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What would you do?


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Guest Lisado

Personally - you waited this long - whats a few more months to get citizenship. Loads of us out there who would do anything for that


Also I have to disagree - SA is going places - you just need to look around at the amount of new buildings going up, extended train and tram lines, etc


Always a good sign for the economy.


Can't you try another state if SA not for you


Life's never plain sailing - no matter where in the world you live

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My 2c worth - you say you only have 6 months to go to qualify for citizenship - so as everyone has suggested plan on staying to get citizenship. This doesnt mean your lives are on hold for 6 months and that you cant do any research / planning etc.


Adelaide is very limited in certain employment fields and your husband may well find there are better employment opportunities for him in other states (may be better opportunities workwise for you too). He could begin by sending out applications for roles in other states that would be suitable, making contact with employment agencies or companies working in his field to see what the possibilities are. You could also investigate the alternatives for you in those states and the educational alternatives for your children.


Then take advantage of one of the cheap fares go and have a look, meet with potential employers and get a feel for that area, ask others who live there what there experiences have been. That will at least give you something definate to work off instead of a maybe.


Remember too that you are not looking as to what has been but to what will be. So maybe you feel you need to live somewhere which will offer better educational opportunities for your childrenor perhaps you feel that in the next 5 years you would like to do something different that you couldnt do in Adelaide that will give you another element to your decision making.


Likewise evaluate the alternative of moving back to the UK, schools, employment, lifestyle etc - you may decide that another area of the UK would be better for you than where you originally came from. Dont let family and friends make the decision for you, friends change and move on, and other family members lives are not static so your decision should be based on what is right for you and your family not what anyone else says. If you feel strongly that the UK will offer your family a better life then a return trip may be a good way to go about it, it will at least allow you to meet with potential employers, find out the likelihood of employment, meet with schools, find places to live etc and will take some of the stress out of the move. That way you can at least nail down some of the worry factors before you make the big move back.


Researching different alternatives will take up a good few months of that 6 month time period. If you decide for the meantime to stay in Oz and move to another state there is nothing to stop you doing that within the next 6 months and then applying for citizenship. If you decide that the best alternative is to return to the UK, then by the time you have planned everything, organised movers, organised where you are moving to, accommodation etc you will have citizenship.

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Hi, we (family of 4) have been here almost 4 years now and it has beeen up and down as we anticipated. I am not earning nearly as much as I did in the UK (about half in fact) and my husband can't find work at all as his skills are very specialised and not needed in SA. Both my kids are at school (one very good school on very average). If we hang on another 6 months we will get citizenship, so if we go back to the UK we can always return here in years to come if we wish.


So given all that why haven't we left? Well Adelaide is a nice city, the weather is mostly great and traffic is pretty easy compared to Manchester. However, I think it's a pretty backward and non progressive backwater where bright kids leaving school have no future. Australia is on the whole unsophisticated with way too many racist attitudes, and I don't want my kids to grow up like that.


So whay am I still here?.....................because I'm worried that in the 4 years since we left Britain has become an even more overcrowded violent lawless cess pit where religious minorities are taking over. Brown's Britain seems a very worrying place with bleak years to come.


Should we ...


1. Go home?

2. Wait for citizenship then go home?

3. Stay ad consider moving interstate in the hope that it's more with the times?


Its a big problem because I think Adelaide is going nowhere, but Britain is going backwards but is still streaks ahead of SA. in some ways.


What would you do? Serious answers only please.


Thanks for reading my post.:)


I have to agree with some of the other posts on this thread. You must try and stay for a further 6 months to ensure you get your quals unless of course that is going to be difficult financially for you as a family. It must be so difficult for you, I would also suggest that your OH's skills might be needed in other states, it might be worth having a look to see if you can move inter-state.


Good luck :wubclub:

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Guest JayBone

I think a move Interstate is the obvious short-term answer....


SA seems to have a 'reputation' for some of the things you have said, but not everyplace suits everyone, the people who say these things seem to be from Sydney and Melbourne, so maybe that's the land of milk and honey for them, i would give it a go elsewhere.


Seems rather drastic to move back to UK because you havent settled in Adelaide, Australia is HUGE!!


Good luck with your decision



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Guest Lauren & Alan

I agree with JayBone; "Seems rather drastic to move back to UK because you havent settled in Adelaide, Australia is HUGE!!", also try and look back to why you came in the first place. Your reasons must have been strong enough to make such a huge move so don't forget why you did it.

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honest opinion, get your citizenship then look at moving interstate. I really like adelaide but it is a backwater in alot of respects and the wheels grind slowly here. Its way behind other states but i really like it, however it doesnt suit everyone. But youd be daft to move back to uk so near getting citizenship, why cant you get it now? People who came here before aug 2008 only had to wait 2 years as far as i know , good luck xx

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Oh, dear...............

what a question.............


Adelaide is a backwater, a bit behind the times, but there are people out there wanting it to progress.....just not the way the uk has!!!!


