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Posts posted by Scousemouse

  1. Hmmmmn,,,

    my Daddy goes home on monday, after 10 weeks here with us. I am gonna miss the old bugger, but reckon he'll be glad to get back to the 'pool; he misses the Marly, his mates and real beer! I am just sick about him leaving.


    I dont have many mates in the (y)UK; just a few i stay in touch with...........................and i carefully selected them.


    Look, none of us is perfect, 'cept me!, and i have little influence on my kids!!


    Im sorry the kid spoiled the holiday, rotten luck; but at least your family want to come visit; mine and his cant be arsed.....................so stuff them. Count youself lucky yours wanna see you here! Wish it was a problem i had!


    As for not chipping in for their keep, just damn rude; the moral her is to just say to visitors, cough up, or hit a hotel!

  2. Hi Rachie..................

    oh, things are really good; we are buying a house, have put in the application for PR and the kids are getting into the AWESOME aussie ways:wacko:.


    EFC shirts...................my dad brought my lot one each; spotted them on sale in newton plaza..............over $150 each; so will be begging friends to send them over instead of replacing them here!!!


    Soon as i get sorted with stuff, i may join a night out................in the city, tho cos i can get the bus home (blooming cheapskate me)




  3. WELCOME; gosh my kids will be pleased, more bluenoses in Adelaide.


    I actually met an aussie the other day who is an EFC fan! spent his gap year in the 'pool, and considered goodison hallowed ground.

    We are in the eastern burbs, but happy to travel to the city for a pint...............even with blues;)


    pm me and we'll organise a meet.



  4. Well done, you little bargain hunter!

    I reckon that's the best time to go, late friday/saturday; espesh when theres a holiday involved!!!!


    Having said that, i think the meat is quite reasonable here, and the quality (mostly) better.

  5. I certainly am, matey...............so not a very original handle is it???:biglaugh:


    Anfield, huyton, everton valley; then we crossed the water!!

    The OH is a woolton boy...................so the least said eh?


    Golden grove is nice, and only about 20 mins or so from me, a round of lady golf sounds like a good plan; saturdays only tho', himself is in the team now, so sundays are booked up with the kids...............................




  6. Hi,tims other half!!

    Correct, you should apply spf 30, or higher about 30 mins before exposure, and at regular intervals when outside.


    The uv light here is very different to anything you have experienced before...............i tan easily, but have moved to a factor 30, always wear sunnies outside but not a hat.

    i insist that the kids use factor 30, even now its autumn, if their going out for any length of time!


    May is autumn, here, but the sun is still strong.................why take any risk??????


    My sun burnt after applying F30, once befor school................then was outside all day without applying more: result.......frazzled; he's learned a valuable lesson methinks!


    Enjoy your visit




  7. Hi,

    does anyone know how to go about finding old friends/ relatives who live in adelaide? Family have no idea, but are insistant their long lost ones live in SA, ........................

    dont know how to access the electoral role, which i wouldve used back i the (y)uk, and the phone book has, of course, a million people named jones!!!!

    Just my luck that the family has a common name; or should that read popular

  8. Hi guys,

    we are currently looking at a place to buy, which will require an extension;

    so, can anyone recommend a decent, honest, reliable and above all reasonably priced builder?


    Has anyone any experience of council planning regs, process and the cost of a proper application?


    Of course, any builders on the forum are welcome to quote us price per sqm............as a foreigner( pardon the pun!);)



    Jane and Andrew

  9. Hiya,

    my oh plays at mount osmond, and would play anytime...........................i play badly, so any ladies fancy a knock about on the municipal (public) courses after the hols...................give us a call

  10. Just chatting to a few agents, and i am hearing that prices are about 10% over realistic at the moment, but it depends where you are!

    You will get more "bang for your buck"(?) apparently in the southern and northern 'burbs, east is costly, and central is a nightmarish amount!!!!

    Smaller plots by us are way over what you get in the south, and some plots dont have mains water, sewerage etc, all adds to the cost of the build.............:shocked:


    Good luck with your search, kiddo.


  11. Hi, that cost seems excessive.......................i paid $1300 for the boys(2), and $500 for the baby girl, and i am on a temporary visa! This included the fees, upfront for their school trips, excursions etc.

    Have them check with the DECS people who are very good with support, advice etc.

