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Vinh last won the day on July 28 2019

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  1. Thanks @JoeIAm, @Honey, @Russki...All of us will receive grants very soon. Be strong & prepare for the golden emails my friends. Nothing can stop us from a better future in this wonderland. My timeline: Applied 28.7.18 with a family of 3 Direct grant: today after 14 months Co: Regina Cheers.
  2. Someone got contact after 13 months from Tasmania yesterday. Pls. confirm guys.
  3. Reason for delay: More cut for immigration program this year: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Famp.abc.net.au%2Farticle%2F11438240%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2dsTqHU3VUcgMwEYSXmgSYT3I6gh81amnD9XVTywug-XXOmFyY5d4TKwY&h=AT0jPcHF4ZBRVY6sro-RWsHpRlR94rA93DvH34TNIbhYVLrKW-25h-hfCSbMs2Ho7-_8_T5CmZeH_fWbA9wg_YdXUxnu_Dkh7s3qCg5VxApVBE2s3VI7ePF9_JKsSaTevFc
  4. I think it is possible because a lot of time case officers asked people to provide more evidence after they applied. They cant reject your visa. If they need more just submit more.
  5. Hi Delfin, While your 489 is still valid and you are eligible for 887, you can apply for 887 right away. After applying, you can add more docs for proofs. Once your 489 is expired, your bridging is officially active.
  6. Lets complain everyone...Already lodged mine but its like hitting a solid rock. No reply from them immi.
  7. Just wanna say: Fuck our lives here ;(((
  8. My friend yesterday got PR 190 after only 7 months waiting offshore. Poor us 887 ;((
  9. Anyone knows how to access into "Freedom of information right" to inquire immi when would they allocate officers to July applicants and later? Waiting in the dark is killing us.
  10. Everyone would get pr before new visa 491 kicks start in Nov. Hahaha.
  11. How many times have you lodged complaints ?
  12. Some one from the agent said that people receive the phone calls for immi are the people answer for ATO and Mygov tax call centre as well. They know nothing. We should lodge complaints. It works better.
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