, all very pleasant; and in easy reach of theCBD.


    good luck with your move.


  7. Interesting debate!

    With 2 kids still at school (yr 12 and 10) i would like to add........

    My daughter now attends ASMS at Flinders uni, a school she sought out because the "scattergun" approach was unsettling and unhelpful. Now specialising in her chosen line, she is much more content. Even the hour journey doesnt seem to bother her........

    My son , now in year 12 finds that the concentrated effort is more beneficial, and his subjects are more focused; he seems to think that until now, his education almost ended. In year 10 he was completing extended math because he is a bit talented that way, but the extra workload with less input was a struggle, completing 2 plus years of math in 1 year, in a subject he had to take again thenext year, and again this year, work he has already completed!! It may be easier now, but somewhat repetitive!


    I think the educators are as good here as anywhere; and Lordy, i would give them a medal, i couldnt do it! However, as an child of the UK system from aeons ago.......the broad curriculum is a bit confusing to us more maturepersons!!!


    Is all. Thanks

  8. I agree with both Diane and Hotrod;

    work will decide you, along with schools, transport links, shopping etc plus what you can afford!!

    Eastern burbs are surely the nicest..............but they can be costly.


    Good luck with the move

  9. Hi there,

    gosh you sound as confused as me;

    I was a band 7/8a in the UK too, but i applied for level 1 jobs........now i am looking at level 2 and above after 4 years!!

    Thing is , reading the job specs is a bit confusing, i have all the qualies and experience for a level4; but may be over qualified for a level 2.

    I personally think that any job above a level 1 will come your way after a short period in post........however, i work in the private sector, not the public; and it does look like promotion is a bit more frequent in the public sector, and getting in there from private seems to be like skiing uphill.

    Good luck with it though, and yeah, be cheeky.............

  10. hurrah, a victory for the consumer...............now bring in COSTCO!!!! That'll have the duopoly running for the discounts!


    On Sunrise today they said us Aussie(sic) consumers are being charged upto 177% more for particular items..........but then i dont buy Jack Daniels, so no worries.

  11. Sarah it was great to meet with you last night. All the other folks that turned up, you clearly made the meet more enjoyable. Catch up with ya all soon.:smile:






    OH I SEE..........preferential treatment for the pretty young one! Harumph.............

    Seriously, it was a great night, so glad we went; hope this aged one didnt "cramp your stylees" too much, lol.

    Thanks to Richie T and Meagan for organising it, well done guys.



  12. Hello folks,

    Well, i finished work on time, grabbing some tea than he and me are heading to the Richmond.............and i am actually looking forward to it.

    So if you see 2 40+ peeps looking a bit "out of it" (not drunk) then thats me and himself!!!!

  13. Thank you all for your replies, so good to know that others have the wobbles, and that im not the only one!

    The OH has done so much around the house, reno'd 2 bathrooms, redecorated, rendered the ugly yellow brick, he does do a huge amount to keep things going; He gets casual work as a labourer, and has taken a book-keeping course which resulted in some work....we are a team couple, and as luck would have it; for the 19 years we have been together, HE has done ALL the ironing,( well i may have done it twice in that time lol!) Would not consider anyone a "stirrer" for making the suggestion, and its reassuring to know other guys are willing to take on the day to day chores!!

    Getting "out there" is a bit easier said than done.........it isnt that we havent tried, its just some of the folks we have met are a bit "up themselves"......golfers eh??? Sort of puts one off.

    Honestly i have met some fantastic people here, and PIA members too, and they are so kind.......even if they're not scousers, haha. I am lucky to count them as friends!


    The option to gain citizenship is likely to happen sooner than later; we have to keep an open mind for the kids, and the uni fees are a BIG part of those options!!

    Yes, I have been back to the UK, in may 2012......it was grim. The shining light was seeing my grandsons and meeting my sons partner. Seeing old friends and family was lovely.........but getting back on that plane was a relief; so Adelaide IS my HOME now......thankfully. sometimes though, I miss the people i grew up with, both workwise, socially and familiarly, some days more than others.


    Those of you who have offered to meet for coffee etc, give me a few days to pm you, arrange something......just gotta get out of the doldrums first, cos normally, i am a happy person!!!


    Thanks all for your support!!



  14. Hi all,

    finally someone else thinks its all a bit "cliquey"....after 4 years too, i totally agree. Im in the eastern burbs, and dont know where the Richmond Hotel is, but i might pluck up the courage to attend......maybe i will ask the OH first tho!!!!!

    seriously, i will only ask hime to go along with me; bear in mind we are a decade older than you lot, so be kind to the elders.



  15. Hi folks, not been on here for ages, and feel a bit anxious about things!


    After 4 years, i am now beginng to wonder if i should go for citizenship or not......

