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Posts posted by Scousemouse

  1. Hi Ettien,

    Befor we left the Uk 2 years ago, we contacted some agents and asked for their advice; some were good, others just bloody rude!

    However, we did get some good advice from one guy; bring with you some references ( we got 1 from our vicar neighbour, my boss, and our bank manager!); enough money to pay a months rental in advance (no mean feat with a family of 6 to house!) and make sure you contact them as soon as you can when you get here!

    We were lucky, a big persistant family gets remembered!!


    Also, dont limit yourself to being very central; as said, you can travel fairly easily around the metro area...........anywhere within 10 klms, but you will pay a premium for a place near the CBD.


    Keep at it, and good luck



  2. Sadly, Di, they do...............


    I have been "trained" by the OH to not look at the ticket price, and to ignore the "extra free" lark.............i now check the $per 100g,litre or whatever price thats written in tiny letters at the bottom of the label!!!

    No amount of arguing the toss works with some store people, even saw one english guy take the superviser to the freezer to explain the price difference to her........a few ozzies shook their heads; but i was so pleased that 1 person took it on themselves to point out that pricing and advertising didnt tally, and he told her he didnt want the item thanks!!

  3. Hi T,

    quite a lot of work here for midwives..............both public and private sector.

    Talking to some expat midwives, practice is very different...espesh in the private sector, which is driven by the obgyn bods, and there is a huge tendency to LSCS; not complaining me, means i get called and get extra dosh,lol

    My current hospital has a large unit for mids, busy, but i think its understaffed!! Really nice place, and the mid girls are fabulous.............most are part time so i guess thats why it seems busy!


    Salary is dictated by hours worked, naturally, and dont forget, in oz you have to accrue annual and sick leave!!


    Hope it helps


  4. Oh Clare,

    you are not alone in this................


    one day, after about 6 months here, i broke down crying for no bloody reason that i could see.............i suddenly missed my dad and brother, my best friend, my god children............i hadnt had a holiday for 2 years; the costs for moving here sort of excluded them, especially as i worked away from home and had other expenses; we had bought a house, the kids settled in and made friends...............but my word, i cried for about 20 minutes; and i still miss these things after 2 years here.


    It does ease, and yes, you get into things through friends, kids outings etc; but really you will miss "home" sometimes.


    You are NOT selfish, you are a person in your own right, and yes, its ok to put yourself first once in a while!! Thing is, once you settle, and realise why you made the move, not just for your family, but for YOU.......it suddenly becomes "normal" to be here.


    Hope things ease quickly, all the best


  5. Interesting thread this................

    Adelaides small town feel is a result of the Old Adelaide Family (oafs!) mentality....and sadly the demeanour of "oh, we're free settlers here, not like the riff raff on the east coast!"


    The sprawl of Adelaide can make socialising a bit like hard work, so maybe thats why we dont socialise the way we possibly could............being under the radar has some advantages though!!!


    Since arriving 2 years ago, we constantly get the "why Adelaide"? when we meet new people; ..................it can be very off putting for newbies, and even those of us who aren't exactly "fresh" to the region to feel like we have to justify our reasons, and be made to feel that we have to compliment the area, on a regular basis!!


    adelaide isnt everyones cuppa.........why should it be? I, personally enjoy most aspects of living here..............except the damn mozzies feasting on me as soon as I walk outside ( another excuse not to socialise, maybe?); so shopping isnt my idea of a great time, nor is sitting in cafe every half hour, cos i c b a with shopping on less than a gallon of coffee!


    To get into the place takes time, and effort..............swaning around australia as a tourist isnt putting down roots, and constant sniping about the lack of this or that, comparing it to more "cosmopolitant" cities isnt fair.


    I dont want to sound all evangelical about this great big country town, but compared to my home town,Liverpool, and the last place i lived bfore here, Cheltenham.........this place is lovely, clean, easy to navigate, and mostly, safer than either of the named places back in the UK!

  6. Must've been the bloke i encountered in glenelg last year...................


    24 year old boy, grabbed my backside, and offered to "take me home"!!!!!

    On informing my OH and the juvenile boy child, i recieved the " he maybe was drunk, and took up a bet"! response...............


    EGO well and truly deflated..........which does NOT make for a happy household, stevo!

    Your femile oofspring needs reminding, that, should mummy allow, she too will one day have cellulite..................

    and if its good enough for jerry hall, what ordinary woman should complain?????



  7. Hi Darlo,

    from my understanding, you can come and go as much as you like for the first 4 years, then you need a return visa to get back into oz.........that costs!!

    My friend in perth has her OH returning for 8 months of the year; he still works for the fire service in the uk, and its pension related reasons for doing so...........however, to be safe he had immigration put a hard copy in their passports!!


    Hope that helps....

  8. Hi,

    i worked in calvary north endoscopy for a while last year..................mostly the same guys who work in both!


