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Posts posted by Scousemouse

  1. Hi folks,

    got my dad coming over for Xmas etc.....his 75th happens early january..........

    My Dad has been EVERYWHERE a sailor can possibly have been.

    So, on the day, i am planning an afternoon event, but really want to give the experience of a lifetime.......

    ayres rock might be a bit hot, and im not ready to kill him off, just yet! Despite the will!


    Anybody got any, SENSIBLE, ideas? I have asked the natives, and all i get is the GREAT OCEAN ROAD, which we have done!

    Not into fishing, golfing, shooting.............loves beer, food and history.


    Please dont respond if the best you can offer is some sad attempt at finishing off a scouser, sailor, or old person, been there, done that, not laughing.


    Thanks in advance

  2. For a 30 minute commute to Greenhill Rd, the southern burbs may just be too far for you.


    You could try the following;






    Mitcham and Colonel Light Gardens.

    All have good primary schools, and are close to good high schools, shops etc.

    Some of these areas can be a bit pricey; however, a recent look on Realestate.com.au has shown up some nice places with reasonable rents.


    Good luck with your search

  3. Bias............of course, i should have realised that the muslim groups are not guilty of BIAS!

    the call for the probationary period is for ALL migrants, not just muslims; what bias is that?


    I wasnt being nasty; just biased! Sure as H beats getting splinters in my backside from the fence some are sitting on!!

    the fact remains that Australians are not racist...........they are outspoken, to the point of rudeness on occassions, but they want to preserve their own inherent values, and if people dont like it, well shove off then (as my aussie counterparts say). The live and let live philosophy is fine until someone tries to get YOU to change, both socially, culturally and financially.


    You cannot embrace a new country by demanding sectarian considerations, and then hiding behind excuses like "it will protect women"; claptrap!

    to my knowledge Australian Law, like the Bitish and American systems, view women as equal in law.


    Im not saying that muslims, baptist, mormons or hindus give up their religeous practices or dilute their customs............any more than i would expect them to have me for go mine; however, if i choose to educate my kids under catholic education, i opt to pay for the privilage, and dont expect, or demand that the taxpayer fund such; nor would i exclude a muslim teacher from educating my offspring!



    End of.

  4. oops,

    I merely suggest that some groups are unreasonable in their demands for special considerations, at the expense of the community.

    I know of no other group expecting the tax payer to fund such sectarian issues, do you?

    The incredulous response to the Jewish leader suggesting, not insisting, that a probationary period of assimilation is frankly, anti semetic. Would you have been so appalled had it been a catholic? A methodist? or heaven forfend, a bloody presbytarian? I think not!

    the "getting on with in real life" comment is, to be frank, juvenile.............

    admittedly i should not have used the phrase i did, and if it offends, hard luck!


    You are entitled to your opinion, and i respect it, even though it is divergent from mine; however, you are self appointing as the voice of reason, a trait i suspect from your heritage...........

  5. Ah, Moonraker, if only one could escape from bigotry!


    There is good and bad in all of us, i believe; sadly there are some with more slanted views, and inbred prejudices than i would like to consider.


    The world is shaped by our actions, and for that most nations have apologised for the harsh treatment of indigenous folks................the English to the Sub continentals, The Americans to the Red Indians, The Australians to the Aboriginal ........it is only the begining of repairation!


    The fact with Australians is, they BELIEVE in their country, they want to protect what generations have faught and died to provide for the future; they have witnessed, albeit from afar the issues that other countries have incurred with migrant peoples not willing or able to contribute, and DEMANDING to be facilitated with preference.




  6. Just as a small aside here..............

    to the best of my knowledge, the JEWISH community is NOT insisting that the tax payer funds specialist schools, curtains for public swimming pools, or any other special consideration other than the matter that migrants, of any standing, undergo a short period of probation whilst awaiting residency! nor are they demanding inclusion of judaic protocols in the community..................unlike those xxxx xxxx who want sharia law imposed, not just included!


    So bite me for my non anti-semetic leanings, mate, and my christian distrust of sharia law, and my feminine belief that i am equal to anyone.



  7. totally agree HG;

    Many of us newbies to Australia are not entitled to dole (for 2 years), have to contribute to the system to qualify for healthcare......and are EXPECTED to to pay some sum for educating our children, getting dental treatment etc etc.


    I feel for assylum seekers, the poor unfortunates who are genuinely tormented in the home countries and agree that we can and should help those less fortunate....just not to the detriment of the nation!


    Colour, religion, and race are not issues here, until migrants make so...........


    I believe that there is an element of Xenophobia (not xenonphobia!) in any walk of life; it is not particular to Adelaide, Australia, Merseyside or or any other place you care to mention.


    The fact that certain groups are demanding special consideration only serves to agitate the masses.........


    The sad reality is: the minute a person disagrees with ANY immigrant from any creed, colour, social level.....they are labelled as BIGOTS.....and I for 1 had enough of that in the (y)UK...........thats partly why i came here.





  8. Hi, and welcome to the eastern burbs!

    As stated, once your here, you might not want to leave the area.......i love it here.


    I recommend Marryatville primary school, its very good; and Magill primary is another one, both good schools with good pastoral care!


    there are many privaye schools in the area, each one listed on the DECS website........


    Also try the Advertiser, they often place ads for rentals in there, and you might touch lucky




  9. Hi ebstar,

    not sure about age limits, but i should have been a bit clearer............


    these posts need filling fairly soon.

