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Posts posted by Scousemouse

  1. OK, that's the finish point.


    Mayjess, Claire has a right to feel somewhat upset at the implication that your mate might just, and im not saying she is, want the qualification to get the visa.


    Claire, maybe the post could be mis-read!?


    Either way, the fact remains, the girl wants to be a nurse...........................


    her options are limited to training befor arrival, or after.......both incur costs.


    The pre arrival training will be 3 years, plus 2 years.................so she will be a pushing the age limit.


    The post training will mean lots of hard work, big dosh, and no salary...............


    soap box has been put away under the stairs.


    I thank you


  2. Now GIRLS!!



    i wholheartedly agree, this is an art and a profession, we should take a bit more gaurdianship of the role. However, with all due respect............NHS training is still superlative to (most) other countries!



    seriously, tell your mate she has a snowballs chance of getting an employer to PAY FOR TRAINING!

    The cost is about $18k; the drop out rate for the 1st year is 60%, and i doubt anyone would shell out to train someone in this arena whilst they work for someone else..............and getting so very little back for the time it takes.


    If she wants to train here, expect to pay for herself, not to expect any HECS help, and still have debts when she graduates.......... tough but thats the reality.



  3. So many reasons;


    We were just so over the decline in values of society; i was frustrated and tired of fighting against the bully boy tactics in the NHS, and wanted to step back to being a nurse........the suspicion of prospective employers when they discovered i wanted to drop 2 grades was just mind-blowing and short sighted; so i left!!


    The children needed to realise their potential, and like Diane, ive found that here, the teachers really do encourage kids;


    Almost year round golf for the OH, and working for someone else means he has more time for the family instead of working 60-65 hrs a week.................


    The weather, unless its hot as hades, is a bonus too.

  4. For those in the Eastern burbs...............try the Burnside Balti at the top of Greenhills Rd, opposite the Feathers pub............


    Best Tikka Masala this side of Baangalore, yum!!!!


    Or the the new Mangoe grove on maghill rd, if you prefer more northern curries, and no naan bread!

    What sort of a curry house doesnt do naan bread?????

  5. Yeah, $114k is tough.............


    Can't be easy, but we manage on about $85k for a family of 5.............


    I earn $60k pa, the OH half (if) that; with school fees for 3 kids, admittedly in state schools, mortgage costs, running 2 vehicles, and all the rest of day to day living, it isnt the life of riley! We both work full time, btw, and are the olympic flames of the forum........we never go out, lol:biglaugh:.


    Not knocking you Pommy99, it can be expensive to live here, no getting away from the fact, but seriously???? Student life/living on 114k................hardly; perhaps the school fees are eating into the budget.............

  6. Hey Lizy,


    we're from the wirral too, small world.....................but been here for 16 months.


    dont know about fishing, never done it, but hear most jetties are ok to fish off.

    Also plenty of dolphin tours to grab at the port.

    Cleland is nice, feeding the kangas, emus etc, and there is a fee to cuddle the koalas.


    Hope you guys have a great stay......



  7. Oh, dear...............

    what a question.............


    Adelaide is a backwater, a bit behind the times, but there are people out there wanting it to progress.....just not the way the uk has!!!!


    Australia has the advantage.........mainly because of all the migrants from the UK!.

    They hear, see and read just what is going on in the motherland, they have taken the "whingeing pom" opinion, and decided they dont want that here. If this is racism, then bloody good on them, i say.


    I for one see the ozzy attitude as informed rationale..........they, and we dont want a sectarian society, a modern "aparthied"; they want a free thinking society, tolerant of difference and respectful of change............but not at the cost of their own values.


    Im not rubbishing your opinion, or feelings, maybe Adelaide isnt the best place for you and yours; but at least give yourself the chance to have a better situation, or your kids to in the future.


    Good luck with it.

  8. Oh Carol,

    how brave of you to post;

    My son went back to the UK last year, after only 3 months in Oz; it wasnt for him, i realise that now...................but i had to let him go, so he could become his own man.


    I, like you, think of my "baby" so very far away from me, and i miss him so much it hurts. E-mail and phone calls just dont quite make up for him not being here, so i sympathise with you, really i do.


    My brother, again like you, is not happy about the journey here, but he misses the kids, and sees it as a small price to pay to hug them, and see that they are well.............and his fear of flying makes it even more gratifying for us that our loved one is making that trip.


    Parents sacrifice so much for their children, and the kids are never realise it until sometime in the future, usually a day too late...............but please remember, your daughter loves you, and her love for her children means that her sacrifice of leaving is for THEM.............


    Best wishes.


  9. Thats really sad for you!


    My mum died just 4 months befor we came over here; and the decision to come was very hard......leaving my dad and brother practically "all alone"...........but they were determined to have us make the move, and here we are, 14 months later, loving it!


    My dad, not the best flyer in the world made the trip alone last year; next monday both he and my brother arrive, and im sooooo excited. Mainly because my brother has NEVER flown befor, is terrified of the journey, but is making it for ME and his nephews and neice.


