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Posts posted by lorluc

  1. Really dont know what to suggest Michelle....but i think a valuable lesson can be learned from your experience....always check first before you buy.....


    There are so many areas around here that have problems accessing the net for various reasons...s


    For example...i have friends in Woodcroft who live a few houses apart from each other in the same road! One can get broadband...the others cant....


    Before we bought our house here in Happy Valley, we did all the checking we could to make sure we could get broadband...


    Is it the net completely you cant get? Or just broadband?

  2. Hi


    I have lived in Happy Valley for nearly 4 years now.


    My children are at Reynella East Primary & High School. Both schools have a very good reputation, and my kids have all been very happy there. My daughter has had some settling in problems at the High School, but things seem to have settled down now.


    The primary school is a big primary, but my boys are more than happy there. Both the boys are above their age level academically, and are well supported with this.


    Hope this helps

  3. Been here nearly 4 1/2 years, and i am still waiting for my parents to even call me!!! Get the odd email...couple of lines if i am lucky....they wont even get broadband, to make it easier to talk via the net etc...said their usage doesnt warrant the cost....


    My kids are their only grandchildren...


    As for a visit? Think that is highly unlikely....lol

  4. I am afraid my thoughts on ambulance cover so far are realising that I have never in my life had to call one yet, so while we have the money in the bank that could pay for it if we had to, that has been my thought on that one


    Do you know how much it is? Can be around $700.....


    We too, had never had to call an ambulance in our lives...till we arrived here 4 years ago. My son was taken seriously ill after only 3 months of being here....we hadnt got round to getting ambulance cover....so it cost us..


    Since then...we have to call an ambulance for him again...and also for my husband, both with serious conditions....


    So 3 in four years....not bad going eh???


    You just never know what is round the corner....think cover is about $100 a year or something like that..i have it part of my med cover now...


    We have the extras cover....as for private v public? Had treatment within the public sector a fair bit here...and yeah a few little gripes, but nothing major...cant fault it really...personally i'd get the ambulance cover and maybe extras....especially as dentistry is very expensive....

  5. Heritage Rhapsody Elite Spa – Emerald Green


    Includes disco light, steps, cover plus the optional stainless steel jets


    We bought the Spa in January 2009 for $8000 and are looking for $5500. It is in superb condition...so an absolute bargain!


    Please clink on link below, this will tell you all about it….


    Heritage Spas Australia


    PM me if interested…



  6. We have just flown with Tiger to Sydney and back this weekend...and can't fault them at all! The flight left bang on time from Adelaide on Friday and again from Sydney on sunday....yeah there are no frills with them, thats for sure...but wouldnt except anything different when all I paid was $90 return per person...


    Check-in took a while....big queue...but no different from other flights i have taken....Stood there listening to some whinging people behind me...going on about never flying with Tiger again because of the queue! But the queue was for 2 flights...which they separated out eventually.


    The staff were friendly and polite....


    I would definitley fly with Tiger again....all airlines have problems. In my job, I book alot of flights for staff...we use Virgin & Qantas...I have had staff stuck on a Qantas flight on the tarmac in Adelaide for hours...i have had staff stranded by Virgin in Perth on a Friday night, when the flight got cancelled....so it happens to them all!

  7. Many drivers in Adelaide & surrounds are dire. Many of the cars they drive are not fit to be on the roads. No MOT's!!!


    Totally agree....


    The 'P' on 'P Plates' generally stands for 'Prick' so watch out for these (you get 'P' plates with 3 tokens from cornflake packets I think). Most aussie males think they are Michael Schumacher & never grow out of the little boys big exhaust syndrome. They are very immature when behind the wheel. In reality they make Maureen from 'Driving School' (remember her?) look like a good driver. There are good drivers too, but I suspect these are immigrants ;-)


    I think you are being very harsh on 'P' platers....yes, i agree, some are awful...but i know many young kids, including my own daughter, who have been very good and sensible 'P' platers!!!! So I think you are being unfair with that sweeping judgement...



    ride a motorcycle & yes there are some great roads here to be enjoyed, but would I commute on it here? No way on this earth. Too bloody hot in the summer too! (Don't ever ride without protective gear, even when its hot. You only get 1 skin).


    My husband commutes to work and back on his bike....hasnt had any issues....

  8. 1. Mens Mountain Ridge, Arizona Bike.


    21 Epoch Gears

    Aluminium Frame

    Slight rust on Chrome surfaces and front fork a bit sticky


    Other than that, in very good condition, has been stored for a year so may need a service.


