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Posts posted by lorluc

  1. The usual suspects will be there at the death i think;





    and i reckon England have a good chance this time.:)


    Thnk you are probably right...not sure about england though...time will tell....


    But c'mon England.....:jiggy:


    Oh and good luck Australia....;)

  2. Football the world bring it on....3 weeks of being kneckered....ace.....even my work have accepted the fact that guys are going to be pretty tired for the enxt few weeks.



    Lets get it on....


    might even do a tipster style thingy anyone up for it?






    Its times like this i do get really homesick.....miss the hype that happens in the UK with the world cup...and of course Wimbledon just around the corner as well...:mad:


    Making my daughters Aussie boyfriend get up and watch England on Sunday Morning! hahaha....


    Oh well...at least we will be able to watch the Ashes at a reasonable time this year!

  3. There are various websites to use for tracing your FT. The best one is www.ancestry.com, then there is www.familysearch.org, www.rootsweb.com, www.genesreunited.co.uk, www.freebmd.org.uk - these should help to get you started. You need to know details of one of your ancestors that was alive in 1901 and you should be able to follow it back from each census return (every 10 years) from there. The 1911 census is available to view at a cost.


    If you are still stuck at a brickwall, send me as much detail as possible and I will have a look for you. I have been researching genealogy for over 10 years now.





    Yeah...try those websites...I dont do as much now...just dont get the time...so have cancelled my subscriptions to ancestry and genes reunited...but its a fascinating thing to do...be careful, because once you start and get going on it...it will be become highly addictive!

  4. Myself and my husband went to the doctors about 18 months ago to stop smoking. He was able to prescribe Champix (tablets) to us just on normal prescription. He had to make a call to somewhere in Canberra to obtain authorisation which I think is just routine. Just paid the normal $30 prescription charge and we both managed to stop for 9 months relatively easily. We both started again unforunately but that was down to us and not the tablets. The tablets helped us to stop, we just didn't have the will power to keep it up when the stress levels were up.



    We both have quit now for almost 2 months...did it with Champix as well....but stopped the tabs before the end of the course, made us feel unwell.


    Yeah it is covered on the PBS...think we paid $33.50..

  5. I only own the PC and I am a call of duty fan too.

    Does that mean we can play against each other online or is his access limited to playing online against other ps3 owners?



    He does play online with other PS3 owners.....i reckon it would just be against other PS3 owners rather than PC...but will ask...

  6. I understand that the playstation 3 might be a better buy than an xbox. Doesnt the PS3 also have a blue ray player in it?


    Yeah it is also a blu ray player..


    We have a PS3 and a Wii.......it really depends on what you want to use it for. For example my son is a mad Call of Duty fan....best platform for that is PS3...where as the Wii is much more family fun...with all the interactive games etc...

  7. We have been totally amazed by the amount of cash rebates that are available and it's just a case of fillng in a form and getting a cheque or money paid into your account. Some of the cash rebates may influence new migrants as what not to bring with them (washing machines for example).

    I will give you some examples and maybe others can add to them?


    We have received the following money back from the South Australian government in the past 3 years:


    $200 for buying a new washing machine with a 4 and a half star water rating. If you buy a washer for $700 you get $200 back so it costs $500. This rebate is per person so if you need more than one washing machine then the rebate needs to be in another family members name.


    $100 rebate for a purchase of garden mulch to the value of more than $150.


    We received $1600 rebate for a replacement solar powered hot water system.


    From March you get $200 rebate for purchasing a water tank. We bought two tanks earlier this year and missed the $200 per tank but we did get $800 back for having the tank plumbed into the toilet. The tank cost $800, the pump $200 and the plumbing was $400 so the lot cost us $600 with the rebate and we now have thousands of litres of water for the pool as well. With the extra $200 available since March this would now cost $400.


    We just bought a new solar blanket for the swimming pool. It cost $500 and the rebate is $200.


    We have replaced toilets in our homes. For each one we received $150 back as a rebate.


    The web site for the rebates and download of forms is

    Home Rebates Overview - SA Water


    There are rebates for solar power installations and all sorts of other things.

    Maybe others can post some examples and save me and everone else some more money as well?!





    So you are the one who has been keeping my mate busy in the rebates office then? :)

  8. I recently had a similar experience where good friends of mine were desperate to sell their car...they had been members of this forum for a while, had been in touch with other members, helping them out...but hadnt actually posted anything on the site. Their post was deleted...i complained big time to a MOD...who listened and took my views on board and reinstated the thread. The car was sold to a newly arrived PIA member who was over the moon with the purchase, and my friends got the money they needed...


    I think a bit more flexibility is needed...alot goes on behind the scenes...not everyone who registers on this site wants to post on open forum...they use it in other ways...


    Maybe...and this is just an idea....all future mods should not have business interests that appear to benefit from being a member of this site...impartiallity and all that...

  9. Yeah good luck...


    I am assuming as I havent heard back from you, that you wont be taking up my offer of help regarding accommodation...


    Would have been nice if you had let me know....:skeptical:

  10. You can find PG tips in the english section in most coles...where you will also find Weetabix!!!! Called Whole Wheat Buiscuits...hoping to get my daughters boyfriend to try them later...see what he thinks as he eats the aussie version of weet bix...YUK!

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