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Posts posted by lorluc

  1. have been here now for nearly 6 years, and still maintain an english account and credit card with the Nationwide.


    Makes life very easy for people back in the Uk to pay money in for the kids birthdays and xmas....I then withdraw the cash here or i buy them a present with my english credit card and then pay it directly off via the internet from the cheque account...

  2. My boys play for Lonsdale Lizards, based in Noarlunga...and yeah i am talking about the proper game of football, but for those who have converted...Soccer :)


    We are looking for players of all ages....U6, U8, U12 & U16...


    The season starts this saturday, and we play locally here in the south against primary schools. The club has a really relaxed attitude and the most important thing is FUN!!!


    If anyone is interested please PM me.....

  3. Oh that’s fine, I can certainly answer your questions based on the area I live in…Happy Valley/Woodcroft etc….and Reynella East College.

    Public transport connections are good….there is a regular bus service that runs between Marion and Noarlunga, that goes through Happy Valley & Woodcroft. This is ideal for kids to get to the shopping centres… Westfield at Marion, and Colonnades in Noarlunga. Great if they get part-time jobs in the centres. My daughter works at Macca’s in Marion, although she manages to get lifts of us, her sister or her boyfriend…avoids the bus if she can! Lol.. There is no train station for our area….nearest would be Hallett Cove line, which would get you to the city. But think you will find our area is well serviced by bus to the city as well.

    As for things to do in the area? This will depend on what your girls interests are……….are they sporting at all? Woodcroft and Happy Valley have small shopping centres, but besides fast food outlets (which many kids meet up at)…entertainment such as movies, bowling etc, is gonna be in Noarlunga or Marion.

    You certainly are not going to feel isolated or remote in these areas……

    I have lived here for 5 years now, and my eldest daughter, who is nearly 21, has never had any problems getting about from here……….but then she was also driving once she reached 16 ½…so had the extra freedom of having a car……My 15 year old has many friends with cars, so she again is lucky and gets out a lot!

    Once your girls start school, make friends…everything will start to fall into place…they will soon find their feet.

    Cant help you so much on the HUB, and Aberfoyle Park, as I don’t know the area as well….but its pretty similar to Happy Valley etc…small shopping centres, fast food outlets etc……..

  4. Looks like the short list has shrunk to between Reynella East and Aberfoyle high schools. Can anyone advise on the pros and cons of living generally in these areas? Also any further comments relating to the schools would be great.


    What sort of info would you like? I live in happy valley, where some parts are serviced by Reynella East and some by Aberfoyle Park....


    I replied earlier to this thread, my daughter is in year 10 (She is nearly 16) at reynella east, and i have no issues at all...she has many friends who go to the Hub as well....(term often used for Aberfoyle Park High)..

  5. My daughter is at Reynella East as well.......have had kids at the high school and primary now on and off for nearly 5 years...and have no complaints.


    Its just changed its name to Reynella East College.....


    One word of warning though........you MUST live in the catchment zone, especially for the High school....they are very, very strict about this, so make sure you check out first that any house you are planning to rent or buy falls within the zone. The primary school used to be more relaxed but over hearing a conversation the other day gave me the impression that they are pretty much full.....


    My eldest daughter did a few months at the Hallett Cove R-12 as well..........I wasnt too impressed with that school, but that was 5 years ago now...

  6. Hi


    I live in Happy Valley, have done for nearly 5 years now.


    Depending on where you are in Happy valley will depend on what High school catchment you fall into. Primary school isnt such an issue...


    My kids all to go Reynella East College....they are 7, 11, & 15. Other parts of Happy Valley are served by Aberfoyle High...


    There is a brilliant day care centre in Happy Valley...my youngest went there for a couple of years...

  7. Your eldest will probably go into Y 8, so just starting High School and your youngest will go into Y6, still at Primary School. In Adelaide the School year starts in January , ends in December and there are 4 terms to each school year, each term is usually 9, 10 or 11 weeks .


