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Posts posted by lorluc

  1. We are a small family run business  called Custom Food Vans located in Lonsdale. 

    Due to a high demand for our services, we are looking for an additional Sheet metal fabricator.

    Please click on link below for more details.


    If you are interested then please contact us via details in the link or you are more than welcome to private message me.

    Due to the nature of the position being a  minimum of 6 months casual work, with the possibility of going permanent later, it would be ideal for anyone recently arrived who has the experience and is looking to gain much valued Australian work experience.




  2. I think its pretty tough out there in the job market atm


    My daughter has applied for countless of jobs and these are Barista/cafe/bar work jobs and is hearing nothing. She has the experience from here in Australia, plus working overseas for the past year in the UK. She has been looking and applying for over a month now.


    If you are looking for part time office work, i strongly suggest you get some form of book-keeping/financial knowledge. Alot of part time office work want you to have experience in all areas of admin. I found this when i came over 10 years ago, so i went to college part-time and learned MYOB. Knowing MYOB is what got me my job 7 years ago.

  3. Hello


    Firstly a quick question.......is this with transferred UK Pension monies?


    Our super consists of UK pension funds transferred and also contributions made here. We have been here almost 10 years, and did the transfer not long after we arrived.


    The UK part sat in a QROPS fund (Solar wrap) for the time required which i think from memory is 5 years...although we left ours in there for longer. My husbands part was transferred to his employment super fund here early in 2014. I still have some in a my Solar wrap account that needs to be transferred

  4. We have decided to sell our daughters Barina. After going back to the UK for a holiday last year, she decided to stay long term. She just got herself a flat so needs all the funds she can get!



    The car is a lovely little holden barina that has had lots of work done on it including an engine rebuild and total respray.


    Its a 1998 3 door. Ideal for a first car...cheap to run.


    Its currently not registered (expired in December) , but will register for new owner.


    Please msg me if interested and im happy to send photos or send you the link on gumtree where it is also advertised.

  5. Friends 19 year old daughter has basically done this within the last few weeks ...... went back for a holiday and decided to stay. Entered on Aussie passport, got a job, now finding her feet there. Just had to reactivate her NI humber to get a job ..... couple of places wouldn't interview without it.


    Friend ......... LORLUC ........ should be posting more details for you later tonight.


    Hi, happy to help out on this one! As wizzywozza said, recent experience for us! i've read some of the replies and it must be really confusing for you as you are getting alot of conflicting answers. I can only tell you from my experience which is as recent as you are gonna get!!!

    My daughter and I were on holiday in the Uk in October and had entered the UK on australian passports. When she started to make her feelings known that she would like to stay there, I contacted immigration/border control who informed me that it did not matter at all that she had entered on an aussie passport....she was born in the UK and even though her British passport had expired (and this was still her child one) she was entitled to stay in the UK and live and work. She did not require a visa even though she had entered the country on an australian passport.


    Yes you do need to have an NI number......We called the NI helpline....gave her name and as we had claimed child benefit in the UK till she was 10, she was on their system. All they had to do was reactivate her as being back in the UK and the NI number would be sent. It does take a while and after a month she still hasnt got it...main reason is the british gov can be incompetent like anywhere else and didnt send it when they said they were....so she is still waiting for it.. Yes couple of jobs wouldnt interview here without it...but others did. She has secured herself a permanent full time position as the place she is working know she is british. Her expired child passport and birth certificate are proof enough she is british and entitled to work and live in the UK. Since being there she has renewed her british passport which took less than 2 weeks to come through.


    She lives in a shared house in the town where she works. No need for a car as she is lucky to have got a job 10 minutes walk from her front door. Public transport is good though in the area she is living.


    She has moved back to our old home town, Newport Pagnell and has been reunited with so many of her old school friends from her primary days.


    When she dropped the bombshell half through our holiday that she wanted to stay, well as many of you can imagine, it was pretty hard to get my head around. But at 19 she has to do things for herself now. I brought her to Australia at the age of 10, and she has had pretty much all her teen years here, and really wanted to experience whats left of them and some early adult life in the UK. But hey that was what we always wanted for our kids....the choice! Dual citizenship allowing them to be where they want...Australia or the UK.


    Yes my flight home on my own was pretty emotional and of course I miss her badly, but I wouldnt have it any other way now....Its an experience of a lifetime for her....Having left a school a year ago and not really sure what she wants to do, hopefully how ever long she is over there will help her to make some decisions.


    Yes its tough financially...be prepared to have to support them. Fortunately while she was on leave she didnt touch 4 weeks annual leave pay so that pretty much paid for her first months rent and deposit...but i have had to support her until she gets paid...which is this week!!! Woo!!!


    Hope this has helped.