    Thing is, i seem to spend my life working, shopping, cleaning up.......all a bit dull really. I feel my life is more work oriented than ever before.

    As i get older, i find myself less able to "mix", something i wasnt really afraid of before. I know the meet-ups happen, usually when i am working!!, yet i never seem to pluck up the courage, or energy to go to them.

    The kids are planning to attend Uni back in the UK, an expensive turn of events!! 1 will go next year, the other in 2 years; so there goes my excuse for staying here. Uni fees here would be just as expensive, as without citizenship, no hecs-help!! Gotta keep those options open!


    I actually like Adelaide, and although the OH hasnt got a job at the mo, he does love it here and doesnt want to go back.

    We have a reasonable home in a nice area, but i only know 2 neighbours to speak to..........i get more conversation at the IGA!!

    I find myself worrying a lot, to leave would have me feeling like i failed; to stay might have me committed to a looney bin.


    I have only once felt homesick, about 6 months in, and since then.....nada! Till now, that is.

    Like a lot of expats, the change over to Aussie life has been a rollercoaster ride, and im not suggesting for 1 minute anyone found it a breeze.

    Just now the decision can wait, but honestly, does anyone else have the collywobbles about the pros and cons of the next step??


    Anyway, thanks for listening............


  16. Hi,

    not sure about that particular visa, but i handed my notice in on 887 visa, following a 457...........after only 5 months of PR.

    luckily my job meant i was ok. But, the DIAC still threatened to revoke my visa unless i could prove unfair conduct by the employer!

    I kept a diary so had dates, times, witness names etc; and a new employer who would have risen to the challange.......

    Hope that helps. Really sorry to hear of the oh's situation, good luck.

  17. Oh Dear,

    I totally missed the "fight started" comment...................

    NO NEED for it, imo; and The LORD knows I am more than happy to weigh into a good "sparring match"! Scousers are known for throwing a punch, then ducking out befor the cops arrive, hahaha


    Findon is hardly Moana, Seaford, Hallett Cove...........and i sure as H aint knocking those areas; but to castigate someone for their dietry desires is a bit much......we ALL have stuff we miss, food is just the tip of the iceberg!!

    I agree that there are alternatives, and some even better ones, but c'mon, play nice, its only bloody readybrek!!

    I am constantly telling expats that this isnt Engerland, deal with it, and a few don't like it, but thats about issues unrelated to this particular topic!



    Keldaz, i don't have any tattoos, scared of needles ( yes even nurses don't like them); and as for being "nice", please dont ever say that again! "nice" is the jumper your nana knitted, or a dress the missus looks like a sack of spuds in!! LOL!!! The offer stands, btw.

  18. Sure I saw some Thorntons in the lolly shop on the street with the antique shops in Strathalbyn. Next time I'm around there I'll check and if they do I'll get some and pm you.





    Jim, you are my hero.........if i get there first, i will pm you, and get you some as a reward



  19. Hi Julie,


    As a nurse you would get sponsorship fairly easily, however, you would be obliged to work only as a nurse; have you considered permanent residency?

    I think the age limit is approx 45years old, but that could be checked with DIAC website info.

    In my honest opinion, you would be best getting a minimum of 6 months experience under your belt; it may take that long to sort out your registration visa etc anyway!


    Start your research early; check out the advertiser website, they advertise nursing jobs regularly, also the sa govt website for jobs. Agencies can help you with relocation, and sponsorships; but again, check them thoroughly before choosing, not everyone has positive experiences with that option!


    Good luck with your studies.



  20. Keldaz,

    I am most definitely a girl; if you have any problems getting hold of the readybrek, i am off to the plaza on saturday.......

    will pick some up for you, if you want!

    Getting meself some blackjacks,..........and angel delight; oh god yes, angel delight!!!!


    It's interesting to read what people miss about the homeland; if anyone is going back soon, for a visit PLEASE bring me some Thorntons toffees.......finished the box i brought back, and oh how i would love to have not been such a piglet!!




  21. totally agree with Jim, the sausage rolls here are downright vile; and the "cornish" pasties are hideous!!


    Have found Coles do some english stuff, but you pay heaps;

    Foodland have the best mushy peas........and i do love my mushy peas!!


    Best curry house i have found is a dodgy looking place on Greenhill Road, right up by the Feathers Hotel; Burnside Curry House....real honest to goodness tikka massala! Proper naan bread too; bliss.


    Keldaz, i know what you mean, bit of a billy no mates myself.......aint it sad?

    I can tell you that the big lolly shop just off Rundal Mall, and the same company at Tea Tree Plaza sell readybrek in a variety of flavours; also angel delight, ambrosia rice pudding, pop tarts, prawn cocktail crisps.........all a bit pricey, but worth it for a treat now and again!!


    Best eating out i have had is the KENSINGTON Hotel, bit pricey, but golly the food is great!!

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