Australia has the advantage.........mainly because of all the migrants from the UK!.

They hear, see and read just what is going on in the motherland, they have taken the "whingeing pom" opinion, and decided they dont want that here. If this is racism, then bloody good on them, i say.


I for one see the ozzy attitude as informed rationale..........they, and we dont want a sectarian society, a modern "aparthied"; they want a free thinking society, tolerant of difference and respectful of change............but not at the cost of their own values.


Im not rubbishing your opinion, or feelings, maybe Adelaide isnt the best place for you and yours; but at least give yourself the chance to have a better situation, or your kids to in the future.


Good luck with it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest whitfan

pack up for melbourne and swill VB till the cows come home I say.


****s on Adelaide as far as progress really. I honestly think it'll outgrow Syndey in the shortish term.

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pack up for melbourne and swill VB till the cows come home I say.


****s on Adelaide as far as progress really. I honestly think it'll outgrow Syndey in the shortish term.


I went to Melly once just drove straight thru and never got outta the car....too busy too much like London, give me my backwater :P any day.


As for VB it actually stands for Very Bad.


Stick it out my man and get your citizenship, or least try another part of gods own country, there is so much to this place. ( just dnt goto Melly ) ;)




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Guest whitfan

acutally the most common derogatory name for VB I know can't be mentioned here. it just seems as though the OP thinks this is TOO much of a back water. realistically speaking Sydney is a hole, brisbane is a maze, so that leaves melbourne or the GC. I know where I'd go. Can't speak for Perth personally but my mum (wizzywozza) seems to like it.

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Hi,sorry to hear you are not too happy being in Adelaide, but really think you should get citzenship then come back to the uk for a holiday things are not too good here at the moment and dont forget the horrid cold,damp winter that goes on forever! Have you been to other areas of Australia? The sunshine coast is really lovely,maybe you should take time out to explore all Australia has to offer. Good luck.

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Just to add, we've only been here since October but have visited Brisbane for three weeks. I can see the appeal and why many Brits go there for work and more options and there's the choice of the GC or SSC to beach. Personally, if we ever moved, it would be near the Sunshine Coast as I loved it there.


Good luck on your decision,


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Guest scmercer



I completely understand your reasons for wanting to leave Adelaide and why you are considering a return to the UK. I too am from the North of England and I would like to return although I do worry what I would return to. Personally I would stay to get citizenship - at least you can always return in the future. A move interstate is a big thing to do if you are not sure, it would mean uprooting your children again.


If you do decide to return to Manchester, keep us updated. It does seem a bad time to return to the UK at the moment , although a lot of people seem to be doing it.


Good luck

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Guest mayjess


I completely understand your reasons for wanting to leave Adelaide and why you are considering a return to the UK. I too am from the North of England and I would like to return although I do worry what I would return to. Personally I would stay to get citizenship - at least you can always return in the future. A move interstate is a big thing to do if you are not sure, it would mean uprooting your children again.


If you do decide to return to Manchester, keep us updated. It does seem a bad time to return to the UK at the moment , although a lot of people seem to be doing it.


Good luck


We were only talking about this last night,,we are about to head back after being back in the UK for 3 years almost,,we have decided if we get fed up of Adelaide we will try Perth or Brisbane,,we are not coming back to the UK,, been there done that,,its deffo not where we want to be,,anyone coming back now may be happy with better food shops and slightly cheaper prices, but believe me that novelty will soon wear off, once you are stuck in the house after work-if you are lucky to get work, and at weekends because of lousy weather, that will grind on you after experiencing the out door life style OZ offers you. When I was homesick and talked all the family into coming back, it was because I imagined a life here that just doesnt exist, anyone with homesickness should definatley come back for a mth or 2 before coming back permanently, because I was told this and ignored it,,so wish I was`nt so headstrong,, in hindsight i should have packed the job in I hated and come bk for a while then I couldve come back refreshed and ready to look for a better job! you have to do what you have to do, but seriously its only now I can look back and see how pathetic I was.


Good Luck


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Guest Django
Hi, we (family of 4) have been here almost 4 years now and it has beeen up and down as we anticipated. I am not earning nearly as much as I did in the UK (about half in fact) and my husband can't find work at all as his skills are very specialised and not needed in SA. Both my kids are at school (one very good school on very average). If we hang on another 6 months we will get citizenship, so if we go back to the UK we can always return here in years to come if we wish.


So given all that why haven't we left? Well Adelaide is a nice city, the weather is mostly great and traffic is pretty easy compared to Manchester. However, I think it's a pretty backward and non progressive backwater where bright kids leaving school have no future. Australia is on the whole unsophisticated with way too many racist attitudes, and I don't want my kids to grow up like that.


So whay am I still here?.....................because I'm worried that in the 4 years since we left Britain has become an even more overcrowded violent lawless cess pit where religious minorities are taking over. Brown's Britain seems a very worrying place with bleak years to come.


Should we ...


