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OMG we're really doing this!!!

Guest hel&sam

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Guest hel&sam

Well John Masons came for all our stuff on Tuesday,(cant praise them enough, they've been great, thanks Harvey) we now spend the next 5 and a bit weeks with a borrowed sofa, 3 mattressess a nice selection of wicker baskets and bugger all else really. Doesnt seem real, handed my notice in on Friday, still doesnt feel real. Spontaneously burst into tears for no apparent reason but it still doesnt feel real. I think i'm looking forward to coming to Adelaide but i'm a bit numb really. Dreading the leaving do's, kids parties and last nights out. Cant wait to get on that plane, this is going to be the longest 5 weeks of my life. Whens it going to feel real?????

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Oh, bless you!

5 weeks is so long, and it isnt long enough.......................but it will pass and before you know, you'll be here.


Ive been here a year or so, and it still seems like a dream..............maybe cos i like it here, a lot!, and feel very lucky to be here (even with my hangover,lol)


Good luck with the move, relax and enjoy

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been here 17 months and still can't believe our luck:cute: i think in the end you just seem to go with the flow and before you know it youve been here for a year!! good luck and remember in the rush of it all stay positive and take a bit of time to pat yourself on the back and enjoy what you are doing;);)

btw John mason were excellent with us no breakages and really nice overly helpful guys!

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Guest ReadyPenny

John Mason were great with us too, couldnt fault them and not even a glass broken when our stuff arrived.


It will be a bumpy ride for you between now and leaving, that's just how it is, but hang on in there! Nothing and nobody can prepare you for the goodbyes, there is no easy way to do it, everyone on here will tell you the same it's just HORRIBLE, plain and simple!! BUT there is something great awaiting you at the other end, so brace yourself and enjoy!!


Good luck with it all and your journey to the sunny side, see you down under soon.



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Guest JoTanCalOwen

Good luck guys,


People have been in your situation and many of us are still waiting to be, as all have said previously, hold on, and try to enjoy all you can five weeks is not that long really :)


It will all be worth while in six weeks, seven weeks, eight weeks and then a year and your part of aussie furniture

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