  12. hi sue,

    tbh mate we just went with foxtel..................sad but true; works out about $200 per month, tv, tinternet, tellingbone..............less than we paid back in the (y)uk, so.......

    thanks to Andrew we had to have the sports, and the kids wanted the whole 9 yards, i cba'd myself, cos i only watch the news, how i met your mother, and border force...........and befor anyone has a go, i know, ok, i know!




  13. Hi, yes school fees quoted are about right for primary and high school.


    Then add on the cost of any extra-carricular activities, skating, field trips etc; and of course you have to buy the childrens excercise books.


    Most schools have a student supply shop for the items they need, and i think they are subsidised; but you can always visit k-mart, target and office works for a comparison.

  14. Hi, sorry to hear of your troubles...............................

    i dont mean to be obvious, but there are casual jobs out there, many on a casual basis; and once in the workforce........................well, you have evidence of being in the workforce, so maybe a job more suited to you will turn up later on..............


    i know its hard, and not really much use, but ANY work is better than nothing, espesh if you are running out of funds.


    Good luck with the search




  15. Oh lordy, late for this party too!!!!


    Look, girls and boys, ya pays ya money...................and lets face it quality counts!


    Foundation garments cost a bob or three here, i noticed; even target costs and arm and a foot!!


    AND what is a 14D???.......i need inches (no smutty remarks please) and a cup size!! I really dont have the time to get fitted................and my white under garments are looking decidely , well, not so persil white as they once used to!


    14 is a bit too loose, 12 too snug, dilema.......................a middle aged woman wi'out support..............is it pretty? i think not.


    BTW, i heard that Walmart had made an application to the aussies for a store or two; and given that COSTCO open in Mel this year......................the gate opens. And Tesco IS already in Malaysia, singapore too, im told.....................



    Happy Days




  16. Welcome, and congrats on the job offer!


    Research everything you can about the issues that matter to you;


    Registration, if you have used a recruitment agent, they will guide you. DO THIS SOON, nbsa take their time, expect 3-5 months for it all to go thru'. Be very specific with both nbsa, and nmc, as 1 or the other will slow you down, very frustrating, dunno why we pay them!


    Housing.............work out where you will be working, and chose a decent burb within 20 mins drive. Decide on the realistic requirements, cost etc. About 2 weeks befor you get here contact the agents direct, and make a note of the name, number etc; not all agents will follow up. REMEMBER, not every ausie house has a pool/ tennis court/ barbie etc. and some places are not all they're cracked up to be!!! www.realestate.com.au, is a good place to look.


    Schools, if you have kids, this is a biggie! Good schools are a must, private and public, and some schools are rigid on the catchment areas. Further education costs! but the city has loads of campus spread about..............depends on the courses.


    Dont sell everything, bring much with you; your telly, fridge and washing machine will work here, as will games consols, but the games here may not work in them (different region, apparently!). If you can, get your stuff going BEFORE you leave, that way you wont be waiting for it and having to buy loads of stuff.

    Sheets i think are expensive, so get down to primark and stock up on the duvet covers etc.


    Enough from me, the guys will give ya loads more info....................


    Good luck with it all



  17. Interesting spread of suburbs, there..........................


    Being in the eastern 'burbs close to burnside and about 15-20 from the city, i rather like them best.

    No snobbery here, mateys, just that i made a choice of what was best for me and mine.


    The schools are excellent, very good reps, both public and private.

    The area is clean, as with most Adelaide burbs north and south.

    Close to the city for work, but away enough to be in the countryside.

    Good golf courses, plenty of public tennis courts, a few really nice swimming pools, plenty of clubs to join etc.


    Housing can be expensive; some of it not nearly as good as some of the sothern burbs (flagstaff hill, coromandel, seaford, and the like), or some of the northern areas ( golden grove, tea tree gully) but you pays ya money and all that jazz.

    Good luck with your search!


  18. Oh, Welcome Mandy!!!!

    Matt, you must be made up, mate..................


    As you know, i work at calvary north hospital, and so far, have had a really positive experience of the company, so assuming the wakefield lot are anything like NA, she'll be right.


    Most of the medics work at both, and so far, a few personality traits not withstanding, they seem alright too.

    Parking is a swine there though. Even with permits its a major problem.


    Suggestion for next year........................take the clipsal week off, its a bugga,



    Good luck guys


    Jane, theatre, recovery and endoscopy!!

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