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Posts posted by lorluc

  1. OMG...really feel for you, as we were in a very similar situation with our daughter back in 2005.


    Long story...but it was all thanks to a dreadful school nurse, who IMO should never have bee allowed to practice again...but hey that's another story!


    Hannah was refered to a counsellor/psychologist kind of person at our local hospital. She attended the clinic once a week for a year...during this time we decided to emigrate and knew that Hannah would need all her vaccinations uptodate..and of course depending on when we had our meds...also a blood test.


    It was a long haul....time went on...and i really feared that this would be our stumbling block. Vaccination dates were set at the hospital with the counsellor etc on hand. I even bribed Hannah with 100 pounds if she went though with it!! Well she did....and some of you may think i've been conned...but i could see the fear.....she had months & months of counselling before any money was mentioned! LOL


    Anyway...she did it....was in a state during and afterwards...but she did it!


    We were very lucky and managed to get our meds done 2 weeks before her 15th birthday...avoiding the blood test.


    By the way....tried sedation, numbing cream etc........neither of them helped...it's all psycological..


    Anyway, four years later....she still avoids injections.....i want her to have the cervical cancer one, but can i get her to do it?


    BUT...is planning to have a tatoo done for her birthday in 2 weeks....now explain that one to me!!!!


    Anyway, I wish you all the luck in the world......i really know what you guys are going through..

  2. My 9 year old never suffered from allergies...until he came here.


    Had blood tests etc last year...and basically his allergic reaction to the 'adelaide air' is very high.


    Yes i did say the Adelaide air....just all the pollens, particles of stuff etc in the air. We were told that to make it better for him, the option was to move to Queensland!


    He has good and bad times....some days he is constantly sneezing!

  3. Years ago, Jon's mum had just prepared a huge amount of parnsips...can't remember how many kilo's/pounds....but it was a substantial amount!


    Left them on the side to cool down.....came back later to find the dog and eaten the lot!!!!

  4. Thanks for all your replies, all honest and without no "righteous" remarks.

    Apparently if you exceed the limit by more than 10ks as a P plater you get an automatic ban, but if your a fully qualified driver to get the same 6 months ban you have to exceed it by 45ks !!!. It doesn't make sense, and its obviously targeted at the P platers. They all seem to be sterotyped by the law.


    Just felt that each case is not taken by its own merits. He intends to appeal and he will have to attend a Magistrates court here in SA, the nearest one being at Narrocote for him. the airforce should give him leave to attend, I hope !!


    Yeah...Hannah told me about the 10k's.....phew...she was 1k short of being in the same situation as your boy...


    All the best Jim....I really feel for him...


    and also agree completely with what Nick11 has said!

  5. One of the things that I have heard about the HC R12 school is that it was too slow in responding to the influx of students from the UK and allowed situations to develop such as an us vs them mentality


    Very interesting you should mention this Libby.....forgot that one on my earlier thread and it has reminded me....My daughter had experience of that as well! First day at school followed home by some girls and endured some rather nasty taunts....

  6. My kids go to Reynella East Primary & High School.


    My eldest went to Reynella High School after leaving the R-12....and there was so much more on offer for her.....but sadly, within a few weeks was taken ill with Glandular Fever and was off for weeks....when she went back, she was so far behind...(bearing in mind she had lost many months at the R-12 on top of this)...that she gave up on school.....The doc did advise me that the stress of the move...the school issues etc, probably contributed to her illness....


    So you can imagine as parents, how we felt, can't you?


    Anyway, enough of that!


    My other daughter is now at the High school and we are very pleased with it...but they are very strict about you living in the zone...there was a huge waiting list for the current year 8 that started in January.


    But you have expressed an interest in catholic schools......i have met lots of kids/parents that go to Cardign...and all seem to be pleased. Only know one that has been taken out....


