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Posts posted by lorluc

  1. If you're going to do MYOB course I'd recommend Hamilton Secondary College on Marion Road.


    I recently did Pre-MYOB and MYOB introduction there (on the recommendation of Lorluc) and it was very good. Only $55 per course aswell, which is cheap compared to some I looked at.


    They do day time or evening courses.


    As I say, I've just completed mine ..... now I've just got to find a job :confused:


    Great to hear that you did the course Nat...good luck finding a job! Having MYOB should make life alot easier for you

  2. A friend from work goes to Xanchies at Fast Food Corner - South Road. She's very happy with it and they look great :)


    My daughter had a tattoo done at this place...and my other daughter had her belly button pierced there as well....very pleased with the service...


    Would recommend them...

  3. Plenty of help if you are on a permanent resident visa.


    As others have mentioned...Rent Assistance and Family Assistance. But of course they are dependant on your earnings.


    Also, if you use Child Care, you will be entitled to Child Care Benefit. Again, this is earnings related. But bascially, the government pay a portion of your child care costs. This applies to pre-school care and school age children who use school club facilities.


    Also...either quarterly or yearly, you can claim 50% of your 'out of pocket' child care expenses...i.e. what you have paid after benefit.


    Family assistance is paid fortnightly or you can claim a lump sum at the end of the financial year. Also...once tax etc has been reconciled, you may be entitled to a top up supplement. The government keep back a few hundred dollars, so that if you have been overpaid family assistance, they can take it out of this pot. If not, then they pay it to you.


    It is important to ensure you estimate your income correctly. If unsure, always best to over estimate..

  4. I'm surprised at Hays, as i found them really good.


    Agree with Diane, register with agencies...there are part-time jobs out there...


    I worked part-time temping for around 2.5 years. Always managed to get some kind of part-time work, but did have to be flexible. Some jobs were 3 full days a week or even 4....and others were like 10-4 or similar...


    Flexibility is the key....its not easy, but it is worth trying to get as much aussie experience as possible...helps on the resume!


    The other thing to be aware of is that in part-time office/admin work...alot of places like you to be an 'all rounder'. i.e....have admin/office skills, but also to have accounts knowledge.


    I found when looking in the those first few months, alot of the jobs wanted people to have MYOB or Quikbooks knowledge. So might be advisable to get one of those under your belt. I did MYOB


    After 2.5 years, i finally secured a wonderful Permanent part-time administration job...flexible hours...great company...and i needed MYOB!


    Good luck!

  5. Going to Sydney in February, and was wondering if anyone could recommend a place to stay?


    Looking for a reasonably priced hotel or B&B that is in the Darling Harbour area or nearby, which also is easily accesible for travel to Olympic Park and back...


    Any recommendations please?




  6. Yesterday my 14 year old daughter and her friends hailed a bus at the colonnades interchange, after spending the afternoon at the beach.


    The bus stopped, opened its doors and my daughter asked if the bus was going to woodcroft. It was the normal service that goes there. The driver said yes...but you're not getting on and shut the doors on her hand and drove off!!!


    Luckily it just caught her finger and her hand is okay....they had to wait ages for another bus, finally getting home well over an hour later than they should be.


    I'm disgusted with the behaviour of this bus driver and have filed a complaint with adelaide metro...


    My daughter has just recently started to use buses to get about, after alot of encouragement from me...think its good for her independance etc....but surely this kind of behaviour by a bus driver is out of order??

  7. Yes they are strict on zoning - however if they have a spare space and you ask - you stand a good chance of getting in. Get your parents to ring and ask. If you don't ask - you'll never know.


    Yes they are very strict on the zoning, but definitely agree, its certainly worth phoning...


    My daughter is there...just about to finish year 8....

  8. Oh well.....I am looking forward to it!


    The tickets arent actually mine......I have friends who have 2 tickets and I have 3.....sadly my daughter's friend has had to pull out....leaving me with 1 spare ticket.......So my friend thought she'd try and sell her 2 and come along with me...