    Hope that helps.


    Yeah thats what i worked it out to as well...


    Give you some idea, my daughter was born august 1995 and has just started Year 10....and my son was born in June 1999 and is in year 6.....

  8. Very good points...........


    I came over here 5 years ago with alot of experience in admin....only thing lacking was accounts experience. I soon found that looking for part-time admin work was extremely difficult as they pretty much want you to be able to do a bit over everything. So many jobs advertised wanted you to be proficient in Microsoft office (which i was)...reception work (which i was)...and so on and so on.....then they would want you to be proficient in either MYOB or Quikbooks...which i wasn't.....I done some basic book-keeping back in the UK, but not to the level required.


    So i decided to go to an adult college and learn MYOB....best thing i did! Without it, i wouldn't have the great job i have now.....

  9. Hi


    plenty of primary schools around to choose from...but just a word of advice, if you are planning to put down roots permanently straight away, you should be also looking at what will be your high school zone...


    primary school are more lenient as to where you live, but high schools arent...


    Oh and as for that video on you tube? Looks to me like some older kids having a bit of fun.....better doing that then walking the streets, causing strife.....I honestly wouldn't let something like that put you off an area or a school....I would be more worried if you were watching a video of something violent!!! Like a while back, where a video of a child at a local high school here in the south being beaten up and bullied, was all over the net and also on the news...........now a video like that might put me off a school!!!!



    The teen kids here have the same issues etc as in the UK..........the good thing here is that there are more opportunities for them to get involved in sports and other activities.....

  10. Hi....you may want to look at this school for your eldest...although as he is only 13, he will be too young to go there for the time being...they start there in Year 10, (which would be an age of 15 or thereabouts)




    My daughter goes to a high school here in the south, and she said they have a pretty good science department ...and there are rumours that this is being expanded.

  11. Embrace the culture and all that goes with it, sure things are different with terms and lingo....but dnt different parts of the UK have differing sayings for different things......Surely its good to at least make an effort....


    We aint gonna change anything by controlling the words we use especially when it comes to kids they talk with other Oz kids at school dnt they?




    Nooooooooooo...it cant be happening again can it????? But i agree with you!!!!!!!!!! :biglaugh:


    One thing though....it is football not soccer :daydreaming:

  12. The house is south of Bairns road, just on the other side of the road opposite Woodcroft College, so i believe it is in the Wirreada High zone.



    Yeah that is wirreanda zone.....i know a girl that couldnt get into reynella east high as she lived there....she ended up going to woodcroft college.....didnt work out and is now at wirreanda....


    Not sure how long it would take to walk from that area to the school....and sorry cant comment on primary schools in the area. Like i said earlier, if you could get a house in an area where there is primary and high on one campus will make life alot easier.....


    Have you looked around happy valley or woodcroft?

  13. Probably not going to like this.....but, where was she parking? Area i mean? If she was coming from Happy Valley to somewhere close to the scene of the incident, then a black Lancer with large spoiler, in the area, with a "suspect" of a very serious violent incident? They may not have know it was just her in the car, and were taking every precaution. After all, IF it had been the person/persons they were looking for, AND they happened to pull a knife or even worse again, then these officers do have family to go home to too. Not saying it's right or wrong, or coming out on the side of the poilce, (however with some friends who are police, i know they would much rather be over cautios and go home to their little ones at the end of the day), just giving a different viewpoint.


    Anyway, i realise it would probably have scared her witless, and hope she recovers ok from the shock.


    Nah its okay....see where you are coming from and i agree with you....she was parking at work on the outskirts of the city...I mean its just shocked her really.....


    I feel a bit guilty really as i heard about this last night and meant to warn her that she is driving an identical car that is being hunted in conneciton with a violent crime, and that she ought to be aware she could get pulled over....but it was late last night when i read it and completely forgot!!! and i only saw her briefly early this morning before she left for work!


    She was just arriving at work when they pounced on her! I wonder if they had followed her or what? no idea really...

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