    The NECH is a small community hospital, with only 2 theatres, and a team of approximately 20 staff, most of whom are part time,and as of next week, we will have only 3 experienced RN scrub nurses...........and 2 casual scrub nurses;

    In about 4 months, we loose an experienced EN to maternity leave, mostly in anaesthetics...........it may be worth their while to keep an eye on SEEK.COM for future postings.


    thanks for your reply



  10. Hi All,

    my boss asked me to post about scrub nurse posts at the North Eastern Community hospital in Campbelltown.......................

    any nurses with experience in Orthopaedic, gynae, general scrub most welcome to apply.

    The advert is going out this week, and we need you.


    Also anyone with anaesthetic experience, or recovery................give us a look!!


    Plenty of overtime, on call etc.


    Thank you!

  11. My son will be 17 in June, he is completing year 12;

    the next one will be 16 in october.....and will finish year 10 at xmas!!


    I really dont know how the schools work the years out; there are kids much older than the older boy, and some 17 year olds in year 11........

  12. I agree Adelaide is a big country town..........thats part of its charm.


    It isnt for everyone, where is??


    the pluses Adelaide offers ,in my opinion, outweigh just about the downsides in comparison with other metropolitan cities................especially as we have kids!


    easy navigation around the city;

    nice, clean beaches;

    nearby countryside;

    local shops! As well as the big shopping centres...i think this makes for a "village lifestyle", something i enjoy cos going into the city week in week out is a pain in the backend!

    "cheaper" living expenses....fuel is cheaper here than anywhere in Australia!

    "cheaper" rental prices......up to $200 cheaper than Darwin, and Sydney per week!; lets face WHO would move to Darwin.......2 seasons, wet or dry!

    good schools.


    Terrible public health though, according to the natives...never had occassion to use it myself, so bias comes in there!!


    Dressing up for dinner.............nice concept, but when its over 30 degrees, not very practical! The going without shoes/ footwear is UGLY, i must say.

    You can still look good without being dolled up to the 9's!


    Anyone can find negatives, about anywhere.........it takes a lot more effort to be positive.


    Come here, try it out......no-one is held prisoner in SA, except the criminals!!

  13. Well said HG


    We originally wanted Flagstaff Hill or the nearby burbs..........however, there were few rentals big enough for 6, so we ended up here in the Eastern burbs.

    Rental can be more expensive, but the schools are excellent, only 8kms from the CBD, 20 mins to the beach, and we got VERY lucky.


    The southern beaches, which are very lovely, are only an hour away, not that bad really, and it makes for a good day trip....and the chance to meet up with other expats who live that way.


    Some real estate websites do have a "suburb review" maybe have a look at that!!

    Good luck with your search

  14. Yes, she can apply for a British passport, based on heritage;assuming dual nationality!

    This does not give her citizenship, merely the right to enter, and work..............


    Ive known a few people apply for European passports for just such eventualities.......


    Her only issue would be getting work, i think, the situation is a bit dire; she may have more luck outside of london though!


    Good luck to her.

  15. Gill, thats amazing, bloody good job!!


    I got a mortgage on a 457 visa, the rules about foreign investment changed a while ago so you dont actually need permission anymore...............


    457 visa holders as nurses, well, depends where you work, and the hours, as to the shifts you get rostered!! Full time nurses do cop for the "heavy shifts", not because they're overseas nurses, but because they are there!!

  16. My turn,

    i have been quiet too long on this one, lols:biglaugh:


    Mercury, to some extent, you have a point, there does seem to be a little discriminiation, and ADL is considered a small country town, with all that entails!.

    However..........this is not solely an Adelaide phenomenon, it happens in just about EVERY place you go. Some of the "old fashioned values" embraced by the Adeladians, is just what a few of us have found endearing and have accepted that we want a bit of it, too!

    There is NOTHING WRONG with a community looking out for its own, heaven knows the Brits have done little in that respect, if they had, a few of us might still be there!

    Being asked to "Anglicise" your name isnt RACIST, perhaps the guy was trying to make integration easier for the chap; some names are difficult to pronounce, you know, and rather than a nickname, which can be insulting, it can be easier for people to adopt a western equivalent!!


    The bacons; i have been here nearly 3 years. In that time i have been to only 3 meetups, not been on a girls nite out or pm'd anyone with similar interests for a get together; this does not mean i am anti social (some would disagree), maybe im just content enough that in integrating into the Aussie way of life, i havent found it compulsary!! Please dont fall into the trap that in order to make it work here, meetups etc are the be all and end all. They help, no doubt about it; and in large ex-pat communities, they are good fun. Some people just dont want to get into that scene.......it doesnt mean they are rude, or not trying, or should "go home".


    This forum is bigger than this, so please GET A GRIP folks, its hard enough without spite and petty arguments.


    Thank you, rant over

  17. Ozfish,

    i came out just 2 years ago, aged 42..on a sponsored visa; changed to pr once i got here.OK it cost me more, but it was our best and quickest option at the time!

    Please dont fret, As Trakki says, UK nurses are seriously liked here, the training and experience is a real plus.


    Many hospitals have sponsorshop authority, and im certain your experience will help.

  18. What BUNKUM!!


    Never heard such dross..............nurses are in high demand in Australia, and you would have as much chance with a diploma as a degree.

    Specialist areas (midwifery; theatre; intensive care) are very helpful, but that doesnt mean your chances are reduced!!

    Recruitment agencies are always on the prowl for UK nurses; try one of them..........employer sponsored visas are available.


    Keep ya chin up, and talk to another agent.




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