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Posts posted by Scousemouse

  1. Ok, i will................Good luck Sue and Rob!:)

    RNM should have no problems getting work; you have only to check out the "nutters" on this forum:biglaugh:.FNAH,FNAH.


    Hope all goes well..............sell if you can.



  2. Hmmmm,

    does anyone else think Mr Evens may have a point about immigration???


    The problem here seems to be that the powers that be, have put opposing factions of assylum seekers in close proximity............the perpertrators should be re-patriated with IMMEDIATE EFFECT. Why should law abiding, genuine people, regardless of migrant status, pay for jailing them?


    Sadly, it isn't until something like this happens that anyone does anything!


    As an economic migrant, i don't expect to be considered "special" ( even though i am, personally); i just want to work, live and play in peace with my neighbours.........whatever their colour, creed, sexual persuasion; is it too much to ask for????

  3. Obviously, you and yours are sweet; hence the fly invasion!:)


    Seriously though, i use a camping "mosigo", it's a coil of insect repellent that you set a light to; and of course, i smoke (dirty creature), but am giving up on the flight for all the anti-smoking fascists!; that seems to deter the horrid little buggers...........

  4. :biglaugh: that should blow the cobwebs off them, Gill!!


    Judi, bless her is picking us up, problem solved.


    Getting excited now; finalising all the little details etc, today......packing up the last of our stuff tomorrow, last visits to family at the weekend, then up up and away!!!!!!!

  5. :arghh::arghh::arghh:

    Gill, please tell me you had supersized cases!!! We have hired a big 8 seater too, but with more bags than peeps; i forsee a problem here...........


    Sue, how was the trip? Hope all are well; we leave in 9 days; still trying to get the cases sorted.......and to stay inside the limit; seems i may be leaving my shoes behind



    Take care


  6. Hallo effrebodeee!

    Today at 10 am, the slimey toad exchanged contracts....................:)

    Result; we are heading your way, you have been fairly warned.


    Still feeling spiteful, started drinking already.......i anticipate Huwie paying a visit to the loft:biglaugh:..................


    Cheers all for your kind words


  7. Well done! Nowt wrong with a healthy wariness of our 4 legged friends!!!! She will get there...............but i must say, my Esther shoves her face into the muzzle of devil dogs, alsations and other vicious creatures..............but not boys, yet, thankfully:biglaugh:; oh for a little restaint.......and befor Pete has a go, i tried duct tape:biglaugh:


    Good luck with her conversion!

  8. How did i miss this thread, must be blind, or plain dumb!


    Andrew, we only arrive on the 20th, so probably not going to make this seminar, sadly.

    Would love to get there if you run another; got an NHS pension that i WILL be transfering...............so count us in on the next one please



  9. YOU GUYS:wubclub: ROCK!!!

    Thanks all, what a super lot you are;

    The exchange is set for tomorrow......friday, so fingers x'd peeps, that there are no more hold ups.


    Will be on the wagon from now..........cant afford the wobbly water anyway ( selfish pig, i should sing on his doorstep!). However, Judi, to b polite, i will gladly accept a glass or two from you:); i am so self sacrificing, when other pay!!


    Have taken on board all your suggestions and we will;

    1 not clean the house

    2 not clean the range cooker

    3 not flush the toilets; and with 3 teenage boys in the place.......urghhh

    4 not leave a light bulb.


    Sadly, i cant remove the cast iron fire surround (worth about £1500), the bloody estate agents listed it........grrr, but the chimney will have a pillow shoved up it:biglaugh:


    See you all soon.........just another 12 big sleeps.

  10. didn't see this when we were there; just a beep or seven when the OH didnt move at te lights within a nanosecond:biglaugh:


    Dont confuse us older dolly's..............i still work in mph, inches, pounds and ounces.


    BTW, whats the story with the ferrari and the lampost? saw it in the "metro"; it got my dad worried that we were moving somewhere close to a posh place??


    Must admit, i think he was more bovvered we cant afford a ferrari!

  11. Well said pesty;


    my thoughts, feed the moggy exlax and empty the litter tray under the loft insulation! Day befor you leave, buy 2 mice from the pet shop, and put them under the floor boards, with food( this came from the estate agent!); cautic soda on the conservatiory roof.....breaks the seal, causes damp! have a leaving do in the house and let the boys have a p**sing against the wall contest.


    TBH, i can't. Sadly, i am too bloody honest, and house proud.

    I feel vindictive, and God knows there are others in a worse state than us......but what goes round, comes round.


    I really do want him to have ugly kids; and b.o!!:biglaugh:


    Enough, already..........lifes too damn short, we are all worth more than this guy, and have earned the right to say so



  12. Cheers Girls............it is just another reason why decent folk are getting the hell out of this dump!!!!!


    In the words of Steven Lynch............i will drink it pretty (hic).


    I wish the bugger ugly babies...............sad, but i do........



    Steven Lynch is on you tube, sooooo very funny; not quite weird al yankovic, but funny.


    Busy getting ratted, but thanks all for your support. Will STILL get on that plane, if i have to sell a baby to do so...........any offers;)

  13. Not that i am a geek or anything; but i have an OH and 4 techno babies so;


    another easy way when you have uploaded your photos, put the usb key in the port and transfere the lots by saving onto the key. you just make sure when you save, that the "drop down" is on "removable device"; apparently.:confused:

    made no rhyme or reason to me.


    well done on saving those presh mems

  14. Good Luck, all of you.


    You'll be fine........if your removals guys are anywhere near what we just had, they were fabulous.................drank me out of tea though!!!

    You will be demented today, tonight and in the morning.......but as soon as the container arrives, the stuff vanishes fairly quickly.

    Suggest lots of tea and biccies for the guys, and a large wobbly water for you.


    Take care

    Jane x

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