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adam last won the day on October 26 2019

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  1. Thanks mate yes it was very hard time and a very long time
  2. Hello everyone i hope you hang in there and be more patient patience is all what what we have today is a different day today the waiting is over and long nights are no more exists ...it is a sunny bright day holding lots of dreams and hope for a new fresh start YES if you want to know I was granted the Permanent residency at 1615 it was really a very long 17 months and 14 days!! date of application is 11-5-18 first contact 11-6-19 second contact 17-10-19 granted on 25-10-19 CO Katherine thank you every one for sharing your experience and giving us the strength and hope to continue i was really waiting so long to write this reply best of luck to all
  3. Congrats @SK03 I applied 11-5-18 first contact is on 11-6-19 updating New passport second contact 17-10-19 they have sent me HAP ID for my son to do medical examination and it was done and still waiting pray for me
  4. Disagree..take me as an example i applied May 2018 contacted for medical for my son last week ! because you can’t create a HAP ID thanks
  5. But I regret it too because 189 is way too much better if you don’t come on residency to Australia ..you will face a very hard time in all aspects
  6. I understand you I am stuck at this regional area which innate it is sooo hot we have been here 3.5 years and we are so isolated
  7. Yes more and more lit is officially 2 years
  8. No you have to give a passport so the baby can have the same visa you have
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