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Posts posted by Scousemouse

  1. Ah, golf.......great game.

    Anyone tell me of a good course for the OH (3.2!!!!); membership costs, letter from God?? And, can anyone tell me of an "easy" course for myself? I am pants......

    Cheers guys


  2. Hi Cara,

    easy mistake to make......so many forms are bound to fry the old noodle:goofy:

    I just picked up an e-mail from the recruitment agents...... they reckon the 457 can be as fast as 1 week to get:shocked:; so maybe you wont have to bunk up with the in-laws for too long, after all.


    I move out of my house in 6 weeks; if the visa ain't here, i'm up the proverbial.......guess dad's sofa is looking tempting!


    Good luck with the move


  3. Hi Princess,

    we might be in the same boat when we come over! My son James will be almost 19, looking for work and probably bored silly!

    Not sure exactly when or where we will be there, but if you manage to find something for a 6ft 8inch, rocker, who is a bit shy.........let me know, pls hun..:wubclub:

  4. Hiya,

    gosh i thought we was nuts doing 2 weeks:)!

    We hired a car, drove around the various suburbs; checked out estate agents etc, very helpful they were too. We went as far as Mt Barker, which took about 30mins from the cbd; so not too bad if you are looking to be outside the city, proper.

    Get a city map from the tourists shop on King William street; soooo useful for a walkabout town! Staff were really helpful.


    Central market is a must at the weekend; you will notice a big difference in the produce, and be able to compare with the supermarkets. The marion centre was good; easy parking; and offers an insight into aussie shopping habits, which are almost european......... you can even get a massage to relieve those aching shoulders!!!


    I am dead jealous, wish i was going again.


    The flight back can be used to:SLEEP::SLEEP::SLEEP:


    Have fun


  5. Hiya,

    my kids asked the same question; i think it's a no, so now we are buying up GAME like there's no tomorrow.


    If you are anything like my kids, you will have enough to keep you going, for ages......but if your mum is like me.....you wont have too much time to play; busy exploring the new surroundings; making new friends........


    Enjoy the change:)

  6. Hi Andy, Zoe and family; and all on the forum....

    Gosh, Liverpool is gonna be empty:shocked:.


    We have sold our house, moving on the 8th nov; but not yet got the visa.

    Like you, my OH is going to be "at home" in Adelaide; just until the fascination of golf wears off, then he is soooo getting a job!

    Anyway, good luck with the move!


    Jane, Andrew and Family

  7. Hi,

    homeopathic rems are pretty good, but if they dont work for you; you could try acupuncture!! It is great for sinus problems too. I recently treated 2 long time sufferers in Cheltenham, befor i moved home; this year..... no runny noses, headaches etc, but still the scratchy eyes; oh well you win some:)

  8. Hi,

    like all above, we have been told, no wicker, no bark, nothing made from hazel twigs, no pine cones blah de blah..... currently butchering my xmas decos; the boot sales have been splendid for getting rid of the wicker baskets etc. maybe i could dispense with the wall placques made from bark and stuff, but NO way do i lose my tree......

  9. one does ones best:)

    looks like the sunday for me, the oh has his birthday on the 4th, so i expect he will want a quiet day!

    how's your registration coming along; slowly in my case, and the blighters wont respond to my e-mails.

    i am starting to get panicky, moving out of my house in 5 weeks, got nowhere to go:arghh:



  10. oh my,

    i just read this post.....i have those anxieties now, and i haven't even got my visa!:shocked:

    i am expecting the changes; i expect it to be difficult at first, espesh as the kids are a bit ambivalent about going:goofy:....


    we have friends all over the country, mostly having left our region; e-mails, phone calls...... there will be little difference on the communication front, except time zones!! social life doesn't exist here now, and the weather is too awful to play golf or tennis:)


    i have contacted several rental agents, all say they wont rent to us until we arrive, so holiday let it is...........even if only for a couple of weeks!


    fortunately, this forum has given me plenty of useful info; and some ideas about school etc; a bonus, and i thank you!


    have a good day


  11. Hi guys,


    let me get this straight..... i am coming over on a 457 visa, hopefully in November.

    The tax form? Will my employers give me this? Or do i get it from the tax office?

    Do I just tick "yes" in the relevent box? when i get the form? After all i would be an aussie resident for at least 2 years!

    47%? Gordon Bennet!:shocked: We would starve. I would be the only one employed, and what with school admission fees etc, the "savings" will just disappear!!!


    Oh, what a problem, please help



  12. Hi girls,


    got to thinking about the registration:idea:;

    I have just reviewed the application form for NBSA; i sent every peice of paper related the training etc; copies of the qualification certs etc and paid the requisite dollarage....(120). The form points out the anmc assessment, but only if you have already applied for it!


    Checked the anmc website; it clearly states you should not apply for assessment if;

    1) enrolled nurse

    2) overseas educated holding a PR visa and;

    3) Nurse or midwife with working holiday or temporary visa!


    I think this means, if you have sent all the documents, fee atc, the board will pass on the requisite to anmc??? The $20 fee is only applicable if you have had assessment with anmc first!!


    So, the thing is; now the board have all the documents, and sate clearly in their e-mail to my agent, they were only waiting on one transcipt to complete..... will that now take 4 weeks:confused:.

    This would seriously cause a problem for me; we have to move out in 8 weeks!!!!:arghh:

  13. Wow, it seems half of Liverpool is in Adelaide, lol:biglaugh:; I did notice an EVERTON shirt in one pic; my lads will be pleased, and it's one thing less to fret about.........; or at least wanting to be!


    I quit the NHS mid June; Band 7 Recovery nurse; just had enough of the whole thing; and the move basically is taking up more time than working will give me!!!!


    This may have been premature, given the "whenever" demeanour of the board, and NMC, and not yet having a visa; but i have done it now so:p


    I will keep an eye out for the posts on the gatherings, but may need a nudge in the right direction. Are they full of people wanting to escape??? Willl i need to bring my own shovel??




  14. Hi Mary,

    nice to hear from you.


    I have a job in Calvary Hospital, North Adelaide; just a short skip to the WnC!!

    I was there in April, the hopsital looks really nice; clean!!

    I did contact NBSA, they weren't rude, just very insistant that i wait! Yes, they have had the money, but like NMC, are fervent "manana" types!:goofy:

    We are hoping to be there soon; house sold, packing under way,bank sorted etc; it's just a waiting game now!


    Good luck, i am happy to stay in touch. PM if you so desire


  15. Hi Everyone,

    and thanks for your replies!


    In response; Kids will take priority; looking like either Henley or Flagstaff for now...


    NBSA; OMG... started the application in April!!! Thought NMC had sent everything, but no, they forgot my enrollment training, so after much faxing, phoning etc, that went on Friday; I haven't used ANMC, agency told me me there was no need unless i was applying for several states!?; ANMC don't actually do registrations, only the state boards, so hopefully this is the case!!! If not, well more shillings will be spent:arghh:. This should happen this week, NBSA said they were waiting only for the enrollment syllabus to complete the assessment; not holding my breath.


    Darling, there is ALWAYS time for golf! Andrew will make it so, hahaha. He is better organised with household chores, but like most men, not quite as thorough. This will, naturally, facilitate the sporting activities, exploring and meeting ppl...


    Coast; well being from the Mersey region, i have to see the sea! I am really looking forward to a decent beach, tho'.


    One more question tho, folks; My eldest is 18, he needs to find a job, interested in mechanical things (muck magnet); what is the job scene and the social scene like for a 6ft8in dark haired, unsporty, mosher???


    Have a great day


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