  6. Hi, we're in the process and we've booked to visit Oct/Nov. My son will be 13 in August and currently plays for a team in the North East of England. Do you know of any teams looking for players in or around Christies Beach area (we'll be hiring a car). Maybe a team would let him come along for a training session when we visit just to meet the lads and see what it's all about. He and his brother are quite reluctant about the move, although the eldest is slowly coming round to it. Perhaps spending a bit of time with some other boys would help them along. His brother will be 11 when we come out but has just packed in his football club - hopefully he will get back into it in Oz! Anyone who can help, please get in touch. Thanks


    HI Linda, unfortunately you are visiting during the off season for football here. The 2014 season has just finished and most of the trials are happening over next couple of weeks. Training for the new season 2015 wont be starting till early next year now.

  7. I'm renting a car while in the UK later this month. Just reading about driving licence requirements..says AUS licence is fine.


    But then it says 'Applicable to all drivers, a valid driver's license must have been held for a minimum of three years. If the date of issuance on the driver's license shows less than three years, a copy of the driving history must be presented to show the license has been held for at least three years.'


    SA licence doesnt have an issue date, just an expiry date...will it still be okay?



  8. Thankyou for all the advice all and any help is very much appreciated...snifter our children's ages are 18 14 3 1, I would preferably like the coast and we have be looking around aberfoyle, Hallett cove area as my partner has a few friends in that part and possible work opportunities,we're hoping to move out there in august.

    Claire-n-tel I've started to read some of the threads on here, some are good and then others jet confuse me more lol.

    howde I've also been using google earth it's brilliant, I just wish I could please everyone and not have to keep moving around.

    Zebedee I'm sure it will work out I just hope I don't have to move around a lot, would be nice to wave a magic wand and stay in the first house.

    Our eldest will be 18 in July and wants to join the police force and also plays football at present he's at college doing a sports coaching coarse, our eldest daughter will soon be 14 she is really into her sports she currently plays football,and would also like to get back into her kick boxing/boxing again and eventually would like a career in sports/sports science, the 3 year old loves singing and dancing and loves going to her pre-school and mixing with other children so that is a must and the little one will be 2 in August and loves all her play groups and play centres,I'm a hairdresser and even though I can turn my hand to anything would love to either teach hairdressing or become a teachers assistant, my partner works in data/voice cabling etc. I'm hoping I can try and settle somewhere that can cover everyone's needs but I can see myself doing a lot more research.





    Although 9 years ago for us now, i still remember it well the scariness of moving to the other side of the world with 4 kids!


    Anyway i can help you out a little bit with couple of questions.


    18 year old and police force - There's either SA or federal. Federal i think you have to be an aussie citizen, but for SA you just need perm residency. Are you coming out on a permanent visa? My daughter is 19 this year and is thinking of applying for the police force but not yet. They like you to have some proper 'life experience' first, maybe do volunteering work first. TAFE do a course in Policing, but dont bother with that. Spoken to a couple of Police Officers, including one who is a trainer and say the course is a waste of time!


    Football.......can definitely help with that one! I think its my son McGintyoz was referring to. Any advice you want for that i'm, happy to help. My son is U16 GK at Cove and has experience of other clubs. Also plenty of opportunities at some clubs for girls to play.



    3 year old - singing and dancing. My younger son is also well into all this and attends a club called Theatre Bugs. He loves it and attends classes in Aberfoyle Park.

  9. I'm halfheartedly looking around at the moment now we're all settled and one of the part time admin assistant jobs I read an advert for was asking for a cert III in admin & a minimum of 2 years experience. Not office manager or anything more than a glorified telephone answer-er; it's why I'm only halfheartedly looking.


    I've been here over 8 years now and work in admin. Yes i'm afraid you will find that even the part time jobs want the earth at times! They often want you to be capable of everything admin including accounts etc...I found this when i came over so i went to adult education and learned MYOB (an accounting software used widely over here). Whilst doing the course i worked for agencies as a temp doing basic office work... Finally I secured a wonderful part-time position, (which i wouldnt have got without MYOB), for 15 hours a week. Over 6 years, i slowly increased my hours as my kids grew older and now I am full-time and have progressed to Office Manager. I am also studying Cert IV in small business management.


    Got to be prepared to start at the bottom...learn new skills and work your way up.

  10. I've been reading a few threads on here recently where people are asking about career opportunities, job prospects etc. Any prospective immigrants would be strongly advised to read these articles in the press this morning. I think it adds to what others have been saying and the general feeling that things are not particularly good here at the moment. I mentioned in another thread earlier this week that my daughter recently applied and fortunately got a job with over 200 applicants...just a normal office job...


    Got to admit if i was considering leaving the UK now and was leaving behind a steady job with a steady income, i would seriously be thinking twice about the move.





  11. I'm surprised Unemployment Advisor isn't on there


    Couldnt agree more Diane! The job market is so tight here at the moment and looking at those occupations that have been added....seriously?????


    My daughter recently applied for a job (which she got!) with over 200 applicants...i was in the supermarket the other day and heard a lady saying she had just been for an interview for a position that had 170 applicants...

  12. Hi,


    Looking at return flights to the UK for later this year and there's so many online booking agents such as Skiddo, Zuji etc...etc.. Are there any that should be avoided? Previously any flights i have booked have been direct with the airline, but so many search engines for flights these days with different agents, no idea whats good or bad!




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