    My in laws, the rotten lot, have not even once contacted us since we've been here to see how things are.............the best we got was an e-mail from the company accountant!!!! Nice.

    Maybe one day, when they are in a better place, they will be in touch for genuine reasons...........................


    Im sure your parents love and miss you very much, like you do them.............give it time, and send the photos, it may help them to realise how marvellous it would be to see you all.


    Big hug



  10. Hi John

    no probs mate.........

    your UK references would be just fine for jobs, and for renting if you can get aussie ones, you should be fine!

    Rental agents might be satisfied with bank statements for renting, as long as you pay some in advance................on top of any bond you will need to pay.


    Its worth ringing the agents about a week befor you get here, telling them your situation, and requirements. Many agents wont get back to you, the market here is very bouyant.

    If you have temporary accomodation, perhaps the landlord would reference you...........worth asking them.


    You will need 100 points of ID too, passport, drivers licence, bank account details, medicare card..............it all adds up, and the agents can advise you which to bring.




  11. Hi John,

    welcome to the forum!


    In answer to your questions;

    Yes you can open a bank account befor you arrive in oz....ANZ, HSBC..........both very helpful your local branch can help with that aspect.


    You will need references for a rental, and proof of income, so a job would be useful!! Also, rental places in the city can be expensive....have a look on www. realestate.com.au for some ideas.


    Medicare................get registered; you will need a card for seeing a gp, getting prescriptions etc and as proof of eligibility......it does NOT cover ambulance service, and the price for a call out is huge............ you will need your passport and a current address.


    Private insurance.........do get dental, ambulance and hospital cover, at the very least; for a single person it is very reasonable. Try mutual community, or medibank private.

    A simple filling can cost over $200 here, a root canal over $500, and thats with private cover......trust me, i just got the bill!! Even the x-rays cost $45.........



    Im sure you'll get lots of help and advice from all the loverly peeps on the forum, good luck with your move



  12. Hi Kathy,

    welcome to the forum; you'll find it really helpful!!


    Like anything, the cost depends on a number of factors.........where you live, what you're insuring, what school (and year) the kids go to, how much you use.............same as the UK.


    Medicare levy is taken from your wages, just like tax and ni, and isnt hugely different to the costing back there.


    I found electricity is a bit cheaper, but i might not be using as much........i have no idea about gas, but i would tell you that getting connected is a blooming costly affair, so i didnt bother!! Lots of places now have solar, but that is bloody expensive to fit and all......even with the rebates...


    Water rates are based on usage.............and SA has a save the murray levy, which other states dont have..........i had a leaky pool, so my last quarter was $400:shocked:, got that fixed in a hurry, i can tell you. Its clever to invest in a grey water system too, and have rainwater tanks (something i have to get befor too long!)


    School fees range quite a bit; my kids are in yr 11 ($650 plus excursions, books etc) yr 9 (850 plus the above) and year 7 ($600); depends on the schools, but you can check that out on the DECS website, for most public and private school fees.


    Petrol is cheap, and the cost ranges up and down EVERY day.......most supermarkets have a rewards scheme getting 4 c a litre off, best on weds!


    Hope that helps.


    Good luck,


  13. Poor You,


    Ive been here a year...............and having had just 1 good cry about being away from "home"...........i realised, Adelaide is my home, i chose it, and i am so very glad that i did.


    It isnt easy, no-one would suggest that it is, or that your feelings are unusual.........because they certainly are not that out of the ordinary, right guys??


    As mayjess says, it takes time and effort, how much really depends on you, and your bf!!


    I do hope you feel more "at home " soon.



  14. Hi, dont know about Glenelg GC; but Grange....................well now.........my oh went for a looksee...as a 3 handicapper, he was told there was a 2 year waiting list!!! Expensive to join, about $6k, i believe; nice courses there, and the pennant team is above A league.


    There are a few good courses about so try not to limit yourself too much.


    Kooyonga has a 10 year waiting list, so unless you have a relly in the know, why bother??

    West lakes is supposed to be good, too.


    Good luck

  15. Oh, bless you!

    5 weeks is so long, and it isnt long enough.......................but it will pass and before you know, you'll be here.


    Ive been here a year or so, and it still seems like a dream..............maybe cos i like it here, a lot!, and feel very lucky to be here (even with my hangover,lol)


    Good luck with the move, relax and enjoy

  16. Hi Alison,

    I have just Calvary North Adelaide; it is well established, not new!


    I worked in Day ward, endoscopy and Recovery, so i could give you loads of info..........

    the surgeons and gastro-enterologist are absolutely fab; so no worries there,

    some of the nurses are great, some not so, hey ho, happens everywhere.


    Parking is completely rubbish, and there isnt a proper canteen, but you can order meals from the kitchen if you want to.


    If you want some insider info, just pm me......................



    I am 43, and live in the eastern burbs, happy to meet up for a drink tho'




  17. Onya!

    Bet ya cant wait to get back, and thaw out!!!

    Ive got a few things you could borrow...........fridge freezer, table and chairs, coffee table.

    Give a hollar and well see what we can do for ya.


    Happy flying


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