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Ages and years and skipping a year!


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And yet another repeat of this question.... but - What age would a child be who is entering year 9 in January 2010? Basically, we have a child in a grammar school in the UK who is currently in year 8. We will be arriving in November and planned to start all of our kids in their current years (so starting her in year 8 again in the new year.) However, the school is recommending she start year 9 as she is so academically ahead. She will turn 13 in November. I'm not sure I want her with older kids from a social perspective so just wondered how old they would actually be? Thanks!



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My son will be going up to year 9 next year and he is 14 next month.


Honestly I would have thought she would go into year 8, which would make it easier to settle in a way anyway as that is the first high school year.

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My daughter is currently in Year 9 and has just turned 15 - some of her classmates turned 14 this year though, but in the early part of the year (first quarter). Some of her classmates are extremely bright - one got a full academic scholarship which is almost unheard of at this particular school - and they don't seem to get bored with the workload.


I'd have thought Year 8 would be best - not only to get used to the different types of workload, but to enable her to make a good social group too - at most High Schools in SA Year 8 is the first year of High School, so she wouldn't be the only 'newbie' - particularly for girls, who form very close friendship groups - if she started in Year 9 she might find it a struggle initially to 'break in' to estabished friendship groups.


However if the school is recommending a particular year, then they presumably know the ages of her prospective classmates and don't think it would be a problem, so only you can decide really, knowing your daughters character best. Good luck whatever

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age range for kids beginning yr 8 in January is 13 1/2 to 12 3/4. Start your daughter in yr 8 as everyone else will be new to the school too. It also depends on which school you are planning for. If you have evidence of academic giftedness/ high achievement you could also approach one of the high schools that run the IGNITE programme which allows children to accelerate either by doing yr 8 and 9 in one yr or to just accelerate particular subjects, but remain in their yr level class. Schools which offer this are Glenunga International High, Aberfoyle Park High and Banksia Park High. I think if you were going to go down that path you would need to approach the schools now as they have already tested children back in Feb and have probably allocated places. There are usually about 180 placves across the 3 schools.

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My daughter was 14 in August, and is currently in Year 8...(start Year 9 in January).....


Definitely think starting your daughter in Year 8 in January, would be the way to go.......What school are you planning to send her to?


Friends of mine recently had this happen......were recommended their daughters went into Year 9 instead of year 8....but they decided to put the girls in Year 8.....from what i know...been the right decision so far...

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Guest alibongo

my daughter is currently in year 9 and is 15 but there are people who are 14 , 15 and 16! Some kids have had to repeat years in junior school hence the 16 year old. I think it is normally based on academic ability. her cousin is one day older then my daughter and is in the year above. They felt it was better for her to be in year 8 when we came over so she didnt have so much stress put on her.

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the IGNITE programme which allows children to accelerate either by doing yr 8 and 9 in one yr or to just accelerate particular subjects, but remain in their yr level class.


I think I'd be inclined to visit the schools you fancy and see what 'feels' right. I wouldn't get too hung up about her age per se, although I totally understand the point of starting with the new intake. Saying that, there seem to be new kids starting regularly and they seem to settle pretty quickly.


My daughter is in IGNITE - and has been since yr 8. The IGNITE program is good for kids who are either academically able, or simply motivated. Even if she weren't to be accepted for IGNITE 2010 -and I would doubt it's too late - Aberfoyle Park are good at shuffling kids as their needs demand which means that some kids might leave IGNITE and go to mainstream or vice versa. IGNITE doesn't necessarily accelerate the child so they finish school ahead of their peers (although my daughter will complete yr 12 while being in yr 11), it just means that their work, for example in yr 8 might include elements of yr 9 or even 10. It ensures that the curriculum is as stretching and challenging (but acheivable lol!) as their needs demand.


Each year group seems to have a few kids that are a bit younger, and a few that are a bit older than the 'norm'. IGNITE kids can come to high school from year 6 instead of year7, and I know of one who will only be 16 in yr 12 - most turn 16 in yr 10. Other kids might need to re-take a year if the school feels that it would benefit.


I guess the point I'm trying to make is...who knows lol! It's a tough call, but I'm sure the right school, with your input as a caring parent who will have a good idea of your daughter's needs, will be able to advise.


Good luck!

:wubclub: LC

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Thanks for all your replies! I didn't explain very well the precise situation. We were originally planning to be here in Summer of 2008 and had places for all 3 of ours in Tyndale School. The kids visited, fell in love with the school, etc. and we were thrilled to have everyone in the same place for once as it's R-12. The highschool issues isn't quite as big a deal as their middle school runs from year 6-9 so either way would include her. The problem is our visa was delayed due to the capital investment fraud scandal and we didn't get it until April 2009. We were forced to give up the places and go on the waiting list. The boys have received their places back (entering year 6 and year 1 respectively) but Charis is number 2 on the list for year 8. They are looking at her academic record and have seen her work (she is at the top of her grammar school class) and may be willing to put her into year 9. I would never normally have done it for social reasons and the fact that she is so over-motivated and puts so much pressure on herself that I was hoping to move away from all that - but is it better to be in the school you want and then see what happens as I don't want to start her somewhere else and move her a second time. That's the dilemma.


AAARGH! No clearer at the moment in my head really as it could be fine or definitely no.



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