1. Go home?

2. Wait for citizenship then go home?

3. Stay ad consider moving interstate in the hope that it's more with the times?


Its a big problem because I think Adelaide is going nowhere, but Britain is going backwards but is still streaks ahead of SA. in some ways.


What would you do? Serious answers only please.


Thanks for reading my post.:)


Is it just me????:skeptical:

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Guest Janine3979



I would suggest visiting different areas of Australia to see if they are better suited. Find out where you husband is more likley to get work eg. job websites then go and see if you would like to live there.


I am in the UK and it's not great at the moment, my mum work for Walkabout pubs, and used to have a lot of Aussies as regional managers etc but they are all returning to OZ, so it must be better over there.


We are waiting for our visa to come over and hopefully should have it in the next month or so and we really want to come to Adelaide but my husbands work is also very specialised and if he got a really good job somewhere else we would go there.


I would at least consider moving somewhere else before the UK, but if not definatley wait for your citizenship.


Good Luck

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I would agree with the poster who advised to use the next 6mths to research - both other areas of OZ or your prospects if you do return to the UK. Then you can at least make a decision with the safety net of being able to return if you go back to the UK and decided it was a mistake.


I have been here almost 6 years - was lucky enough to have been born here so the citizenship issue didn't affect me. I have been back once- in 2005 having been here only 18 months and I returned as my mum passed away. I really thought that the reason I was returning would make it almost impossible, emotionally, to return to Adelaide, but I knew - almost within the first few days - that I could not possibly live in the UK again. You will not know, unless you return, even if it is just for a holiday, how you will feel once you are back there.


Good luck with whatever you decided

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Guest PommyPaul
Hi, we (family of 4) have been here almost 4 years now and it has beeen up and down as we anticipated. I am not earning nearly as much as I did in the UK (about half in fact) and my husband can't find work at all as his skills are very specialised and not needed in SA. Both my kids are at school (one very good school on very average). If we hang on another 6 months we will get citizenship, so if we go back to the UK we can always return here in years to come if we wish.


So given all that why haven't we left? Well Adelaide is a nice city, the weather is mostly great and traffic is pretty easy compared to Manchester. However, I think it's a pretty backward and non progressive backwater where bright kids leaving school have no future. Australia is on the whole unsophisticated with way too many racist attitudes, and I don't want my kids to grow up like that.


So whay am I still here?.....................because I'm worried that in the 4 years since we left Britain has become an even more overcrowded violent lawless cess pit where religious minorities are taking over. Brown's Britain seems a very worrying place with bleak years to come.


Should we ...


1. Go home?

2. Wait for citizenship then go home?

3. Stay ad consider moving interstate in the hope that it's more with the times?


Its a big problem because I think Adelaide is going nowhere, but Britain is going backwards but is still streaks ahead of SA. in some ways.


What would you do? Serious answers only please.


Thanks for reading my post.:)


Wait for your citizenship for definate - you are so close now and would regret it if you did not.


Visit another part of Oz as a reccie, I would suggest Brisbane. It has the Sunshine Coast above and the Gold Coast below, plus it has soo many employment oppurtunities. Qld is the fastest growing state in every way in Oz and it's not hard to see why. This might give you a more positive view of Oz, it worked for us and we now reside on the Gold Coast - previously in Aldinga, Adelaide and I can relate to your feelings about Adelaide.


Go home (as suggested by others) for a tester to see how things feel.


Lastly - follow your gut feeling, it is seldom wrong.

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Guest ashearer



If you don't mind a bit of advice from UK have a good think about returning. The scene here at the moment is poor and the pound way down, I'm usually positive about things and have built a good situation but wouldn't like to think of anyone returning at present without a job to come into.


Jobs are hard to get and so are mortgages with lenders asking for at least 25% down as deposit. If you're in work in OZ stick in and look around for the opportunities and enjoy the sunshine and lifestyle.


With close family in ADL the last thing I expect is for them to return, I hope we've given them the free will and self determination to make their own lives and future.

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Guest Ledges

Hi Guys,


Well for starters - I wouldn't even consider returning without the citizenship. You are sooo close to that, it'd be a waste and a risk it wouldn't be good to take - what if you went back, decided it was a mistake and then couldn't return...nightmare!


If your Oh was working and was doing well, enjoying his job etc etc would that make a big difference ? If so then perhaps something needs to happen there.....I know exactly waht you mean about lack of opportunities for some specialist occupations (I'm struggling to find anything too). Perhaps you should look at something totally different..setting up a business, retraining, etc etc


Well who knows what you would think of the UK now...I guess the only way to find out is to go back....could cost a lot tho...only perhaps to come back. Perhaps a holiday there is the answer ?


Good luck

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Guest Guest75
Thank you for your kind reply. I am going to go back for a 'holiday' in 3 months so that might help me decide. Thanks again.


You'll be back in summer time - don't forget to take off the rosy coloured holiday glasses :biglaugh::biglaugh:

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