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Posts posted by Scousemouse

  1. Thank you Tyke;

    you are inspirational !!


    Having just come up to the 18 month mark, 20th May in fact, i enjoy reading how the "veterans" managed to keep a focus on the good side of such a monumental move!!!!


    I hope i say the same if i make the 10 years in mark.

  2. Depends on the level of cover, but you could go for :

    Mutual community, good dental and loads of preferred hospitals;

    Medibank private, who basically are govt run, i think...........just put up some premiums too.


    They have websites, check them out and be sure to get exactly what you need, especially ambulkance cover!!



  3. Hi Moosh,

    yes, you can choose who to see,

    Many GE guys work in a variety of places, both public and private.

    I saw William Tam at Calvary north Adelaide, maybe a bit far for you, but i reckon he's one of the best.


    Good luck


  4. Hi there,

    firstly, dont panic!!


    The terms of your visa are very clear..............its a 2 year contractual thing; however,

    back in august last year i got my 857 granted having initially arrive on a 457 visa back in Nov 08.

    Things deteriorated and i started looking into my options..........

    First, keep a record of any problems, dates etc, duties blah blah......

    Contact the DIAC to discuss your options, explain your situation.


    Your employer is obliged to inform DIAC if you terminate your employment; DIAC then contact you, which actually can be a few weeks before they do, asking for all information pertaining to the reasons you left etc.


    You have to prove you made EVERY effort to remain in that employment!! Usually a period of time above a few weeks, but can be upto a year........

    You will have to prove that you were treated unfairly, or discriminated against.


    The whole thing is very upsetting, but if you need a shoulder, you can pm me, and i can recommend a migration expert specialising in skilled migration!


    Chin up chuck.

  5. Correct Suzer,

    she did complain in that way; however Mr Clown should have the bottle to say it to her face, publicly, rather than skulking off with his spin faction in a bullet-proof motor, and forgetting he was "wired for sound"............

    the whole point of the microphone was to allow the cameras better view of his "smiling, affable personality"........FAILED, i think

  6. Plonker!!!!


    Calling the poor woman a bigot, he deserves to be laughed at by aussie reporters.


    That fool is a perfect example of the type of "president" the Bits would get if the monarchy was toppled.


    Glad im here.

  7. Hi Pommiechick


    I arrived in Aus on a visitors visa whilst waiting for the 457 approval, however, the application must be made overseas!! We only waited 5 days for the approval.

    It's not recommended though, best wait to be safe.......


    Best place to check about reciprocal healthcare is the medicare website, or even centrelink may be able to advice you.


    Sorry cant be of anymore use!




  8. Cor,

    the forum today looks like a sparring ring;


    So, my 2 pennorth; the empire wasnt THAT bad....................


    Im no royalist, but to call the monarch an "old hag" is just rude.............


    Im tired of the way EVERY body expects the British to apologise for all the worlds ills, just because we had ruled other nations;


    Castigate the French for the state of Sierra Leone for a change..............

    Or the Spanish for the Peruvian poverty,


    The Aussie Flag, with or without the addition of the Union Flag, should be the very least of our worries.


    Y'all have a nice day now, y'hear?

  9. OMG, this is why AQIS exist..................do please follow the quarantine rules!!




    A true story and its source was the Australian Quarantine Inspection Service in Adelaide.


    A bloke and his family were on holidays in the United States and went to Mexico for a week. An avid cactus fan, the man bought one-metre high, rare and expensive cactus there. On arrival back home Australian Customs said it must be quarantined for 3 months.


    He finally got his cactus home. Planted it in his backyard, and over time it grew to about 2 metres. One evening while watering his garden after a warm spring day, he gave the cactus a light spray. He was amazed to see the plant shiver all over, he gave it another spray and it shivered again.


    He was puzzled so he rang the council who put him on to the state gardens people. After a few transfers he got the state's foremost cactus expert who asked him many questions. How tall is it? Has it flowered? Etc.


    Finally he asked the most disturbing question. "Is your family in the house?" The bloke answered yes. The cactus expert said get out of the house NOW, get on to the front nature strip and wait for me; I will be there in 20 minutes.


    Fifteen minutes later, 2 fire trucks, 2 police cars and an ambulance came screaming around the corner. A fireman got out and asked "Are you the bloke with the cactus?" I am, he said. A guy jumped out of the fire truck wearing what looked like a space suit, a breathing cylinder and mask attached to what looked like a scuba backpack with a large hose attached. He headed for the backyard and turned a flame-thrower on the cactus spraying it up and down.


    After a few minutes the flame-thrower man stopped, the cactus stood smoking and spitting, half the fence was burnt and parts of the gardens were well and truly scorched. Just then the cactus expert appeared and laid a calming hand on the bloke's shoulder. "What the hell's going on?" he says. "Let me show you" says the cactus man.. He went over to the cactus and picked away a crusty bit, the cactus was almost entirely hollow and filled with tiger striped bird-eating tarantula spiders, each about the size of two hand spans.


    The story was that this type of spider lays eggs in this type of cactus and they hatch and live in it as they grow to full size. When full size they release themselves. The cactus just explodes and about 150 dinner plate sized hairy spiders are flung from it, dispersing everywhere. They had been ready to pop. The aftermath was that the house and the adjoining houses had to be vacated and fumigated: police tape was put up outside the whole area and no one was allowed in for two weeks.


    And here's what one of the b*stards looks like sitting on a FULL SIZE dinner plate...


  10. 'spose the one saving grace is they all look clean and well cared for.


    My food bill at Tesco was about the same..........and none of us are as large;

    so much for THAT being a great way to use calories; i will prove my point to himself tonight, lol...... work is much better for your body, hahaha.

  11. Woohoo..........after only 18 months, i have an avatar................


    This sculpture is on the Port Wakefield road, heading north to Moonta Bay.; or south towards adelaide to be more acurate.


    say nice things please........................

    the base its on reads "party platform"..........and those who know me..........will concur..it's ME!!!!!

  12. As above;


    Its exactly what we did last year, and other than having to pay for a chest x-ray for our daughter, blood tests for the son........as theyd reached the age limit, the cost was approximately $5000 for DIAC fees, and the agents fee


    The whole process took about 3 months from start to finish; with visa being granted within 1 hour of being reviewed!!


    Good luck


  13. No offence taken Moosh................

    i know what you mean tho', some of these youngsters are maniacs.............

    but the elderly are just as blooming bad imo.



    there ARE rules...............just not ones we can follow!!!!!

  14. Oh, i can top that one.........................

    last christmas day, on our way to silver sands for a meet up, we was merrily driving south on....south road; we hit the brakes with inches to spare because a car was driving on north on the same stretch of road. Bloody scarey..................:shocked:


    The french in paris drive better than most of this lot..............road rules need not apply.

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