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Posts posted by Scousemouse

  1. Thing is.........we don't feel "done over"....we made our choice, and we have to work with what we have got, simple as; but i do take your point!



    smit, the OH hasnt got a licence, just years of experience running his own business in the UK; years of DIY on our home, and those of friends/ family etc; its paid off and he is very lucky to have met this guy, a builder from Brum.........so each of them gets an advantage; one gets work, the other gets an awsome worker with book-keeping skills and a keen eye for a bargain!!

    I GET a happy hubby, some of the load lifted and all is right in my world..............fingers crossed you find something soon, mate; good luck.

  2. I read this post with GREAT INTEREST;


    3 years and 8 days in, I echo quite a lot of what has been said here.

    The australians can be difficult to befriend, but, in my experience some expats are equally exclusive.

    that might be because i havent attended the meetups, or whatever; so i can honestly say, some of that is MY fault!!

    However, i have met some expats who are so blooming rude, so judgmental and condescending because of the jobs they do, the area they live in, the schools their kids attend, because they have a pool, tennis court, 3 car garage............a "shack" in the riverlands; So, I STAY AWAY. yes, it gets lonely, and yes,boring, but i havent wanted to go back to the UK!


    Qualifications..........oh boy; a true statement made by one poster about the inherent dissmissal of English qualifications. I have recently undertaken a post grad certificate course....(similar to one i attained in the UK)..at my own expense, and with so little help from my employer despite the fact they want ME to pass on the learning and knowledge gained to the AUSSIE nurses who cant be bothered to get an education at their expense!! Believe me, they get a watered down version.........something i would never have considered doing in the NHS!


    Getting work has been hard for my OH, his qualifications do not transpose to australia, so he has taken a labouring job.......no shame in that.......working for an EXPAT! Before this, he spent a year sending c.v and applications to employers........who dont even respond; interviews he has had, always with a "we'll get back to you".......which we now know means " thanks but no thanks". The jobs went to Australian Nationals, regardless of "cultural" beginnings! If UK employers had adopted the same stance the screams of Racism, bigotry and discrimination would be heard here! Then, of course, there is the issue of social help, which as a resident, one is not entitled to............fair enough, but again, back in the Motherland...........unheard of, all you need is an address,


    WE STILL do not want to go back.............

    the husband and kids love it here, most days i am ambivilant.........then i hear about the rubbish way the UK is going.........the terrible weather, the NHS reforms, fuel costs, crime rates ( like Adelaide is immune from crime, haha) and THAT makes up my mind.


    a friend recently went back to the UK, from the USA.........to our home town.........she tells me she was served in many places by French, Dutch, Aussie and Polish folks......but was saddened when her cousin, an English girl, recently out of Uni, couldnt find work!! So it doesnt just happen in AUS. Maybe they were students on minimum wage, who knows?


    To move back would be HUGELY costly, and imo, an even BIGGER mistake dor us.


    Good luck with your decision James.



  3. sarah,

    im sorry, i didnt intend for you to cry..............

    Its enough to know that your son will be secure, and safe with your dad, and comfortable with his choice.


    we did go through a bad time, but thats over now, and we are getting along, mostly; the occassional hiccup, but thats family life!

    James, like your son, doesnt like the heat, so why he wants to come for christmas is a mystery..........except for the fuss that will be mad for them!lol.


    Keep your chin up.




  4. hi Sarah and Simon,

    I sympathise with you; my 18 year old son did EXACTLY the same thing in Exactly the same timescale, only it was 3 years ago!

    there is so much to sort out, so much frustration for both sides; but now after 3 years, I feel it was the right thing for him to do!

    james, my son was very angry, very lonely and blamed us for taking away his life, separating him from his friends and family and really made us suffer

    for the few short weeks he was here.........i hope your boy is more reasonable about it.

    The move is a huge thing at any age, but for teenage lads, its such a wrench, so try to understand that he still loves you, and you will all miss each other, but there are ways to beat the upset, and keep things smooth!

    We had no contact for about 6 months, despite loads of calls, emails etc, but his friends and some family members kept us up to speed with things; then out of the blue, a phone call.............a sensible, adult conversation, something we hadnt had before...and we cried a bucket load.........


    Things are better now, and hopefully you and your boy arent quite as bad as we were. My boy, his partner and our grandchild (ren, they are having another), will be here for xmas next year; we talk, skype and email regularly, and he is happy with his decision.


    Good Luck, and I wish your son the very best of British, its a brave thing he is doing, Godspeed, young man.

  5. Nope, 40 hours work is what it says..............sorry.

    I work a 38 hr week, officially, but with on call overtime etc, its can be as much as 48; but not very often i hasten to add. over 5 days, thats 7.6 hours of work per day, but this week it seems like 76hrs, lol.

    busy busy,

  6. try the DECS website.....a government website that gives heaps of information on both public and private schools across the state.

    MYSCHOOL is another website to try;


    Once you know the area you want to be in/ can afford, you can check out the schools in those areas, and their proximity to home for travelling etc.

    Its a good place to start, your search, and will help when you look for a home.

    In the East, and north you have some very good schools like Marryatville, Norwood Morialta, Pembroke, St Peters girls, Loretto girls, Glenunga international, to name a few.


    Good luck, and hope the world stops turning soon!!


  7. Hi, im in wattle park/ stoneyfell............about 8km east of the CBD


    At schools times (8am till about 9am) The bus takes about 20-30 mins and gets a bit crowded, standing room only from the parade at these times.

    driving in can take anywhere between 10 and 30 mins, because of the school traffic, Britannia roundabout, is a nightmare..........

