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Posts posted by Scousemouse

  1. The NHS is a bloody marvellous institution.......worked in it for 21 years befor coming to OZ!!

    If it wasnt for the bullying from non medical/ nursing managers; the bullying from stupendously ambitious butt kissers,and the wasted millions on providing interpreters for people who had no real interest in contributing to the system, let alone learning english........ i would have stayed there!! Its about the bottom line now......not at all what Nye Bevan had in mind!!


    The system here isnt so bad, yet. Not worked in, nor had any experience of the public sector here...........mercifully. Heard its not so bad; pay is better than the private sector, workloads about the same from what i hear!!


    The private sector is vast here, and there is always work to be found. Smaller hospitals can be a bit short on work when the medics are away........but thats the luck of the draw..........


    Good luck with your job search.

  2. Ah, so its not just me............

    Got 15 bites on 1 foot, didnt feel a thing till the next morning and my leg looked like a balloon!!

    A medic told me i might have "skeeter syndrome"; sadly its not severe enough to get a week off work!!


    Try tonic water, the full fat stuff, not diet! Kept the blighters at bay for me.


    Also take the anti-histamine for a week, double the dose in severe reactions.

    Ice works well to stop the itching.

    Have heard the Skin so soft from Avon is very good at keeping mozzys at arms length.


    Hope you feel better soon


  3. Hi, and good luck with your application!


    Adelaide is a lovely place to bring up children........plenty of parks, gardens playgrounds; not to mention the beaches, hills and countryside.


    Its a quiet town, not as frenetic as other state capitals; but recent reports show Adelaide is still the "cheapest" city to rent in Australia, housing stock is also better..........but that depends on where you want to live, and what you can afford.


    The forum is very useful; most people are positive, and have all "been there", some specific questions will get answered in detail. There is always someone who can help with advice...........be it schools, jobs, places to go; you will find what you want........

  4. Hi,

    not sure of the threshold, but tbh,

    i would seriously have the best cover you can afford........dental care can be hugely expensive, and then you really should have ambulance cover.....it isnt covered by medicare!!


    SA ambulance cover is reasonable..........or you can add it to any insurance cover you get.

    Having had a scare last year, i was gobsmacked to find we didnt have hospital cover and had to pay quite a bit to pay for the gap!! Suffice to say, we now have full insurance; costly but the peace of mind is worth a heap more to me!!

  5. Hi All,

    my grandson is coming to visit.........................June/ July.............

    does anyone have a travel cot/ car seat that i can borrow, or know where i can hire such items?


    So excited i am, and really want to get this right..havent seen my son for over 2 years, and i would be grateful for any help


    Thank you in advance



  6. Nicely put!

    However, an alternative slant............ever one for controversy, me!


    Maybe the guy was trying to STOP people coming here, so we can keep our lovely, if somewhat secret city to ourselves!!

    I have heard many "tourists" (vics mostly) say "we didnt know it was like THIS"......and many locals reply, "yes, so dont tell anyone, we want to keep it this way"!

    Can't blame them it is a nice place.


    Thing here though, we have rubbish polies who cant get the heads out from their backsides; progress does seem a little slow................relying on Clipsal, TUD, womad and the like aint gonna cut it!!! CONSERVATIVE? to the point of STAID, imo........which is a bit slanted today.


    In the main, SA is beautiful, clean, open and easy to get around; people are friendly, but the ever present "why Adelaide?" gets me down, even after 2 years.


    So yes come to SA, stay a while, if you leave be positive about it, dont rubbish others aspirations and dreams..............

  7. OOOH, Dr LYING;

    funny but not very helpful........imo!


    Having said that, tattos should be disclosed as a matter of course as distinguishing features; this is true for pasport applications, migration and in some cases job applications..........

  8. Hi;

    used to work at Calvary NAH......very nice unit there. Parking is atrocious though...........

    So does Burnside; and the North Eastern.........but better parking facilities..all are private, so maybe there is a slant to that??!

    I think all the rooms are private ones, definate at the NECH, which has some fabulous midwives; all very lovely imo!

  9. Hi,

    my understanding is that your visa is valid for 5 years, and you can come and go at will during that time; after that you need to apply for a returning resident visa..............


    I think you would probably have to re-apply if you leave it too long with your return........

    Its all very messy this visa lark.....i would be applying for citizenship, or dual nationality if i where to go back, and wanted to keep my options open; but then, i dont want to go back, just yet.............

  10. Not all agencies are bad..........a lot of people have positive experiences;

    I arrived 2 1/2 years ago taking a job through a recruitment agency and in the main it was ok;

    That is until i wanted to change to PR............it all went a bit pear shaped then, but i got lucky, had influential neighbours, excellent advice from a migration agent and a bloody decent contact at the DIAC in Melborne.


    In my view, selling the house just now might not be such a bad thing.......the exchange rate is appalling, and unless your move is definately permanent its a good get out!!


    Hope you all get sorted soon!



  11. domain, and Realeatate.com have some suburb info;

    For Schools, check out the DECS website, or myschool website........


    Public and private schools are listed, so think carefully.


    It all depends on where you will be living/ working, what sort of travel you want to work, or not.............

    Eastern burbs are very nice, and the price is reflected in housing, good schools too......

    south, you'll get more bang for your buck with housing,

    North, some folk say avoid Elizabeth, Salisbury and the Paras; personally, i dont see too many places that are so bad, but maybe i havent looked too far into it.

