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Posts posted by Scousemouse

  1. Devon et al are correct! You should park with the flow of traffic.........


    CAUTIONARY TALE; a friend of mine, home late from a call parked her car the "wrong" way; it got hit by another car and was totalled. Her insurance refused to pay out, they voided the premium because she "parked against the flow of traffic, causing her car to be less visible" to the drunken lout who drove away without stopping!!!


    So, 10k worse off, no car and rubbish public transport..........


  2. Nice post, Thanks Dan and Steph.


    I am dreading the goodbyes, leaving my dad and baby brother (he is 37, btw!); but have justified the move to myself already.


    I do hope Steph is settling in her job, what rotten luck she's had, and hope hers is the exception to the rule, otherwise, my OH wont be a happy chappy.........not to mention my teenager, who will be "on the market"


    Good Luck with the rest of it!!


  3. Lush idea, Pat.................

    sure beats dad's couch:). We are really hoping to get there the same time as you guys; and cornishbusdriver..........seems we will be up against it on the rental applications, hahaha.


    Wishing you all the best


  4. The A380 flew over the wirral show this year; it's huge!!!!


    traffic stopped; people stopped; all eyes skyward...............even the WoW players at the Oh's barbeque stopped talking long enough to be in awe:biglaugh:.

    I have to say, it was very impressive, go stand on one of those gorgeous beaches and be prepared to have your chin in the sand.


    Not sure if bobble hats, anoraks or notepads are compulsory there; please say no, i have sent ours to the charity shop:goofy:

  5. Yup, i have a brother like that, too. He is the best uncle in the world; has a mug to prove it too:biglaugh:.


    Bet the playstation figures in there, and the occassional sip of stella; but dont tell yer mam!!!! :skeptical:


    Well, have a good time, make sure you talk to the removals/finance and govt reps.....sooo useful, espesh on pension transferes



  6. now Clare!!! What do you mean cynical? Just because we are adept at fooling the unsuspecting public vis a vis the "no it wont hurt ":biglaugh:. If there ozzies daft enough to think we have got the brass, and i get better service..............so be it.


    As for scrap books; well a whole new avenue of exploits, methinks.


    Time for :SLEEP:; still trying to sell furniture, freezer, christmas decos, bloody pooped!!


    Ciao for now


  7. Hiya,

    i went to the leeds expo in Feb/ Mar this year. They're quite good actually.

    A lot of construction companies, govt reps from a few states, some health companies, and on occassions.....smaller specialised firms.

    Can be crowded, and the kids get bored with it all; i would take your own drinks, they charge a small fortune for a small cuppa, and its horrid! Although the nice guys at moneycorp gave my kids a coke each, anything to stop them bleating:)


    I think mostly the companies do the rounds, cost effective marketing; but at some of the bigger ones, you do get a few more exhibitors, clearly!!


    Leeds i think is oct 17th ish.....there is a website just google expo at leeds......


    Take your c.v's; ask loads and they will be on you like hungry crocs.............


    Good luck, have fun


  8. rofl!!


    im not easily offended, but i know what you mean:biglaugh:


    If only they knew; i have spent soo much money already, the stamps for mailing, the e-mails, the pens to fill forms in, the medicals (OMG how much was that??); estate agents; the list goes on and on.........and i haven't even got my visa:biglaugh::biglaugh::huh:, registration etc etc etc....... bloomin skint me.


    Wont kill em to be misled for a while tho'!!!!!!


  9. Flab eyes?? :confused: I think i mught have said summat like....."Fat ass"; in response:). Maybe i am an oversensitive soul, tho'.

    I am gathering the old club card or nectar points thing is what you all are meaning???


    Cashed up Brit??? What's one of those? We're all skint cos we have spent our pennies getting there...................or it feels like it





  10. Thanks all:wubclub:

    I gues tonight i had best stay up late and phone the b##gers!

    Getting nowhere fast with e-mail, so the phone bill is gonna cost me as much as the flights:biglaugh:..

    So many just wont help. I just get "you need to be here..."; or "wait till you arrive" or nothing at all. Bit of a pain, unless you want holiday rental, and as we don't know how long it will take to find a place, get furniture (as needed)........:arghh:


    The one consolation; the sun is shining here, the washing is drying nicely, and everyone is at school or work; bliss



  11. Hi everyone,

    i know loads of people are looking, but i have to try.

