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Help and info about Girls & HPV Vaccine


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Can anyone tell me what the policy and age is for girls getting the HPC/Cervical Cancer vaccine? Is it done in 3 parts in Australia, etc? My 12 year old is in year 8 and is scheduled to start having the jab next week. We are leaving for Adelaide on the 23rd of November so she may get two doses or maybe only one. Is it the same? Should we just wait until we are over there to begin the course? I'm only asking as I assume we have to pay over there (on perm res visa) and it's free here but she wouldn't thank me for 5 lots - esp as already in line for flu jab and swine flu as well. Thanks!



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Guest the4hopes

Please everyone read up different (non medical) side of this vaccine, I don't feel it has been properly tested and proved safe for girls, we have no idea how this will affect their future health, I'm not mad I just want to look after my daughters, I don't feel the risk of cervical cancer is big enough to risk unknown damage the vaccine could cause. This is just my view, and I am concerned.

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This jab is free for females under 26.


My 22 & 17 yo's have had them (3 in total), nietherhad any problems as a result. Both made the decision for themselves and niether considered not having it. All their friends have had the jabs with no problems too.


Like all jabs you have to weigh up the pro's and con's, side effects against desease and possible death. Having jabs are a personal decision.

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My daughter is in Year 8 (first year of high school here) and is 14 years old.


They do the course of 3 injections for free at the school.


Just a thought...your daughter probably wont be going into high school when she gets here....being 12, she'll be going back to primary school


Personally i wouldnt bother and wait till you are here and she has started high school....then she can have it done then.


I had no worries about my daughter having the jabs...she didnt enjoy it very much...but rather that than cervial cancer IMO.


They were offering it free for other women, but i think that ended in June. My 19 year old opted not to have it......but she is an adult and thats up to her...

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