    2. Ladies Apollo FS.26 Bike.


    17 inch Steel frame

    18 Shimano Gears


    Only ridden a few times. In very good condition, but has been stored for a year, so may need a service



    $50 per bike


    PM me for pictures




  9. Dont know if you are still after one...but I have one for sale (will be listing it later)...Paid $100 for it from the camping shop on beach road, christies beach a while back


    Its in great condition, but is missing the pegs.and the bag is a bit worn...therefore would like $30 for it....

  10. I would agree with what Lorluc says, and also with Lisado, your daughter surely wouid not be too pleased with you for telling the whole forum her business, if she doesnt know now she will once she meets the people you have lined up for them as friends.


    I also agree with Lisado...whilst i appreciate after asking questions on here and receiving the answers you have, that you feel you need to clarify the situation, I do feel far too much information has been given. My daughter would have been mortified if i had put this all up on open forum!!


    On the hairdressing side, you must ask yourself the question why has qualified hairdressers been on the wanted list for the last at least 15 yrs that I know of??? Because they dont train enough of them here, why? Because most of the 11,000 salons in and around Adeliade are one man bands and either cant afford to train an apprentice or, more likely cant be bothered.


    Please listen to someone who knows what they are talking about? Sarah has the knowledge/experience....and she also knows what my daughter went through. My daughter ended up in one of those 'one man bands' who falled into the category of 'cant be bothered'. Slave labour is one way of describing it...bullying another...


    That said, there are apprenticeships to be got, but not many, so the competition is high, they wont want to bother with someone who "might not make it". I would very much doubt they will take into account any training she will have done in the UK, I wouldnt if ever I was in a postion to have an appr. The training here is done totally different to the UK, they also like appr. to have pre vocational training (at tafe) before they take one on.


    Yep, thats what my daughter was told to do. I spent nearly $3000 on Tafe courses, and i was on a PR visa....


    You have asked for advice and mine to you would be let her complete her UK apprenticeship, at least she has a shot at a career, if you dont want to leave her behind as you are worried about the boyfriend situation, all stay there and that way you can keep an eye on her.


    My feelings exactly...How long is an apprenticeship in the UK?


    Let her finish it...she can then get some work experience, then she can apply for a visa in her own right if she wants to! She will be snapped up, no doubt about that!


    Dont screw it up for her.....I have to live with how my daughters career dream was destroyed over here....breaks my heart at times as its all she ever wanted to do...Please dont do the same...

  11. I am not that familiar with the sponsored visa system...so cant answer that I'm afraid. But i notice someone else has said that the employer would have to prove that they couldnt take anyone on any younger? That would be my concern...


    And to be quite honest with you....if you want to train as a decent hairdresser, dont do it here...costs a fortune and only good hairdressers i have come across in my 4 years here are english...


    Good luck

  12. I have been thinking long and hard as to whether i should reply to this thread, as i know what i have to say probably wont go down too well...but as you have asked 'so what do i do', then i take it you want opinions.


    I have personal experience of bringing a teenage daughter over and also hairdressing apprenticeships etc over here


    From everything you have said, i agree, it aint going to be easy at all.


    If there is anyway of leaving her in the Uk so she can finish her training? It sounds like she is in such a good apprenticeship and receiving excellent training, I can understand why she is not too struck on coming to Adelaide. Also, from my experience of australian hairdressers, she would be far better off learning the trade in England. Being treated well as an apprenticeship is hard to come by....plus the only decent hairdressers i have come across over here are English!!


    I cant help but feel for her....she is in her 'happy' place now....and is only a year away from being 18. Leaving this wonderful job now, trying out adelaide for a year, only to possibly return in a year, and having to resume her training somewhere else...IMO would be such a shame.


    Could she not come out with you in February so she has in effect valdiated herself on the visa, and then return home and finish the apprenticeship? I'm not sure how it works, but dont you then have a certain amount of time till you have to be back in Australia?


    She may get lucky and be able to resume her training here, by gaining an apprenticeship...but as for training at specialist hairdressing salons like ClipJoint...well if you think the TAFE fees are expensive...i know that these academies are even more!


    As for friends? I know you mean well...but again...trying to push kids of that age together doesnt often help...believe me...been there and done that one!!!


    Obviously from what you have said, her hairdressing career is the thing that you are most worried about.......there I would be seriously considering if the move is best for her....


    I am sorry to be blunt, but i feel i have to reply honestly to the questions you have asked.


    Sadly, my daughter gave up on her hairdressing dream over here....something I regret for her very much....


    If you want to know more about the hairdressing issues over here, and what experience my daughter had, then please feel free to PM me...


    good luck!

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