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Posts posted by Scousemouse

  1. Calvary north, babe........................strangways tce.


    Got here a week ago, been frantic, the rental thing takes some getting used to.

    so far, Judi, and her parents have been fabUlous; Paul, staffords, ace...............

    bought a car, got ozzy licences..............next step, medicare, a home, another motor,to the oh's annoyance...................the rest my love, a tale to telll.....................

  2. Hiya, and morning!


    Right spoke to the agent...............he reckons they're being ars******s; but we are forging ahead. James has a college place, which we are paying for, and no other means of support, but bank of mum and dad. He is discussing the matter with them today.

    Our visa hasn't been granted yet, and the agent is working on 1 more week. Even he cant understand what the H they want............oh beaurocracy is a pain.

    Should hear this am what else we can do; eg a student visa or whatever, more paying out then!!!! Some "cashed up Brit" i'm gonna be:biglaugh:.


    No hangover tho', bonus!!

  3. Oh, the DIAC are good...................my 18year old son, a clean living, law abiding lad has come to oz, on my visa application (457); not only have they kept asking for more and more info, they now want even more. The lad has been looking for work, on the dole for the past 10 months; he is dependent on me and Andrew for just about all living expenses.......... now the shower want even more bank details, which is nigh on impossible cos the account is closed, we have no details, and the b'stids want more info!!!!!

    In the Y(uk), he could walk in as a non-english speaking, hiv ridden, sex offending mental case, no questions....................... welcome to oz the Edwards family, but you are law abiding, tax paying, highly qualified peeps, you might not be able to stay!!!!

    Maybe i should have him stab some one...................seems fair.


    Oh and all you Gaurdian readers getting all flumoxed at that..............poag ma thoin

  4. Hi Rachel and Jeff,

    yup, take the offer, but make sure you get an exchange with a decent length befor completion, else beware gazzundering!!!!!!


    Depends where you are in Cheltenham i guess; but even so, the house prices there are much higher than in murkyside, where i just left!!!!

    Just left CGH, after 3 years of working away from home............don't ask, but i suspect it gee'd up my decision(no pun intended).

    Good luck, and see you here soon



  5. Err, don't want to be a referee here.........but Girls!


    Judi, i think you're fab, so far i have no readon to doubt your morals, or integrity. We are made up with the house:)we have rented, and i hope someone reading this, needing a place will accept my reference!

    Pash, babe, play nice; im sure both Judi and Russel are sorted enough to say it for themselves.


    Kiss and make up, or i will sing,

    The newbie!



  6. Thanks all.............

    feeling better today, a bit.

    So, the house is lovely, thank Judi and Ian..........:wubclub: glad we chose here.

    Looking for a car, think we have found the right one, a kia, so on monday, we will test drive, and buy it!

    The house search begins for long term rental, anyone recommend an agent, feel free to share the details!

    Phones and the bank on monday too; letting agents etc; what a palaver; hahaha.


    Glad to see the weather is just like an english summer, but warmer rain:biglaugh:!


    Take care


  7. :)Hi there, g'day!!


    Firstly, thanks Judi for picking us up, and dealing with us lot; also for the bubbly, short work was made.......


    .Singapore booking staff are morons, they didnt put us in the emergency exit seats to accommodate man mountains extra long pins; but the crew moved us, first leg ok; second leg, no chance. Bit peeved, my boy was a bit squashed, and tiny tim and tina had sleeping room,; it's over, let it go.


    Singapore cabin crew are seriously fabulous..........nothing too much trouble. Recommend them.

    It is now 0115hrs............dark, and i am on the bloody interweb cos i woke up too soon!!!!


    Hopefully meet up soon.




  8. Bloody heck,

    got just 2 big sleeps, if we can sleep.


    spent today, repacking. throwing away stuff, tip runs, dads house with the last bits n bobs............checking passports, important docs will this end??? SOOOOO stressed out:arghh:.


    Cap on this; gotta stop smoking the fags, drinking vino and learn how to be a good girl (how dull).


    Guys, cheers for the help over the past few months...............see y'all for a bevvy next week.




  9. Not racist, Pablo, and i dont recall anyone saying that here!!


    As a fellow scouser, you surely have faced some form of discrimination from others, just because of the way you speak. Not slating, just a gentle reminder.............tolerence is sadly lacking in todays society.


    A poor kid is dead; his mother grieves, we all feel sad that people can't or wont at least TRY to make an effort.


    It is shock and disgust that has prompted some of the posts.........


    Nite all

  10. Libby,

    you are absolutely right to be outraged; there does seem to be a certain lack of human kindness; and if my comments have upset you, i apologise, unreservedly.


    To explain myself better;

    Refugees, in my humble opinion, can, and do contribute to society. However, in order for them to intergrate into the culture of the host nation, someone, somewhere must be mindful of the "tribal" differences of such people, and afford consideration to each faction..........not put them together to facilitate such sad actions! This does not advocate a ghetto culture, either.

    The lowlife who killed the boy, clearly, has done little to recognise that they, too are trying to live away from such wickedness that permeates their homeland. Therefore, they will not attempt to accept others way of thinking. They have broken the law, and punishment should be swift, cost effective, and send a clear message to others who are seemingly, determined to perpetuate their differences.


    I accept that, some, youngsters, who as you kindly point out, have "nowhere" to go, are congregating in large numbers, and it makes us nervous. Not all of these kids, are troublesome, surely. Until i know better, and am enlightened, are they fighting against each other? Are they looking to commit senseless violence on indigenous, for want of a better phrase, aussie citizens?


    I am sorry you have been upset, and truly, i didnt mean to offend, but until people like "us" actually moot these ideas to those in authority, very little will get done. I have written and e-mailed many a politician in the uk, to no avail.........i had 2 replies saying that the "cost and considerationof such action" would "outweigh any benefit".

  11. This is a rather emotive subject; let's not all forget that.


    Refugees.........those seeking refuge from acts of agression etc,are subject to the same laws as everyone else! There is NO EXCUSE for continuing the problems they wish to escape............or using said acts to gain a way to remain in any country by means of incarceration.


    Migrants........those moving to another country for work/ economic/ educational purposes; are subject to many rigorous checks, and financial encumberances. I doubt that the bulk of English, Italian, American etc migrants are coming to australia to continue to live the way they have in their homelands!

    I would say many of us are actually looking to start afresh; and i know my kids WONT be carrying knives, toting pistols or carrying out acts of wanton vandalism..............it's what i want to get them away from.


    Sad this boy has died; sadder still for his mother; but the fact remains that the pupertrator, should and must be sent back..........clearly their mentality hasn't changed.


    Councelling wont work, re-education wont work and this a fact.


    Enough of my soapboxing now!

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