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Posts posted by Scousemouse

  1. No problems.............................you may need a few sessions, but the effects are cumulative. Pm me with your details, and i will sort you out no worries.......................



  2. Heaps............................i could offer you some acupuncture for that; or i could needle the dog so it wont want food so often........................................choice is yours my old china!!!!!:P


    So, guys out there i treat a variety of ailments, bad backs, sciatica, migraine, period pains, frozen shoulder etc etc etc,; fully qualified, and a darn sight cheaper than the charlatans out there!!!!! Use western medical rather than tcm (trad, chinese,med)


    Be more careful, bend youre knees, or get a smaller dog....................

  3. Hi Kerry,

    we're about to go through this process too.

    Our agent has given us 3 options; 1) Employer sponsored 2) region sponsored or 3) Independent skilled.............................we will opt for the employer sponsored option, we think; this depends on company policy etc. check with your agent as to the best one for you!!


    the medical you had in the uk will stand if you had it less than a year ago, so that will be a big saving........................................


    Of course agents fees play no small part in this..............??? do you really need to use one, i wonder??

    DIAC would have the answers. I do know that the regional one prevents you working/living in another state for some time.



    Good luck


  4. Hi guys,

    i know a few of you had your containers recently; ours arrived 2 weeks ago.


    Now, in the uk, the oh signed the seal on the container, and was told that we had to be there to confirm that seal is correct to AQIS.

    We werent asked to be there, Aqis have inspected the contents..........................is this the norm?? We have 3 items they want to destroy/ have irradiated, appaerently, each was boxed and wrapped up individually.


    I might have got confused (easily done, actually), but i am almost sure the removers said we had to be present when they broke the seal; any advice please??????



  5. Oh, really!!!! We aint seen nuthin yet, im told!!!!!! Melted on the way home having spent the day in beautiful aircon.................the car was a blast furnace!!!!!!



    As for Brizzle being 9 degs................it hit double figures in the merkeyside area:p; bermuda baggies at 11 degs....................


    spending more dosh on aircon units for the mansh............................


    wiltingly yours



  6. Hi, Welcome,


    like Russel says, a lot of driving involved.....................


    Research, research and yes, research.... if you can get into a few estate agents and register with them, it might help!!


    If you have a particular intersest, eg golf, try and organise a game with one of the expats; my oh will be happy to oblige!

    Bring plenty of prawn cocktail crisps....................and i will be ur mate forever!!! oh, and above factor 30 suncream.



    Hope it all goes swimmingly.





  7. i said i wouldn't do this, but...................................


    Perth..............is there no crime there then? Have they turned into Stepford people?

    You are a little niaive to think that the situation there is any better than the murder capital of Australia.

    Unless i am mistaken, and i am sure many will correct me, isnt Australias most highly secure prison just outside of Perth???? Curious that.


    Sadly, crime is a fact of life, dear;


    I repeat again!! Please stop compounding the misery with your horror stories, and tales of woe; some have posted helpful, hope filled responses to this, if anyone had noticed, and thank you for this. Adelaide is not nirvana; we will all find that when we're DEAD; as this little debate should be.

  8. Good on ya Matt for pointing it out!


    I thought this forum was an advisory/support/ make friends networking type of place, not somewhere to get airiated,spiteful and then compound some poor buggers misery with your own horror stories type of thing!


    God love the poor buggers having it tough, my heart aches for you; for those of us with more positive experiences, dont feel you have to apologise!!!


    At the risk of upsetting the p.c brigade........racism works both ways, you know, i had black and asian colleagues call me "spook"; did i cry? did i run home and hide sharp instruments? NO I bleeding didnt. Colleagues give each other nicknames................and sometimes name themselves disparaging names just to be fun and a bit off notice. i get MOO (cypriot slang for darling) at home, but if anyone asks, i tell, it's cause im a cow!!!!!!



  9. RIGHT!!!!! I have read this post all morning and want to throw my twopen'orth in, please.


    Firstly; we have left the UK for a reason, what was that reason? i am sure you all have one, and many have said why. I personally believe that many of us left because we are so disillusioned with our homeland, we decided to get out while we COULD.

    Of course we miss family and friends, thats normal, but a little effort will get us new ones here! That is why we use PIA, isnt it???????


    Rentals; bloody good luck to those "self-serving" (not my opinion) people who have short term lets for the use of. A few folk have been ripped off by taking holiday lets at 3 times the cost; I consider these people a useful resource for new migrants, especially as not everyone can get/ is elegible for OAA.


    Health care; reciprocal health care is available; you then only need to "add on" the dentist, optitian; g.p. unless you actually must have FULL insurance, for your own reasons. We, as a family of 6 pay $38 a month, cheap as...........


    Jobs; ok i am lucky, i really like my job and my colleagues, and found the aussies to be helpful, tolerant (in the main) and to hear of "threats of violence" has me wondering why this hasnt been reported to the boss, or better yet, the police!! You wouldn't tolerate that in the uk, so why here?


    Food; ok, some stuff is expensive, but the quality is better. Given this country is as big as EUROPE, hardly a shock that some foodstuff costs more.............ever heard of transport/ storage costs???? Ok, we cant get 9p tins of beans, and 50p bread, it something we will have to deal with. You can of course, grow your own veggies..........tomatoes, onions, etc in pots!!!! Many of my colleagues actually do, and with varying the crops they grow, they swap produce, saving somewhere in the region of $20 per week. I am turning my little plot into a market garden, so please feel free to get feudal..............although i draw the line at pigs and chooks.