    Western burbs are beachside, also good schools.............


    Good luck


  12. Hi,

    and congratulations......

    depends where you are really................being in the north of the city, or north east..

    i can recommend several;

    Chris Hughes, north eastern, Burnside, also at the Womens and Childrens in the city.

    Anna Bof, North Eastern and Lyall Mac;

    Jeff Hillen, Calvary and NECH;

    Neil Tamilin at the NECH


    You will find listings in the phone book though, and im sure loads of people will recommend others in the south, west etc.


    Hope it helps, and have a happy pregnancy.



  13. A while ago, i posted about cold calls from our sub-continental cousins ringing to tell us our computer was full of viruses etc; and tonight this happened...............


    the phone rang, and a pleasant sounding indian lady informs me that i have been "chosen" to "benefit" from a deal on my Telstra land line......for a mere $48.95, i can get a WHOLE MONTH of free local calls, capped calls to mobile phones on ANY network......(max $1.10 for even an hour long call to a mobile from my landline!)and capped $1 calls on interstate calls, no limit to the time or numbers i care to phone.


    To qualify for this "fantastic" deal i would have to fullfill some criteria..................

    like being in the age range of 17-70 years could i give her my date of birth?? Errrrm, ok, and gave myself a decade and 1 month;

    confirm the spelling of my name.........so naturally i lied, spelling both names wrong for her.

    next some ID.........to prove australian citizenship.............like my medicard number, or my drivers licence number!!!


    I THINK NOT darling!!!


    Passed to her supervisor, an equally pleasant chap of similar ethnicity ( not that it matters, but there is a point to this); I told him point blank that i would not be taking the offer, and certainly wouldnt give out such personal information; HE proceeded to inform me that i could pay them right now by credit card(?!) and that certainly Telstra would NOT be sending me a bill, or confirmation letter. I hung up, and within 20 seconds they rang me back............


    Telstra, and Foxtel do NOT employ indian call centre staff...........i am reliably informed by the boss at Salmat! They will be investigating the issue within their organisation tomorrow.


    Please dont get caught by these scammers.


    Nighty night



  14. IELTs is mandatory for nurses from overseas, as part of the migration process........your uni transcript confirms you where taught in english ( as are indian, south african chinese etc.nurses!), and that the curriculum conforms to standards ( which, imo it excells the aussie standard!) To pass you need a score of 7, which a few aussies havent managed, according to news reports!! Good luck with that.


    Registration process, like the UK, can take upwards of 12 weeks...............but you can have a job offer PRIOR to this, which really helps the case!

    Prepp requirements also apply.


    Sadly the IELTS is another bloody money making ruse and it gives me the sh**s, but thats life!!


    Look, you're doing great guns, wish id ben that organised...............and ive been here 2 1/2 years!!

  15. Hsbc also have an atm in glenelg, i am told by the premier service chappy!!

    not much use if you live at least 40 mins from there, really.............


    Please also remember that if you have a JOINT account, and you move, BOTH of you must change address, separately...........apparently this is true for ANY BANK with joint accounts!! Failure to do so could have you incurring charges for late payments on your credit card, and they WONT discuss this with your OH.........even if it is a joint account!!


    Being a bolshy tightfisted scouser, i banged on about the fact THEY didnt inform us of this when we arrived.................got the charges dismissed (a first for a scouser, im sure lols)

  16. Well said Tyke!


    we used RooRentals, and i would recommend Judi to anyone;

    not only is it cost effective to rent a furnished rental, you then have someone to help you adjust to such a momentous move!! As Tyke said, its not just the rental its the advise, support and general welcome to Adelaide......................you guys do a grand job.......good on ya.


    To the OP, please think caarefully about your plans, the resources are in place......if you choose not to use them, well, thats your choice, but seriously, every little helps!!

  17. Oh poor love,

    what a nightnare for you!

    My understanding is they wont send him back causing him financial hardship and/or family separation.

    As he has established a niche here, i cant see immigration causing harm to a family.......


    Many immigration lawyers offer a free consult, try them, or ask at yoour local council office if they can get information for you....its all worth a try.


    Good luck

  18. Yes, norwood is nice.......also try;

    Rosslyn park, Maghill, Kensington park......and even Wattle park. oh, and even parts of Walkerville!!


    Trust me Diane, you dont need lots of money to live in any of these places...........i do and im skint, lol!! maybe the kids are the cause of my impoverishment...............anyone want 3 fabulous teenagers???

    All are housebroken ( well my house is broken with them!)

  19. Hi Julia,

    when we changed over, the whole process took about 4 months, so you are still on target; I doubt they would boot out a nurse and a doctor, unless your name is Beverley Patel!!:biglaugh:

    Its so frustrating to go through, and you certainly dont need the added stress just now!

    Look on the bright side, our application was granted within 10 mins of hitting the "board", and we found out about 3 minutes later...........reckon you 2 will get the same good news soon.



  20. Hi Tony,

    are you absolutely certain you wont have to pay fees at the later date?

    When my (former) employers offered to help us change to PR, and with the fees, i also had to pay for the DIAC fees, about $4500, they contributed the same!!

    We also had to get a chest xray for the daughter and a blood test for the son, both of whom crossed the age threshold whilst here.............


    the migration agents will often advise you free of charge for an innitial consult, so it may be worth while checking it all out.


    I would go for it, its the best thing we did!!

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