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Posts posted by lorluc

  1. The climate in australia is (usally) warm so keeping a dog outside isn't really an issue. However saying that our preference is that pets are part of the family and as such they live in the house with us, We actually aren't supposed to have pets, but we have a dog and a cat, insepction day they get taken out, theres no evidence that they were ever there ;) so long as they dont chew the doors i'd say just go for it ;)


    Sorry, but I think this is wrong.......would be interested to hear what any landlords who post on this site, think about this...


    You are effectively breaking the contract you have signed, and encouraging others to do the same, IMO this is irresponsible....

  2. You will find it more likely that if a rental allows pets, it will be on the basis of the pet being kept outside.....However...this isnt always the case. We rented 4 years ago and were allowed a dog inside...and friends of mine have recently rented a house in woodcroft, and their dog (which is a very large dog!) is allowed in the house...


    What i dont understand, is why permission wasnt granted when you first signed the lease??? You obvioulsly knew the dog was arriving...so why did permission have to wait till later?......


    My friends dog didnt arrive till later...and all was agreed from the beginning


    Oh....yes....it does seem to be the aussie way as well, that dogs live outside.....

  3. Maybe we ought to start up a club - dysfunctional families anon!!!:biglaugh:



    Yep...definitely could belong to that one!!!!!!! LOL...


    But it isnt all bad news.....we have lots of contact from my husband's family....his mum is arriving mid december...her 3rd visit in 4 years....didnt come last year as she had a hip replacement. They phone us regularly...as we do them......

  4. I've lived here for 4 years.......my parents have never phoned me.....get the occassional email, but thats about it...


    Unless I ring them...thats the only personal contact there is....at one point it was over 18 months between phone calls....i get to the stage where i cant be bothered....


    When we first arrived, I asked them to get broadband (currently have dial-up)...so we could skype and do webcam, so they could see the kids etc (my kids are their only grandchildren)....nope....apparantley their internet usage didnt warrant the cost of broadband....and believe me...they are not hard up!!!


    But then...tell me what grandparent...a few months away from their only grandchildren emigrating to the other side of the world, decides that their eldest grandchild (14 at the time) had upset them....so decided to 'punish' her, by ignoring her 15th birthday....4 months before she moved...4 months before possibly the last time they might see her.......


    Oh, I could go on and on and on.......

  5. My daughter was 14 in August, and is currently in Year 8...(start Year 9 in January).....


    Definitely think starting your daughter in Year 8 in January, would be the way to go.......What school are you planning to send her to?


    Friends of mine recently had this happen......were recommended their daughters went into Year 9 instead of year 8....but they decided to put the girls in Year 8.....from what i know...been the right decision so far...

  6. Ok in an ideal world you'd move to Australia, have a huge house with a pool, work shorter hours, earn more money and have no mortgage! Who ever said this was an ideal world though?


    I'm not really sure where the idea that you should benefit financially from moving here comes from. You're moving to change your life in a lot of ways, but this isn't a cheap country and if you come here thinking you're going to get all the benefits of a developed country but have loads more money in your pocket, then it's the wrong reason!


    You still have to work, you still have to pay bills, you still have to do the washing and ironing, you have to pay for stuff like dentists and medication and school fees, you may still have to have a mortgage (after all, most aussies do, why shouldn't you?), and the streets aren't paved with gold. Come here expecting anything else and you're setting yourself up for a big disappointment!!


    Oh and on the bright side, buying books from the UK (www.thebookdepository.co.uk) is much cheaper with the stronger dollar!!


    Excellent post Diane........

  7. who wants seats??????:err:..On the hill............best place:jiggy:.....and heaps.....if youre supporting OZ......youll be in the minority!!!!!!........unless the ozzies have worked out how to get tickets this time:shocked:


    Just what i was thinking.....On the hill.....lol.......and yes, I agree.....definitley seems like there is far more english there than ozzies....

  8. Will get tickets....went to the Oval in 2006.....sat with the Barmy Army...great fun!


    For those of you who havent been...its a beautiful cricket ground...great atmosphere....


    I hope the Urn is retained...but am sure the aussie's will get it back...:arghh:

  9. Well...we're already planning a trip for October long weekend next year. We were going to book one of the holiday units...but are now thinking of camping. Friends of ours have a huge tent...and obviously camping is alot cheaper...


    Where would people recommend for camping? Rawnsley Station....Wilpena? Any advice much appreciated.


    By the way....I have never camped in my life!!!! Sad...but true....I will probably have done a bit by the time we get to Flinders though....

  10. We have had some seriously cack times since we have been here,


    Sure it IS a big massive change in virtually everything, but IMO its so worth it and compared to the way we lived in the yUK we are far far more better off and have a better lifestyle here...


    If you want something bad enough the few negatives are worth it....we have been through the mill this last 17 months or so.....i wouls love some people to take a walk in our shoes....were still here loving it and fighting away.....long may it last.


    Blimey...you could have been writing this for us as well!!!!!

  11. Hi


    My kids used to have lessons at Noarlunga....nothing wrong with them at all. But then i looked into Blue Dolphin and gave them a try. IMO...much better.....


    My boys have been going there now for a couple of yeaers...and they have come on so well. Much more of a personal touch there than Noarlunga...really look at each child individually.

  12. My daughter is in Year 8 (first year of high school here) and is 14 years old.


    They do the course of 3 injections for free at the school.


    Just a thought...your daughter probably wont be going into high school when she gets here....being 12, she'll be going back to primary school


    Personally i wouldnt bother and wait till you are here and she has started high school....then she can have it done then.


    I had no worries about my daughter having the jabs...she didnt enjoy it very much...but rather that than cervial cancer IMO.


    They were offering it free for other women, but i think that ended in June. My 19 year old opted not to have it......but she is an adult and thats up to her...

  13. But by far the best thing that we did on the whole day was purchasing the tickets online, i reckon we saved around 45mins on not having to queue up to get tickets.:idea:


    Blimey...we went tuesday...and got tickets straight away...hardly any queue!!


    Must admit, this was the first time i have been....(and i have lived here 4 years!)......i was pleasantly surprised.....


    I set my kids a budget.....took our own food....and it didnt break the bank!

  14. Its really not difficult to do your own tax return...you can do it online...just download the E Tax. But then ours are pretty simple...doint have a huge amount of expenses etc....


    There is a helpline you can ring...


    Dont know if there is a body who governs tax agents....but if there is, i'd be phoning them up and reporting this agent...as he obviously doesnt know his job properly....

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