    Good thing is at peak hours the traffic lights seem to favour city bound or back again, whichever way youre going.

    Festival times are a pain in the proverbial, clipsal, womad, fringe festival to name but a few; but 1 month a year isnt such a trauma really!


    Hope it helps.

  8. Hi there

    I have 3 teenage kids, and a bit closer to you than Hallet cove!

    You will find you will meet people at the forum meet-ups, and there are often lots of them around the summer months............especially in the western burbs where you will be living!!

    Good luck with making new friends


  9. life is what you make of it, anywhere!

    The decision to move here, for most people is not an easy, off the cuff rash idea; and the cost can be off putting.

    The daily mail is renowned for sensational journalism, its a right wing rag, extolling the virtues of Britain and the British, happy to castigate ANYWHERE ELSE...........whilst banging on about the influx of migrants who cant speak the mother tongue, making unreasonable demands on the tax paying Englishman.............


    Who cares if some people go back?? Its their decision, and they have the right to do so. I did notice one lady had moved from Sydney to Goldarming..........bound to be a bit different isnt it??

  10. Hi,

    your Dad will have reciprocal cover, for emergencies............

    you can get temporary Medicare caover at your local branch, its just a matter of filling in a form, and having the approriate id.

    What you want have is ambulance cover for him, and God forbid, if you need an ambulance, its costly; suggest you check out SA ambulance website for any help there.

    SAGA is very expensive, my Dad who is 75 looked into it; but decided to go with his bank for holiday cover...................

    hope it helps


  11. Hi have you checked out the DECS website? Or the MY SCHOOL websites?

    Plenty of information there, and you will find a catchment area section on the schools mentioned.

    check out the realestate.com, and domain.com websites for housing.

    Also, try looking at the Advertiser website on the weekend for the housing issue, which is a pull out here, you may find something in your price range.

    Cant comment on the western burbs, or the north western ones, the south has some really nice areas, the east may prove a bit pricey......however, if you are comming on a 175/176 visa, you may get help with rental costs!

    Good Luck



  12. Has anyone else had the DIAC email about migration on the 457/857?


    Have answered the survey, but felt that i was just under surveillence rather than being valuable to the process!

    spoken to others who have migrated to other states, and they seem to have much more training and support services, better centrelink advice, and despite the notable expense of housing, rents and so on, feel we may have been short changed!

    Maybe its the population levels, the demographics etc, but my cohorts do seem to have gotten a better deal...........or maybe they are stretching the truth, who can say?

    I like it here, most days; but until one is told about rental help, medical benefits, child support and tax breaks, the system is bewildering!

    My friend in Perth was told by her centrelink about EVERY benefit she and her family could get, no worries. even if she wanted to set up her own business, she would pay LESS in business tax, etc.............her kids got youth allowance, no problem despite her earnings; admittedly it was reduced to suit, but they got it without too much agro.


    does anyone else feel a bit let down by SA? Or does anyone think the other states are a bit "soft"?

  13. Tanya,

    when i applied 3 years ago, i went straight to the state boards, not through The Aussie colloge.

    These day APRHA is country wide, so you should, in theory be able to apply direct to them!

    this will save some money too; having to pay the NMC, and actually get some REAL communication and coordination is the real pain in the proverbial.

    good luck!

  14. Abby,

    i can get the bed this afternoon, after lunch anyway, just gotta call the young lady who is housing it, get there, and deliver to you.

    My mobile is 0410 304 808.

    Txt me with the details and i will see you later!


  15. Hi, Nicola.

    We are also from Liverpool, moved here almost 3 years ago; I have 3 kids, 17 and 16 yo boys and a girly aged 13 ( but anywhere between 3 and 30 would be more accurate!). A 21 yo son and a grandson back in Mside!

    Its a scarey time, but honestly, its a nice place to be...........my kids hated the idea of moving, but now are settled and dont want to go back!

    It depends on what you will be doing..school, work, college etc; and where you will be living, but once you get into it, Adelaide is ok!

    there's lots of teenagers here, and lots of activities to get into; the beaches beat New Brighton and Southport handsdown!

    I can tell you now, the accent will get you noticed, and you will make friends quickly........my god-daughter from cumbria settled in VERY quickly, loves it here, but has gone back to take more exams so she can get back here FAST! Shes 20, so a 17 yo should find it a breeze.

    Good luck with the move honey, and dont worry; thats what the old folks are doing!!!!

    Take care


  16. Abby,

    i have a double bed, currently languishing in another members garage, ill get in touch, see if i can sort something out for you.

    Being from the north, im not sure being "frugal" equates to "tight", but semantics aside, i may be able to help you"


  17. this topic came up in work at our place today, too.

    One guy, a tradey, was saying it was really hard to get work on building sites, and even the guys who do houseframing where being told to "take their time"!

    He actually said the english get the hardest time of it; and are often the first to get "laid off"; im not sure how true this is, but he's an ozzy in the "know", i suppose! He himself was over in QLD, and the situation there is even worse, despite the recent weather disasters.


    It's a shame these people are leaving, the story was a bit slanted though, surely ANY council would be the same to ozzies or anyone else, same as in the uk!

  18. The nursing boards, and your employer can supply those for you.

    If you have a current police check here, it will help, but you will still need a CRB in the UK; fortunately, your future emploers will pay for that!

    Good luck!

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