    It;s so hard with schools, as everyone's needs/opinions etc are different...all i can do is go by my experience..


    good luck



  7. The R12 has been in the back of my mind for a while...until now! The school has just had a change of head teacher and he is apparently very good. We were thinking of trying to get our kids into Brighton but now, ironically, it's Brighton that's getting the troublesome ones...and that's from the mouth of a teacher.


    We've been in HC since December 2007 and wouldn't want to live anywhere else but everyone is different. We like the houses, the shops, the views, schools (now) and the proximity to transport and good beaches. I'd love to live in Brighton or Seacliff but it's too expensive!




    My daughter was there from Nov 2005-June 2006...so a while ago now.


    I wasn't impressed for a number of reasons really.....the help given to her to settle wasnt good....but then should they?....well seeing as they now have a buddy system to help with all the immigrant children.....my guess is, the penny dropped at some point that they should be assisting these kids more..


    The other thing that happened was IMO worse. When she started there in Nov 2005, it was at the end of Year 10. She then chose all her subjects,as near to what she had done in the UK as possible, for Year 11 to commence in Jan 2006. Started back then, only to be told, that the demand for most of her subject choices was low, so wont be running those classes. So was dumped into subject classes, completey out of her depth....


    So...kind of put me off really....

  8. Hi Jim


    Whilst I agree that rules are rules...and every P plater knows or should know what happens if they are caught speeding.....


    I feel very sorry for your boy.....I think it is harsh....to be fined $400...then have the 6 month ban etc...and then have to go back on his 'L's...is IMO very harsh.


    My daughter got a speeding fine last year whilst on her 'P's'....she was doing 69 in a 60..got caught whilst going down a steep hill. A momentary lack of concentration....and it almost cost her dearly. She got fined around $200 ( i think?) and has to be on her 'P' plates for longer. I believe if she had been going any faster, she would have been in the same situation as your son. If this had happend, it would have been devasting for her.....she would have struggled to get to work....her independence gone...


    So...IMO...very harsh on your boy...

  9. NO! Like I said thought there might be someone out there who would of done it as a favour......... Lorraine would have but I was too late to catch her, no worries I will keep it, I am sure there will be a time for me to spend it !



    And i would have happily done the favour......for $149...wouldn't have crossed my mind to even ask for money off!!!


    P***s me off that people are always looking for what they can get out of it...........maybe i am too soft and that's why i am always skint!!!:biglaugh:

  10. TAFE Noarlunga campus does MYOB short courses - see www.tafe.sa.edu.au and click on Short Courses. Costs about $200 or thereabouts from memory

    I'm not sure if you need to know much about excel to do MYOB.

    WEA www.wea-sa.com.au do computing courses too but these may be more city based


    No you dont need to know excel to do MYOB...but it is definitley advisable to have some form of basic book-keeping knowledge to do mYOB.

  11. If he earns that he is on a good wage.

    Smaller house, smaller car, eat less


    If your on PR you can child benefit, have you looked at this.


    It's not a great deal of help i know, but they are many who earn just over half of that figure!


    Completely agree with this thread.


    That will be a bloody good wage....my husband works full-time (well, will do when he goes back to work) and i work part time (15 hours a week)...we dont' even reach that figure with combined income!


    And i have 4 kids....2 teen girls included!..altough one works...we still support her in certain ways....

  12. www.realestate.com.au


    Should give you some idea...


    Hallett Cove has a very good childcare centre.....but check with them, as they may have a long waiting list. I know that my local one here in Happy Valley has roughly a 6 month waiting list. Think for full-time care, you'd be looking in the region of $60-70 a day, but if entitled, you will get child care benefit, which will reduce the costs.


    Don;t know much about the other suburbs....

  13. Seen a dead one...that's about it. But they are about....don't get them in our garden...2 noisy staffies keep them away!


    I do know someone who's cat greeted them when they woke up with a present of a lovely dead baby brown.

  14. When we rented, we were quite happy to keep the garden in shape and water the plants and lawn..even if we were paying for it....although the water we had to pay for was pretty minimal.


    We used the lawn...so to us, only right to keep it in good nick!

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