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Everything posted by lorluc

  1. LOL...just knew some smart arse would reply with that!! Doing quite well atm thank you very much!!!
  2. I've got 3 x West Ham genuine football shirts for sale (2 of them are the training tops). Bought direct from West Ham Store in the UK. They are in excellent condition...hardly worn.. Would fit a youngster probably from about age of 8, depending on size? There two small for my son now and he is 10. If you want a picture let me know and i will get one to you. Looking for $30 for the lot
  3. Club in southern suburbs looking for U16 soccer players. Please PM for details if interested.
  4. Hi, Im visiting UK later this year and am now considering returning to Adelaide via Greece (Crete to be exact) as I have family there. Ive been searching on various sites for multiple destinations prices and also by pricing up single trips. Booking single trips is looking cheaper. Just wondered what the best way is to book? Is it ok to book separate flights for each leg or is that a bit risky (e.g...risky for connections) Looking to do adelaide to heathrow, gatwick to crete, crete to adelaide (via athens) Any advice greatly appreciated. Its just an idea im toying with atm....but was also looking at returning to adelaide via gatwick anyway as have friends in sussex I may visit at end of trip.
  5. My company are looking to get the office carpets cleaned. Anyone on here have any recommendations please?
  6. I'm thinking of getting a cleaner for couple of hours a week, does anyone have any recommendations please? I'd rather have someone recommended who maybe is looking for some extra cash a week, rather than lining the pockets of a big company! The person would have to be okay with pets! Many thanks
  7. Hi, Would like any recommendations please for an Air Con Engineer...would like mine looked at and serviced
  8. Hi, I need to have a tv point and a foxtel connection installed. Is there anyone on here that knows of someone or does it? I already have the foxtel box, i just need the tv point and foxtel connection. Thanks
  9. Oh i can relate to this one! We came out here 8 years ago and our eldest daughter was 15...and i think if i knew then what i know now with her, i wouldnt have put her through it. She didnt cope at all with the transition from uk school to aus school, so dropped out of school completely. If we had stayed in the UK she would have got her GCSE's. Secondly her chosen career of being a hairdresser went down the drain thanks to the appalling treatment she recieved as an apprentice (which ended up with the salon being taken to court)...finally she ended up working in a job she hates. So after 8 long years (her words not mine) she is back in the UK atm (first time since moving here at the age of 15) assessing how she feels and what she wants to do with the rest of her life. Of course every child is different, some come here at this age and excel! Some dont.......but of course you wont know until you try...but be prepared for heartache and guilt feelings if it doesnt...... Sorry if i am sounding negative...but just telling you our experience.
  10. lorluc

    Help with college ed

    Will he have his driving licence before you get here? If you are planning to move to Aldinga and he wants to continue studying i would strongly recommend it. I dont know about courses in sports physio etc, but i am guessing this could involve Uni. University's are around the city, north and south. There are TAFE colleges scattered about but different ones do different courses. I would look up the kind of courses he wants to do first and see where they are held before making any decisions as to where to live. Good luck!
  11. Whats the best way for my husband and daughter to have their travel money for the UK? Been looking at various travel money cards on the market and just not sure best way to go. Cash Passport looks a good one.
  12. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this thread. I really appreciate all the answers and advice you have all taken the time to give. Yes its all a learning curve for us. She came out at the age of 15, and this is the first time in almost 8 years that any of us have gone back! For her its an adventure that at the moment we have no idea how its gonna pan out. Return ticket is booked, but at the same time we have to prepare that she may decide to stay...But at the age of 23 it is certainly time for her to make her own mind up what she wants to do, where she wants to be etc... Appt booked for monday for renewal of her brit passport
  13. Wont leaving the UK on your brit passport make them flag up..oh you need a visa to get into australia?? Someone else told me today to use aussie passport when leaving UK as they will ask that very question.
  14. Thank you Keith, you have been very helpful. We have just over 9 weeks until she goes. It says on the website that renewals take about 4 weeks so should be okay with the timeframe Her previous UK passport was a child one so if i'm reading it right she just needs to renew it to an adult one. It even says if pic still similar (was taken when she was 15) dont have to do countersignee stuff, and she hasnt changed much in 8 years, but i think we may still do it just in case.
  15. Thank you everyone. Decision made she's getting a brit passport done before she goes. So i have another question now....do you have to enter and leave on the same passport? Like i said atm we have no idea if she is staying in the UK or not. If she enters UK on her brit passport and then stays in the UK...thats all fine, but if she decides she is taking the return flight back here after all, can she leave the UK on her aussie passport having entered on a brit passport? Sorry am getting rather confused!
  16. Hi diane, Yes she was planning to renew when she was there due to the cost! But you need it countersigned by someone who has know you 2 years in a certain profession which she wont have, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it. I just needed to know really that by entering the country on an australian passport will it have any implications on how long she can stay there? And of course her expired passport proves she is a uk citizen.
  17. My daughter is travelling back to the UK in October on her australian passport (English passport has expired). She has a return ticket booked for a month later but there is a big possibility if all goes well for her she may not use it. I'm just wondering about the implications of her staying in the UK but having entered the country on an australian passport? Does that matter? I'm assuming that as she was born in the UK and lived there for the first 15 years of her life, and used to have an english passport, (although like i said that expired nearly 3 years ago now) that she can just stay there. Also do you need a visa of some sort to enter the UK for a months holiday on an australian passport? I do remember someone saying to me that if you show them your old english passport at customs even though its expired, you can can enter the UK that way Thanks Lorraine
  18. Do you have any pictures of the ikea bookcases?
  19. Wow thats gone up, sure it wasnt that expensive when my nephew came over couple of years ago! And dont forget (unless its changed of course), there is an option to extend WHV for a 2nd year but certain working criteria has to be met. Its really gonna depend i suppose on what she wants to do....will she have enough money to support herself on a tourist visa?
  20. Yes it is. I'll send you my number
  21. Price drop $1100....really need this gone! Taking up space in my back yard
  22. YES!!! Do it! We had never had to call an amulance ever in the UK...within 3 months of being here, we had to for my son. Nice bill came through later...think it was around $600? this was 8 years ago now... Also, i think having medical cover also depends on family circumstances. Remember extra cover also includes physio, chiro's etc.... We use the cover for usual things like glasses (4 of us have them in the family), but my daughter was a regular netball player and had to have physio weekly for months, trust me that cost soons mounts up! She also had to see a chiropractor for weeks as well... Now my son is a regular football player so fingers crossed i wont need it, but i'm relieved its there. Also take into account the pharmacy option. If you are prescribed medication that is not on the PBS system, it will cost! My daughter recently got prescribed meds that is not covered and the cost was around $70! My insurance paid the difference between this cost and the standard PBS price (around $38 i think). So if any family members are on regular meds, maybe check out if they are covered under the PBS system. I think the premium for our family is around $120 a month but i know that includes $35 my 23 year old pays for her extra's...so for 2 adults & 3 children (17,14 & 9) the cost is $85 per month. So if i saved that over a year that would be about $1020....wouldnt have covered our use if i had done it that way.
  23. Price of $1200 will now include 3 months rego!
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