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Status Updates posted by ratters2005

  1. Jane,

    Can you PM your husbands full name and contact details and what he is looking to get RPL on.

    I will then contact the man and let him email you directly re RPL.

    Just to give you an idea, Ihave just got RPL on a Cert IV OHS (should be around 2400-3000) for $650 dollars..

    He will help your husband but he is selective with who he helps.


    Just PM breif details and I will pass them on

  2. If you can send me hubby's name, email address and contact tel, along with nature of employment and what rpl he would be interested in I will forward details to the contact.

    He will then hopefully drop you an email and help him on his way.

    I have just done rpl in cert four ohs cost me 600 undead if two grand and some

  3. great game of golf had by all... Not sure three balls in ya pocket is fair thou...See you on the 19th..

  4. Hi,

    Did you manage to sell that Lawn mower?

  5. Hi Val,

    Any luck with getting those cars sold?

  6. Mini, Sorry to hear your returning back to the UK.

    I would like to have first refusal on the lawn mower and Ill take the exercise bike off you.

    If you have a list maybe give me a bell 0414232044

    If you dont manage to sell it all, I can always hold it over for you and see what I can get..



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