    Clothes; ok, i agree, and my daughter would too. Designer tramp? WTF is that about? $150 for a pair of cut off short that wouldnt cover a dolls arse, let alone a 10 year old's. Next and Mn S do have international deliveries, and for thse fortunate enough to have rellies, Primark, Asda etc are excellent value. I have a brother and a dad, not much use for buying ones foundation garments, so i will rely on girlfriend and her daughters! Admittedly, the cost is high, but you pays for quality my lovers!


    I am so sorry for anyone who is having a bad time of it; and i am not critising them for saying so; that is what the forum is, getting support and a shoulder to cry on when times are tough, and having a laugh with others in the same boat!!


    Reading BB's post, well, yes, we chose to be here, we have to put the effort in to get something out; and yes, we all have the right to leave!!! How many times have we said that back "home" about bitchin migrants????? And here we are doing the same thing!!!


    So, guys,and gals, endeth the sermon. Gd bless and good luck


  10. Hi Dawn,

    welcome to the site! I work at Calvary North, in theatre, been here about 8 weeks now, loving it so far.

    Some of the girls i work with do a bit of agency in elderly care, i can ask aroud for you. There seem to be a lot of nursing/residential care homes in Adelaide, and it looks like there is plenty of work in the field.


    Good luck with the move though, hope all goes well.

    Take care


  11. The 457 is a faster issued visa Matt; somewhere between 4-12 weeks, versus the 12-18 months for the 175.!!! It doesnt preclude application for pr once you are here; in fact the process then is much faster, and can be issued on shore, i believe, though im not 100% on that.

    Also, many employers are willing to support your application for pr, espesh if like nurses, they have issues with recruitment!!:)and they like you. Agency immigration officers will advise, fear not.

    Recent changes with FIRB can now allow temp visa holders to buy a house (funds dependent, natc), whic is a significant shift in policy, and beneficial to the aussie economy...................but no allowance for the fist time buyers bonus, yet. So rent until it is............


    Given the rubbish state of the uk,it is a nice option for those in a hurry.

  12. Ahhh,Pete, we should start a lone parent, 4 little darlings on the beach club!;)'cept my oh was on the golf course.

    Only, my recalcitrant 18 year old was the issue; the others where fine!!


    apologies to the others, for my hasty and unfriendly departure, those in the know, know;).


    Take care


  13. Hi Ally Wes and co;

    gosh, you're a busy girly, aren't you?

    Right our stuff left the UK 13/11; and we are told the container will arrive yesterday! our removal firm told us we would be contacted as it arrives, they contacted us last week for our details, so im hoping the container is here.


    A resourceful mum, you will be "camping" for a week or 3, but honestly, its not too bad. We got the essential stuff, tv, fridge, sofa, beds and bedding. A bbq is almost a must, cooking indoors can be a hot experience, and the man of the house will do the bulk of the cooking; quick girly tip there!:D!

    If you can, airfreight the stuff you cant live without; games, books, consol, desktop etc..........please note, no girly stuff in there, no make-up, shoes , hairdryer, how selfless our we?


    Anyway, good luck with the move!!


  14. Cara,

    my little contribution.............

    choose an area, set a budget, contact the agents for about 2 weeks by phone prior to leaving,by phone, organise viewings for 3-4 days post arrival.

    I have a big family, as you know; and each had specific requirements............like their own rooms, sitting room and pool! Not many houses fill the bill within our budget, so the pool went west (got a portable one now though).


    Working in the city, i didnt want a long distance to travel; about 30 mins max each way. selfish, i know, but hey, i came here to have more time with my family....


    Hills, coast? i settled for hills. So far from other expats who arrived within the same timeframe, and its a price we had to pay; so far it hasnt really prevented contact! So tough luck, kp nuts, sue to oz, trakki et al, ;).

    either way, if you need help, just ask.........................i can cover the city and eastern suburbs for you.


    BTW, you arrive 6 days befor my birthday............................i might have a party, guys, complete with bbq, booze and stuff!!!!


    Take care Cara, see you then


  15. Hiya bill and Val,

    if you need any help, Andrew will be more than happy to go with you to sort out a deal! He will even help you set up the system at home................it's the least we could do, for all the help we got from you!


    woohoo, just a few more days and you're in!! How excited are you two??


    Be good now, ya hear?


    Jane and Andrew and the bratz xx

  16. Weez,

    im in the same boat, pet. We had plans to go to Elder park, but it looks like a no-go now...............................too many peeps for us, and the thought of loosing one of them.........or worse, loosing me!


    maybe we will hit the beach, weather permitting, and dinner out

  17. OK, as a serial complainer; expert nark and all round consumer twerp.............................


    Firstly, always check exactly WHAT you get for your dollar; tell the retailer what you expect to get; and the buggers will bend backwards for the custom. Most places will offer some incentive to buy from them...............poor fools.


    Second; read any small print if buying on credit; wily dealers will have the shirt off your back.......

    third; shop around; tell dealers you will look elsewhere if they wont comply with your (reasonable) expectations, and you have to be reasonable, you wont get owt for nowt!!!!!


    Rude service??? Speak to the manager; failing that, get the head office details..............and ask for the floor persons name...............the buggers are really not happy if you make a complaint, and the manager will magically appear; even tho' he wasnt in 5 mins ago............


    Worried about being called a whinging POM?.........Stuff it, adopt an AMERICAN accent if it helps. ~If you want good service..............the yanks lead the field, God Bless Em.


    DO NOT GET EMBARRASSED! Wily salesmen can spot a victim at 50 paces; and the twiddling, fumbling Brits show is a dead giveaway.



    Rant over..................................

    Fed up being taken for a mug; and skint having got here...........................

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