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Posts posted by Scousemouse

  1. oh, this made my flesh crawl, and gave me a needed giggle at the same time:huh:


    Never heard of inch ants, are they an inch big then????

    Oh, and my boy has been asking for a "goolie-gaurd".........cos my brother said the redbacks hide under the lavvy seat just so's they can munch on yer nads!!


    Sad.but true, so if you know where i can purchase said protective wear.......please tell.

  2. Thanks Hedy,


    what rotten sods; if this guy phones me, i would pierce his eardrums, and make a docker blush......:)


    We fly the same day as you, from London.......singapore airlines.

    See you in the bar for a celebratory bevvy........after all we is moving onwards and upwards:)



  3. Thanks Gill,

    whats making this worse is, we are sat in an empty house, no pots pans, and the bugger is saying he cant sign until tomorrow!??

    I hope he gets something nasty...............orchiditis maybe.

    God forgive me..................but he has made me curse; and worse.


    It isn't so mch the money; just the timing and the callous attitude about leaving us dangling like puppets.


    The one consolation is we will have a better revenge by leaving this forsaken place and starting again in oz.


    The sad thing is, it makes you feel like you will never trust anyone again, or will pull the same lousy trick on some poor innocent in the future.

  4. :mad::arghh::shocked: Folks selling their houses..............beware.........

    the practice of gazundering is under way in the (y)UK.


    This basically involves the buyers delaying signing contracts, until you the seller has, then making a lower offer on your house. Some unscrupulous, nasty and snide purchasers are waiting until the last minute before your expected completion date to do this..........in our case 4 days!!!!!!


    The callous swine who do this need to be taught a lesson. Legally there is little one can do because the buyers have not committed to the sale, yet.


    However, the worm has now been black-balled from the golf club he wishes to join! I, personally have ensured that our neighbours (past lady and past captain, and chair of the greens commitee!); and some of our influential partners.......another past captain, house commitee chair, members chair are aware of this rotters behaviour. Not really enough, but a prestigeous club doesn't want HIS SORT associated with their membership!

    BTW, he has applied twice before; he has a high handicap, no letter from God (we had introductory letter from the Lancashire R&A president), and was planning to use our neighbours to get him in, not now bucko....


    So, dear readers, dont tell the rotten low life you're emigrating, do not sign until they do, and get a decent solictor.


    Regards, a slightly jaded, somewhat hungover and feeling miserably vindictive


  5. our packers have been...........yesterday and today.........contents of a 6 bed mansh now en route!


    I really have to say, they have been bloody great; Even got my santa on the container; which was a relief, i didnt want to sell him at a boot sale for £15!


    pss get my vote from this end.Craig and Richie the packers were marvellous..........quick clean cheeky but nice..........


    we will be impressed if it arrives as scheduled!

  6. oh ay,Pete, giva a gurl a break(down) why dontchya??


    They have gone; along with everything in the house!!!!!!! Bleeding buyers are p**sing me off........victim of the current financial downturn now, and they are so gonna pay for it.............evil b*tch, me.


    1 positive point...........got no way of cooking! Looks like i will be dining out for the next 2 weeks...........should work wonders for the dishpan hands:)

  7. :shocked: OMG, they are arriving today................i am soo not ready.


    Andrew is currently dismantling the bikes, drowning them in Jeyes fluid, which is nauseatingly strong!

    The wardrobes are only half down, the display unit is still full of cr*p; the eldest is STILL in bed, and my hair is wild this morning.


    Will we be ready? Will i have a breakdown? Will the wash basket EVER get to empty?:arghh: Will my 5ft santa fit in the container, once the other stuff is in???


    It's such a step........in just 15 days, we're outta here.......yay; OH, please pass the gin..........

  8. Hi Ian,

    we are using PSS international, they're based in croydon, surrey.


    our container 20ft, 1100 cubic feet, is costing just over 4100gbp.

    The rep who came was lovely, really professional and helpful; and they didn't hassle us for the business, unlike some others.


    Gave us a 10 week delivery time......

    hope that helps



  9. I counted 23, plus 2 asides.......

    However, in response (from a mother to a 10 yr old female)...........


    There's the usual, she wont be treated differently......she WILL, it is mandatory.

    Boys don't stand a chance against the little "princess".


    She will take up football! Despite the fact it isnt ladylike.

    She will cost a fortune in clothes, and the resulting laundry bill, cos after 30 mins, she "needs" to change her outfit..........

    Someone, in the future will break her heart; and you will become a psychotic homicidal maniac........something you wouldnt do for the male off spring when some scheming witch hurts him!

    She will turn the puppy eyes on you to get what she wants.....if she doesn't get it......keep a screwdriver handy so you can put the door back on its hinges!


    Wouldnt change it for the world, i adore my baby girl! Lets give the boys a chance here; God forgive me for letting down the womenfolks; but someone has to look after the men......

  10. Lisa,


    DON'T panic!!!! This has been mooted on several forums; all are worried........

    Essentially there will be some restrictions and delays in issuing visas.


    a skilled migrant, on the demand list, with essential qualifications/ experience, and can do a job that an oz citizen isn't available for will be sorted as befor, just a bit slower whilst the "credit crunch" is affecting the world!


    I reckon those who don't have English as a first language may struggle a bit more........not racist, just practical.


    Continue with your application, you have nothing to loose just yet.....................

  11. Sorry sweetie,

    have i put a downer on your day????


    Bright side, i am no expert, just been on many sites, and asked many q's about all this........ you might get more from another source, i really hope so.


    How's blckpool today? nearly as cold and grey as new brighton?....... i spent my day cleaning, packing, sorting, chasing agents in every field; have hit the bottle early, so up the proverbial now


    In just 9 days i move out of my lovely house, into dads before i fly out; and no news about the damn visa yet...........................:arghh::arghh::arghh:.

    Have a good evening, petal



  12. :o Errr,

    as some may have guessed, i have a son who is 18 years old.


    Now he has been neglected over his short lifetime; malnourished and diminutive.........


    can i buy size 16 shoes/ sandals/ trainers in Adelaide? That's UK 16's, or European size 50!!

    Can i buy trousers of a 34 plus inch inside leg measurement?

    Can i get a 48inch chest, long sleeved jacket for him???


    Will i have to get his beloved VANS over the t'interweb??


    At 6ft 8inches tall, he is (just) outside the "off-the-peg", average;

    We have, naturally, bought him some stuff to take.....but the future replacement means a long wait, or a huge bill.


    I would appreciate no "funny" comments about his size being related to other extremities..............( it is TRUE, btw); as we are sensitive souls......


    Social services can be contacted on....+44 151 645........should you wish to report the obvious neglect of this poor child



    Much Love



  13. 'Fraid so, love......however, a little ray of sunshine for yu........

    the tax form P85, when you leave the (y)UK, may allow for some exemption on the taxable rates for leasing your home.

    Also, you may qualify for the LAFHA (living away from home allowance), from the ozzy govt.

    A migration agent may be able to help you, or an accountant, or even the CAB office near you.



    Good Luck



  14. tut, tut, tut..............

    i am a very courteous, respectful and law abiding driver; this just affirms that males are rotten road users.........you deserve a "doing" by the rozzers!!!!:policeman: are just looking out for sensible, careful and responsible road users like myself.


    Shame on you boys!

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