    We are hoping to make the jump in mid november; and need a 4 bed house for a few weeks:shocked:; for a family of 6....; just until we find somewhere we like/can afford....

    i have e-mailed letting agents etc, but they just don't want to know unless we are actually there. I will keep badgering them though, we are a tenacious lot us northern nurses:). I cant even find out what info they require for rental, don't they want the business?

    I wont have my stuff tll Jan09 so the basics will do, just somewhere clean!


    Hotels are not an option, too expensive,and too restrictive.

    I know it will be summer by then, but i can't sleep on the beach, what would i do if the whaling fleet showed up?:biglaugh:


    Any ideas? Suggestions to be kept clean pls!!!



    Jane, Andrew James Sam Connor and Esther

  12. We DEFINITELY wont be cheering them on then, :biglaugh:, we are ABU's in this house.....anyone BUT utd. Having said the the FIL is one of the cheating red filth, his name is Martyn Edwards; sadly not the one who has all that dosh lying around;lol. Cudda bin worse, but i aint sure how!


    Guess when we get there, we will do the stadia tour, check out the sporting life, and still end up on the golf course, tennis court or the bikes!!!!

  13. Hi Matt,

    we are aiming for around the same date, but from Manchester. Haven't decided on which airline yet; need seats with plenty of leg room!! and of course, the baggage allowance for 6 of us is fast becoming an issue!


    Would love to meet up for a bevvy, mate; it'd be great to be with other newbies!


    Yes, theatre nurses are particularly odd; all that rummaging in other peoples innards, bound to have an affect on ones perspective! Also, being a bit loopy, takes your mind off the smell.....................and then theres the odour of the innards!!




  14. OMG, a&e, theatre,recovery, hdu, respiratory,awfulpaedics:biglaugh:, paediatrics, and a couple of midwives.........we could open our own hospital at this rate!!

    I agree, using an agent isn't for everyone, but they can offer support and guidance, and do some of the leg work. I declined the offer of relocation packages, i like to have some control. Mind, what they offered wouldn't have shipped us out there anyway!!


    Public or private; issues are the same..........doesnt warrant the worry just now.


    Have a great day yawl, im cleaning up for the buyers!!!!


  15. Hey Coincidence, or what?


    I too have gone thro' clinical one; got my registration application today, so another $190 spent:goofy:.

    Will be working in CALVARY NORTH ADELAIDE in Recovery............no longer suffering as a scrub or anaesthetic nurse; the Lord be praised. Happy daze


    Hoping to make the jump about the same time as cornish and mrs cornish; how spooky is that?

    Be good yawll



  16. Don't think you'd have too much hassel with it mate!

    A New Zealand registered nurse can qualify much more readily than us sad old UK trained bods!lol.


    If you are registered with other states; from what i read; you only pay the $20 fee to transfer over, as you have already undergone the necessary checks!!


    NBSA would be hot on anything, if it ain't quite what they're after!!!


    Good Luck


  17. Great stuff Cara!:)

    Hopefully, i will get 2 weeks orientation befor i start work; should be enough time to find my way round, buy a phone, find a house, school and the requisite hairdresser/ beautician/etc,. Maybe even meet a few ex-pats!!:biglaugh:

    I am a theatre nurse, mainly recovery, some anaesthetics, but no way will i scrub again.........can hardly wait to get back "in the saddle". Gave up work in June, as a band 7, and i miss it already!!!!!!



    Be good now, ya'hear?


  18. Hi Hazel,

    i am going on a 457 business sponsored (temp) visa;

    so did the modified assessment only with NBSA;

    The application form for assessment, which is on the website, and the ANMC website state that temporary visa doesnt require ANMC assessment aswell. The issue will be up again if i apply for PR in the future!

    Why do it this way? Speedy exit from the (y)UK....:)


    Hope that helps


  19. NBSA sure dont hurry along; my application took 20 weeks; but because NMC goofed up, that was 3-4 weeks longer than i expected.:err:. Still, i am "eligible for registration"; so the visa application can go in, and with the house sold etc, i can start planning my new life in Adelaide:).

    My mate applied to Wait Awhile, western aus, and that took even longer!!


    I reckon NBSA just want to be thorough, safe and sound; which is not a bad thing, just infuriating for us immigrants!



    Have a great day, yawl


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