    But if that plan doesnt come off (doesnt look like it will)...then my other daughter is going to come on my spare ticket....yes she has already seen her in melbourne and loved it...and is more than happy to come again!!! and pay!!!


    I knew when i bought the tickets, that there would be all this lip sync stuff.....also...I saw her at wembley a few years ago, and she was certainly singing live then...i think its more about the show this time....


    Certainly dont want this to become a debate of whether anyone should go or not!!!! So please lets not let it get that way...


    Genuine sale...genuine reason



  9. Sorry, but just bumping this up!


    Don't believe the hype surrounding this at the moment...My daughter has just come back from Melbourne, and it was bloody fantastic....Watched some of the video she took....really looking forward to going myself on the 29th!



    Anyway, we still have 2 tickets for sale...so let me know if anyone is interested......

  10. Also it's not always a good idea even for bright kids to go into a year group where they are much younger than their peers - for instance, a 13 Year old (Year 8) in a class of 16 year olds (Year 10) is going to be miles away in social, emotional and even physical development - and let's face it, school is about a lot more than academics here! I even worry about my son being only 15 when all his classmates are 16 and being able to learn to drive when he can't! A good school will be able to keep a bright child with peers of the same age, whilst still ensuring the work is challenging -


    Totally agree with what Diane has said.....


    This school might interest you for your daughter....


  11. I dont think it really makes a difference if you lose something in Australia or the UK.....its the luck of the draw who finds it...whether they are an honest person or not...


    My daughter has lost her mobile phone twice this year....the first time on NYE in Glenelg....I got a call from her phone by this guy saying he had find her phone...he'd obviously looked through her contacts and found 'MUM'...she got the phone back...


    Second time a couple of months ago....she lost it on a night out......never heard a thing. So some dishonest person has kept the phone....


    Glad you got your wallett back!

  12. As soon as i read the title of this thread, it did make me giggle....apologies to original poster....but just knew it would spark a little debate!


    I too am a little bewildered how people can decide where they want to be from 12,000kms away...


    I remember HC being talked about all the time, way back in the days when we were looking at emigrating...have to admit, thought 'um...' better make sure we check this place out when we arrive...and to be honest, wondered what all the fuss was about!!! So you see....cant really tell till you get here...


    BUT funnily enough...we ended up in HC, all be it for 8 months....and then that was only as we were struggling to find a decent rental property, and one came up there. Must admit, liked the Hallett Cove east school...but not too impressed with the R-12....one of the main reasons we didnt stay in HC...


    We just knew we wouldnt settle there...was only a temp measure.......I do remember our aussie neighbours asking us as to why 'you pom's are all flocking to HC....lol :)


    Anyway....have some fond memories of the place..and also some 'not so fond' ones.....


    I am now 'happy' in Happy Valley......and there are certainly a few of us poms over here as well......:biglaugh:


    Good luck with yr move....


    P.S......4 years tomorrow we left the UK.........where as the time gone?


    P.S.S. glad to see you are still alive and kicking 'adelaidenow'

  13. Community child care centres shut for 2 weeks over xmas, however private centres like ABC,stepping stones etc just close for the public holidays.


    I did wonder if it was just the community child care centres that shut....my son went to both Hallett Cove & Happy Valley....which are community centres...and they always shut for 2 weeks.


    And yes...the schools vacation care clubs close for around 2 weeks as well....


    It is a problem for working parents...not doubt about it.....fortunately, we have always managed to cover it...but then we are both lucky to be in jobs that makes it easy to take 2 weeks off over xmas.....

  14. Sorry to say, but think you will find its pretty much standard practice......When i used childcare, they were always closed for 2 weeks over xmas....we always had to make sure we made arrangements...i.e. one of us took the time off...


    Unfortunately, i dont have any suggestions for you....


    School vacation care also closes down for a period over xmas/new year.


    I think its fair enough, as childcare workers want to spend time with their families as does the rest of us.....

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