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Honey last won the day on October 20 2021

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  1. Hi Ashi Please share a screenshot of what you asking about.
  2. It doesn't matter whose main application. you can. its new application. They can't see your old application. Rest as you feel better. if you see people you apply through agency do you think every day they will create a new account? No, they use only one account for all applications.
  3. Of course, you can use your wife's account, It will be a new application so doesn't matter if you using existing account or new.
  4. well I applied only 4 days before completion of 730 days n I Call immigration support. They inform me that as per rule you should be eligible for 887 once you completed 730 days in Australia. So he suggests me to write an apology letter to the case officer in my visa application for this. So better to make up your time. I have heard earlier one guy apply for 887 within one-year n he got a rejection because he didn't wait for 2-year residency condition. Don't take me negative but it's true. Never give CO's any chance of questioning.
  5. https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/about/contact/provide-feedback/compliments-complaints-suggestions/visa-citizenship-service
  6. Congratulation to @Kapeel @Jarry , @Doman for their grants and all the best to all.
  7. Thank you Very happy for you. It's like Gooooooooooooood Morning Australia
  8. @Vinh Congratulations Dear @Anoop Congratulations Dear
  9. Hi Ratan Form 80 is mandatory for all the applicant in Visa application. And As processing time increased 18 months, so in most cases PCC and NPC get expired. So that's why they asked for the latest PCC and NPC.
  10. https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/about/contact/provide-feedback/compliments-complaints-suggestions/visa-citizenship-service
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