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Posts posted by lorluc

  1. Not sure about the gaming side of things.....


    But i do remember Hallett Cove being very hit and miss on broadband availability......but of course that could have changed from when i lived there...


    I think it is worth checking where ever you intend to buy or rent that broadband is available to that property.....it used to be as silly as being available in one street and not in another....

  2. Fingers crossed for you guys, it is not easy, but the blue sky's and warm sun do help.

    We arrived April last year, and did not encounter rain and grey sky's like this, well not on this scale.

    The weather will probably stop you doing things, i know i haven't been down the beach for months now, a little thing i know but it helps relax.


    The kids settle, yes they miss friends, but give it time and see who keeps mailing and calling then you will find out who the real friends are.


    All the best for the next 10 months, the shipping companys will still be there, spend that money on seeing more of Aus instead!!!!







    Great advice Mik

  3. This is a new thing brought in this financial year. It is to plug a loop hole where people salary sacrifice some of their earnings into a super.....i.e. making their 'actual' income less which means people are able to claim more family assisatance.


    e.g....You are earning $50K a year but salary sacrifice $5K into a super fund..... your actual income is classed as $45K....But really you have earned $50K.....Up until now, you would have received family assistance payments based on an income of $45K...


    Reportable superannuation is the contributions you have made yourself....


    The standard amount payable by your employer is not included.


    I clarified this myself with centrelink a few weeks ago.


    Hope that makes sense

  4. If you are coming out here on a temp visa....are you still able to claim child benefit payments in the UK?


    I'm thinking that as being on a temp visa, not entitled to claim Family assistance here as not permanent.....so maybe you are still entitled to claim in the UK as 'officially', you have left the UK on a temporary basis...

  5. You know what - I am so glad that most of you guys are not involved in the reality of child abuse and what goes on. And that is not meant to be sarcastic in any way, shape or form.

    I only wish I shared your sentiments.

    I will now leave this discussion as I'm starting to get angry and loose my sense of perspective.

    I hope to god none of you ever have to go through these experiences.




    I have Nick.......Jon & I were faced with the reality of child abuse involving a friend of our daughter's a few years ago.....something i hope, i never have to deal with again....



  6. God save us all from bleeding heart do-gooders who go through life thinking everything is rosy in the garden. THE MAN LIKED TO SHARE HIS BED WITH CHILDREN!!!! That is NOT NORMAL BEHAVIOUR! He paid off a family to avoid court action - and before you all jump onto your keyboards, yes I know that reflects as badly on the wretched child's family as it does on the wannabe white freak. That doesn't mean it was bloody ok! God only knows the damage he's inflicted on his own children, frankly they're better off without him, as is every other child who was in danger of coming into contact with him.


    Go on, take your best shots.


    First of all, I am far from being a do-gooder and certainly do not believe that everything is rosy! But I cant understand how people can make their minds up without knowing the facts.....(i refer back to my reply to your original comments).


    We all have seen the facts about Glitter....that awful Fritzel guy in Austria..the kids that killed Jamie Bulger...who if we are being told correctly, now have new identities etc..and are living a normal life....how fair is that????? It isn't.....they should never have seen the light of day again..IMO...but hey that's another case..


    Jackson wasnt normal...far from it...not disputing that at all...I believe that judgements can only be made from hard, concrete facts....that's all...

  7. Hi thanks very much....you wouldn't also know of any good nursery's in the area, i have two children and wonderd if there were any recommendations?



    I can recommend Happy Valley Child Care Centre which is not too far from Sheidow Park...Just across the other side of South Road...


    Or try Hallett Cove Child Care centre...I have experience of both centres and would highly recommend both..

  8. once again the opinions of places to live will differ from everyone. Everyone will live in an area that does not suit someone. I work with people that live in the areas and they love it there. Best to Ignore opinions and actually wait till you arrive and then judge a place by your own eyes and not by others



    Best advice i reckon!

  9. Nick, I do not have any sympathy for the guy. I do not believe he was 'all there' by any stretch of the imagination. I personally didn't like him as a musician and thought he was well over rated. However, we all have to respect the findings of the courts otherwise we would be living in anarchy. He was not found guilty of anything unlawful so that is what we have to except. This is not my opinion. It is fact. Until someone can prove he was guilty he must remain innocent. This is the foundation of the justice system. I have misgivings about him as I believe we all have. However, how can we using second hand infomation put about by the gutter press find a man guilty when a court using witnesses and evidence found him not guilty?




    I agree with most you have said....except the musician side of the things...:biglaugh:


    Your points regarding the judicial system are spot on! I was reading yesterday some shocking words that were posted elsewhere...praising the fact that he had died, and how they hoped they'd get up the next morning and find Gary Glitter was gone as well! Big difference here...Glitter was found guilty...Jackson wasnt.....


    Yes....he was weird...wasn't called Wacko Jacko for nothing....and the dangling of his baby over a balcony was shocking! BUT....those who have made their minds up that he was a 'kiddy fiddler'......Were you there? Were you in court? Did you personally see the evidence? NO.....of course you didnt..


    Parents were more than willing to leave their kids in his care....even after the original allegations regarding Jordy Chandler surfaced....so like Peter has pointed out....if anything wrong did occur, then the parents need to take some responsibility...the Chandlers did very well out of the allegations made.......great incentive for more parents to follow suit?


    As for his children? Who are we to judge whether they are better off without their father or not? They have been born into a world that is in no way like ours.....at the end of the day they have lost their father.....let's spare a thought for them, shall we?


    If we are to believe everything we read, it seems their own mother reliqunished all rights to them for a multi million pay off....but did she?


    If there is a God up there.....he will be judged in due course....



    My point is that none of know for sure, one way or another.... I will go with the decision that the jury came to......and show respect that the world has lost a great talent....

  10. None of us know the facts, apart from this one - he was found not guilty in a court of law, and unless we have evidence to the contrary, we are in no position to judge.

    Hey, I never liked the man's music, videos or plastic surgery. I have serious misgivings about the alleged goings on in Neverland, and I would condemn a convicted paedophile to an eternity of hell - but without access to evidence to the contrary, I am concluding that a sad, mixed-up man has died in tragic circumstances, leaving three children without a father. Yes, he was weird, probably due to his unusual childhood, but I don't see that as a reason to condemn him.



    My sentiments exactly!

  11. Hi,

    We are looking at schools and have no idea as to where to start and how to tell a good school from a bad one.

    We have a 14 year old daughter and a 10 year old son.

    What would private schools cost per annum and also could anyone tell me any good primary and high schools in and around Adelaide.

    I look forward to any information you have to offer and thank you for your time.




    Depends on where you are going to be living....


    Some private schools...more the catholic ones, probably around 3K per annum....woodcroft college...around 6K for a year 8 student...then places like Westminster (my husband works there)...will be more. Plus on top of the fees, you have uniform which is definitley far more expensive than state schools.....think the uniform for a year 8 student at woodcroft was going to total around the $1000 mark...if my memory serves me right..



    My kids are at Reynella East Primary & High School and after 3 years, dont have any complaints thus far...


    Hallett Cove east Primary is good....my kids went there for a while....but i wasnt too impressed with the R-12...


    It's very hard with schools as what seems good to others, may not be what others want or expect...


    Any particular reason why private? there are some pretty good state schools over here


    Hope i've made sense....5am here and i have been up all night with 2 sick kids with gastro!

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