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Posts posted by lorluc

  1. Not sure they are doubling...


    Huge increases in traffic fines in SA State Budget 2010 | Adelaide Now


    but definitely going up alot!


    Have been pinged myself once....hubby twice and daughter once....in 5 years!


    I dont know what the answer is....yes of course not to speed....but i dont have the luxury of cruise control in my car, so i am finding myself always watching the speedo, rather than the road....not good either way really...

  2. Yeah tried them....did the trick until i came off them, then after about a month or so...went back to smoking...but i made the mistake of not finishing the course....thought i had cracked it and couldnt be bothered to take them anymore...


    You can get them on prescription, which brings the cost down, but only get one shot at it a year through medicare.


    Be warned, they can make you feel really sick...really weird dreams, thats when you stay asleep....find i would wake up in the middle of the night and struggle to get back to sleep...

  3. I dont think i can ever remember St Georges Day being celebrated.....lets face it....totally unfashionable in England to be patriotic....hang out a St Georges flag, and your are more than likely to be asked to take it down!!! for fear of offending other non-english residents..........sad but true...


    My dear old Grandad was born on St Georges Day....guess what his name was?


    Think its great, how over here, they make such a big deal of Australia Day....but then i am always for having a day off!

  4. Right just to put a few people right on Cornwall (Kernow) and why we celebrate st pirans day and not st georges day and why flying the st geoges flag or commonly known as the blood cross/ butchers apron in cornwall is an insult to the cornish and also why Cornwall is not a part of england. Dont wanna get into the north - south / cornish and english devide so here is just some basic history for ya.



    Modern archaeology now admits that the Cornish and Welsh of today are the remnants of an ancient race native to these islands since at least the Neolithic period, between 4,000 and 6,000 years ago.

    In 936 the English King Athelstan fixed the boundary between England and Cornwall as the east bank of the river Tamar.There is no mention in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles that Cornwall was ever conquered by the English or absorbed into Wessex and no record exists of any formal annexation of Cornwall to England.

    Cornwall’s continued independence is strongly supported by the fact that it has enjoyed a special status, as Earldom and Duchy.

    Many treaty's and documents up until the 18th century made reference to there being a distinction between Anglia and Cornubia and maps of the British Isles produced up until the 18th century often showed Cornwall as a distinct entity on a par with Wales.

    The Cornish had and arguably continue to have a perceived national identity other than English.

    Cornwall and the Cornish have had an identity distinct from the English for centuries as is evidenced by the existence of the Cornish language as a mother tongue up until the late 18th or early 19th century, the english language was not spoken in Cornwall untill the end of the 18th century.

    Cornwall is portrayed on numerous maps, including the famous Mappa Mundi, as separate from England right up until the mid 16th century and Henry VIII even listed England and Cornwall separately in the list of his realms given in his coronation address.

    During the 1549 Anglo-Cornish war (prayer book rebelion), English and foreign mercenaries killed 5,000 Cornish fighters before moving into Cornwall and in total slaughtered up to 11% of its population before the butchery was stopped, this was the start of englands ethnic cleasning the cornish by also murdering 400 women and children - with families deprived of their menfolk and livelihoods, the true figure of deaths caused by this barbaric crime accounted for 20% of the Cornish population and this is why the st georges flag is known as the blood cross or butcher apron.

    Cornwall was not party to the Act of Union in 1707, Wales, Scotland and Ireland signed into it but Cornwall refused.

    Cornwall's legal right to its own Parliament has existed for over 800 years - the right was confirmed and strengthened by the Charter of Pardon 1508, which added to its rights that of veto over acts, statutes, laws, etc., passed by the Westminster government - these rights were granted in perpetuity and cannot be lawfully rescinded.

    Cornwall's right to its own sovereign Parliament, and the powers it processes under the Charter of Pardon were confirmed as valid in British law by the then Lord Chancellor, Lord Elwyn Jones in 1977.

    In British law - a law that has been continually ignored and breached by England - no officer or agent of the Crown (this would include both Westminster and the Anglican Church) can legally set foot upon Cornish soil without the express and joint permissions of the Duke of Cornwall and Cornwall's Stannary Parliament.

    Cornwall is legally an extra territorial land from England and not an administrative county which it has illegally been for near on 400 years.

    90% of Cornish place names are of Celtic origin and derived from the Kernewek language.

    The Cornish are accepted by many within the European Community as a national minority.


    So to all that seem to think that the Cornish are english THINK AGAIN.





    Well...well..well...learn something new every day!!! Very interesting.....

  5. We already have 2 girl rats...Britney & Beyonce..lol....otherwise would have had them! We also got them off people who were renting, and the landlord wouldnt let them keep them...cant understand they logic there as they are in a cage!!!


    I'd like to also add that they do make great pets....

  6. A friend of mine, who is also been a valued member of this forum, told me this week, she wont be coming on here anymore...


    She replied to on a thread and got a barrage of abuse back!!


    Really dont know what is going on here anymore......

  7. I completed a survey and came out the opposite from what I was going to vote for so now I'm undecided.


    lol...i did that same survey (you posted it on facebook!)...and the same thing happened to me!!!


    I dont know now!!!!:arghh:

  8. We went for the first time last year....avoided it like the plague for 4 years! lol


    Its okay...the kids enjoy it for the rides, to be honest thats pretty much it really. Not that fussed over the displays etc...although the flying pig was quite funny last year!


    Showbags are okay, but like Matt says....bit of a rip off...but must confess, my boy got the nickelodeon's show bag last year and that was pretty good...he is still using the rucksack for school, that was one of the contents in that show bag.


    If you are not careful, you will spend a fortune...and to be honest you really don't have to... My kids know what they have to spend for the day and once its gone...tough! Take lunch and drinks, that should help with the cost...i am pretty sure they have lockers there..(cant remember!!!)


    To be perfectly honest....really not sure what all the fuss is about.. the show bags are mostly crap....the rides are okay...and yeah if you like seeing farm animals again and again and again..great....lol


    Anyway, i am going again this year...my kids enjoyed it and thats the main thing!

  9. On a side note, anyone on Adam Internet - phoned them up with a query the other day and turns out they have a new deal on broadband which is 50 GB for $50 a month - no limitation on when you use the downloads. Much better than we were on and only a little bit dearer..


    We are with Adam...more than happy with them...


    Super 1500kbps/256kbps 100GB (50GB+50GB) $59.95


    We are on this plan, and have been running 2 laptops and 2 desktops on it...family of 6..heavy users for all sorts of things...


    Never use our entitlement up....

  10. Churchj1 & Trakki.....no offence taken....


    Just think sometimes, those of us who chose not to, are made to feel guilty and inferior....I certainly was, but remember this was 20 years ago now, so things may have changed...but having said that my youngest is 7...so wasn't too long ago that i had a small one...

  11. At church said it is the most natural thing (doesn't work for everyone) but when it does work women should be praised. What do calfs, lambs, foals, puppies, kittens etc feed on?? Thats right their mum and thats not deemed disgusting so why should it be for humans????

    Hated it myself...have 4 kids, and once i got over the guilt that was being put on me from health professionals and family alike with my first (she is now 20)..didn't even bother with the others...


    So from another point of view...those who choose not to shouldn't be treated as inferior...or being a bad mother etc.........

  12. Hi


    My son plays the following online...


    Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

    Call of Duty World at War

    Battlefield Bad Company 2

    Burnout Paradise

    2010 FIFA South Africa World Cup

    Guitar Hero 3 - Legends of Rock


    If any of you fancy playing any of these against him...PM me for his user name....He may only be 11, but I warn you he is good!!!!!

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