    You shouldnt have any problems as a nurse; a few guys are really into nurse endoscopists, but most are a bit cagey on the subject.


    wakefield gets more work, and investment has been extensive in the group...........

    the hospital is central, but the parking is attrocious!!!


    hope it helps, and good luck


  9. To be fair, schools do act "in loco parentis"................however...........

    for an adult with responsibility to question a child about parental postings is a pretty poor show!

    The department of education really should be aware of such events.........and i have found the area supervisors very accomodating,


    If the parents had a little rant on this site about issues with the school, whatever, thats just letting off steam, something i for one am guilty of............i try to be a bit non-commital, but it can be so hard.


    Sadly, adelaide has a rep for being a small town, and that mentality is evident when teachers use technology to ascertain information in this way!!

    True what they say.............eavesdroppers hear nowt good about themselves!!!!

  10. What a complete, inarticulate numbskull! As for the print checker, well spelling is clearly not requisite for the role!


    Some employers dont even bother to respond to applicants; the oh has sent up to 10 applications per week to no avail, centrelink are absolutely useless except to tell him he isnt entitled to benefits!! HE DOESN'T want benefits, he wants a JOB;

    all his experience in the uk, running his own business is more hinderence than help, and without a licence he cant even get a labouring job........for heavens sake!!


    As for the visa situation, well, the govt are still charging $385 for a working holiday visa, mainly to youngsters who will be looking for seasonal work..............tell me thats not just a money making rouse!!

  11. Good;

    1...easy reach of the beach, the country, the city, wine centres!!!!

    2...cheaper petrol, so i can get there!

    3...more oportunities for hard working kids!

    4.... the sheer beauty of the beach, country, city at night, im so lucky to have this view!

    5.... my garden, the 2 bluetongues who live in it, my veggie patch.



    1...people saying"why Adelaide"!, have they no eyes???

    2... the manana attitude, dear lord, please get a wriggle on, sometimes.

    3...the ability to stay in work, regardless of there being nothing to do, and how the H can they justify sitting around for 3-4 hours........have they no lives outside of work?

    4....bloody 16 year olds wanting a driving lesson.............

    5,,,,, the need for a certificate, degree, or australian evidence of ever having done something other than year bloody 12!


    The cost of decent shoes; the price of paint, bloody school uniforms that need a second mortgage!!!:sad:


    In all this is a lovely place...............

  12. Well said Leyland CJ,


    I agree totally, and i dont think its "Cutting your nose off"................i think you have standards about proper behaviour!


    the OH plays golf each weekend, and i encourage him to; he stays for a pint sometimes, but he wouldnt accept another invitation to lunch with them...........once bitten and all that.

    Work "friends" arent always the answer either, so yes it can get a bit lonely.....i have my garden which is fine, but hardly great company.


    I sound like a whinger, but really, the thought of trying again leaves me a bit scared; fortunately the kids have good friends, so they are fine, and all is good............and im not dissappointed, the veggy patch is looking great, and im saving money by not having to buy a new outfit to go out,lol.

  13. Thanks Lee,

    didnt realise she had to apply for a liscence to work in a pub, will check that out at the council offices.........more money, i suppose!!!!


    As for the stores taking on schoolies, my lad has applied for loads of jobs, got nowhere fast, reckon he's got a point about IGA................Italian, Greek, Australian,lol.

  14. Hi guys,


    my 19 yo god daughter arrives in 3 weeks...............she asked on weds, applied for a visa on friday, granted same day, and has her flight booked today!!!


    Amazing how fast teenagers can move, isnt it??


    Thing is, im NOT 19, or even 27; so her social life wont be up to much unless you guys can help me!!


    She doesnt drive, so the eastern burbs, or the city is about the range i can think of for now....................are there any folks out there with ideas, or teenagers who can help?


    My inital excitement is turning to panic.....already. She is from Cumbria, so an ear for accents might be required; or an ESL teacher at least, lol!:biglaugh:


    Also, she will will need work, what to apply for; she has worked in nursing homes, pubs, shops and a chippy..............


    Thanks in advance



  15. I agree, the crimes are shocking lately!


    It isnt just the courts who let us down tho!

    Recent reports of COP CRIME...............include;

    a big 100kg male cop beating a handcuffed 47kg WOMAN; how brave is HE?


    A cop beating the bejayzus out of a handcuffed guy, then shoving a hosepipe down his throat; how very community spirited!


    We pay for protection from LOW LIFE, not FOR them to use the uniform to excuse it!


    I know not all cops are bad, but the fact is crime is everywhere, sad but true; the reporting is becoming more shock value, and we pay for what exactly?

    The cops investigating the woman murdered in the hills had a bloody operator dismiss her call for help!!


    What is the world coming to?

  16. Hi Mandy.


    Marryatville high has probably the best reputation for a public school in the city!

    Tiny catchment area though!! Be very certain of being in the zone, and be sure to put up a struggle for entry!!competition is fierce.

    Marryatville primary is a feeder, but no garauntee there either, i would say the primary is an excellent place, my daughter loves it.


    Rentals can be expensive in the east, e.g $550 pw for a 4 bed, but you do get good access to the city, shops etc..


    Good luck with the move!!



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