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Posts posted by lorluc

  1. Hi, It will be harder to find but they are definitely out there. Be careful though when it does say they allow pets.... this may be the case...but they may only allow them to live outside. Before you take on a rental that allows pets, double check the conditions, because if you allow your pets to be in the house and they are supposed to be outside, and landlord or agent find out, you will be breaking the conditions of your lease.


    Its common practice out here for pets to live outside rather than in the home....something we dont tend to be like in the UK.

  2. Another point of top of Diane's really thorough replies. When you go to move from your P 1's (have to display P plates at all times) to P 2's - only difference is that you don't have to display P plates - you also have to complete a hazard awareness test. This is completed on a computer at the same locations as you go to to take L's etc and involves a test of reaction skills and awareness. And also if you have had any speeding fines etc I think you have to wait longer - hence the reason you often see 20+ yr olds still driving on their P plates. Finally you have to be on your P 2's for at least 6mths (i think - daughter is currently on P 2's and can move to full licence in 8 days!!) before you can move to your full licence and you cannot get your full licence until you are at least 19. All the time on P's, as Diane has said, there is a strict zero alcohol limit and I believe if you get caught with alcohol in you system that it's back to L's (but don't quote me on that!!)



    Good luck and safe driving!! :cool:


    Yes, your right Sally about being on P 1's longer with fines etc...That happened to Hannah, think she had another 6 mnths added.


    Abbie has her final drive this weekend, so not long till another one on the road!!! Scary stuff!

  3. I have found Coles Insurance to be really competitive recently. I needed to put my daughter on our insurance as a learner, and unlike others who would bump the premium up big time, they didnt, it was minimal :)

  4. Here in Oz the schools seem to operate assuming you have full sets of (able and willing) grandparents! There will be lots of pupil free days, days when there is NO OSHC (!!). Also consider that if you plan to take leave to cover those days you are going to be left with very little leave for your holidays. Standard leave in Australia is 20 days (rather that 25) also there are normally only a total of 10 days for carer leave/sick leave etc) So that gives you


    It's often a very difficult balancing act for the likes of us with no family or other support networks.


    You have to be careful with the work commitments you take on- we found one of the parents really needs to be part-time until all the kids are at school. Yes, true, there are rebates but do remember that if you are eligible for all the rebates (part A and B of the family tax benefit) then you probably won't be in those income brackets where it makes sense paying for childcare (about $60-70 per child per day) plus the petrol to go to work plus the lack of time to cook your own meals and shop where you can save! We both had jobs at the beginning, but in our case the net gain of me working was nil as I was spending more to shop online, cooking less and spending to buy lunch at work as I was in a managerial position where I had to take work home in the evening until very late so no time to make myself lunch.


    Are you a permanent resident? That makes a difference- but as I said do your maths as here childcare vouchers are not the norm, and they are rather the privilege of a handful of large organisations.


    In this Australia is very behind the UK :wacko:



    Strange as our OSHC is open pupil free days...only time it shuts is 2 weeks over xmas hols, which i think is fair enough :)

  5. Hi my daughter is in year 5 at primary and I'm just started looking into high schools (omg it's a mine field out there) has anyone got any recommendations or warnings about any schools. The areas I'm looking at are from Brighton to moans, woodcroft and reynella. We are in Christies beach so idont want the traveling time to be to long.


    Just a word of caution, most high schools will have strict zoning procedures in place. I know that my kids school (Reynella east) has for their high school places.

  6. My Mum has disowned me and the kids. My Dad has skyped us a couple of time but she leaves the room. I have emailed her photos but she replied back with dont bother sending anymore your no longer my family. It is hard but i have my life and she cant control it so its her loss as far as im concerned.!



    Still waiting for my parents to call me...been nearly 6.5 years now!!! I used to phone them, but have given up now...occassionally i got the odd 1 or 2 line email, but thats it.


    I used to send pics regularly but i got moaned out that it clogged up their emails (couldnt be bothered to get broadband, said their internet usage didnt warrant paying out for broadband) LOL. and trust me they are not poor!


    Really cant be bothered anymore to be perfectly honest! Dont think i've had any contact now for couple of years?


    Sad really when you think my kids are their only grandchildren...

  7. So does that mean we can't claim the 50% back on school materials and uniforms for the year just gone? (they only included uniforms this year for the first time if I remember correctly) If so, damn because I have been collecting receipts diligently and it's been a bloomin' expensive year with laptops and Year 12 stuff. 50% comes to a lot more than $800! You'd think they could only make changes to future tax years, wouldn't you, not backdate these things!



    Diane, is your daughter currently in Year 12? If so then you will get this bonus (but only if entitled to FTB part A). So basically you will be getting the same but in June, instead of claiming your expenses against your tax in July for the current tax year 2011-2012. I'm not quite sure why you are saying that 50% comes to alot more than $800? The current system is as follows

    You can claim 50% of eligible education expenses up to the maximum amounts. For the 2010–11 financial year, the maximum amounts are:

    • $794 for each primary school child. You can claim a maximum refund of $397 for each primary school child you have, and
    • $1,588 for each secondary school child. You can claim a maximum refund of $794 for each secondary school child.

    So you would have only been able to claim a max of $794 anyway.



    Of course the allowances for 2011-2012 were slightly more...but not a great difference.


    You can of course 'pool' together all your kids allowances to claim a big purchase such as a computer etc...


    I have no idea how this effects those of you who had children leave school in december (currently half way through this financial year)...but of course for those of you who have kids leaving this December, i assume will not be able to claim anything as the ETR will be abolished

  8. Unfortunately still a lot of drug addicts i the area.


    mmm....dont think you will find that drug taking/addicts is more in Christies Beach than anyone else. I see your signature is Reynella...i live in Happy Valley, and being the mother of a teenage and adult daughter, i can tell you that the drug culture is thriving in our area just as much as anywhere else...dont be fooled into thinking its anyworse in an area that is deemed to be less desirable.

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