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Last minute questions!

Guest Lizy

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Ok, so I have spent the last week following up all of your ideas to do when we arrive next week to validate with 2 teenagers! (I now have a plotted map by my computer lol!)

Thank you for all of your ideas! Have sorted out loads but:

Last few questions!

1)Dolphins: Glenelg or Port Adelaide (Don't do kyaks)

2) Angler's choice for fishing tackle for the holiday or anywhere nearer Glenelg (Have looked into boat hire but have no SAS Oz licence:sad:)

3)Places to fish from apart from P.Noalunga and Moans Drive Beach (we are pretty bad so need a few options!)(only fished Conwy, )

Oh and most important to me! Where can I spend some time with Koalas? !!!:D

If you can answer any in the next few days I would be grateful, we leave Wednesday!

Sorry about any spellings! I can not find spell check!

Thanks again,

Liz x

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If you want to touch the Koalas (rather than squint up high in trees to see them just sitting around - also a lovely thing to do) go to Cleland Wildlife Park. Get time to touch them with a handler, and also you can get fairly close to the house where they all live in the meantime.


For a nice walk and probably spotting Koalas up trees, Morialta Reserve is great.

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Guest the4hopes

The Gorge wildlife park is great, at Cudlee Creek, they have 3 koala times not very long queues. The drive up there is wonderful too.

Glenelg is great for teenagers, also dare I say it! Marion shopping centre, if they have some spending money they can be there all day, and you can go somewhere else!

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Guest Guest75

The fishing is a bit patchy from land I'm afraid,try any of the jetties.Great just to soak in the people and area,jetties are busy places here.

The blokes at Angler's Choice will help out as much as possible:D


You could take a charter boat - but it's around $250 each and you cannot depend on the weather so may be cancelled.


For Koalas - The Gorge Wildlife Park at Cudlee Creek ( great name!) - free to be with and handle Koalas and take as many pics as you like;)


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Guest guest3462

1) For the dolphins it is definately Port Adelaide, there is a 2 hour cruise for $6 per person where you are guaranteed to see plenty of dolphins and marine wildlife or you get your money back!


2) There is a nice fishing tackle shop in Port Noarlunga


3) Onlaparinga river is good for bank fishing, also as Tyke says, head to the end of any jetty. Brighton jetty is nice but busy.


4) For the koalas Cudlee Creek is a great place to go about 45mins drive from the city, $18to get in but the chance to cuddle the koalas costs nothing rather than the $30 you have to pay at Clelland plus their entrance fee.

If you want to see the koalas in their natural habitat along with kangaroos, emus and ostrichs head to BelAir national park. It is $8 entrance for a car and there are lovely walks, bbq's, tennins courts and an adventure playground. We always see an abundance of wildlife there, the emus like to share your picnic too!


Have a great time in Adelaide and safe enjoyable flights.


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Hey Lizy,


we're from the wirral too, small world.....................but been here for 16 months.


dont know about fishing, never done it, but hear most jetties are ok to fish off.

Also plenty of dolphin tours to grab at the port.

Cleland is nice, feeding the kangas, emus etc, and there is a fee to cuddle the koalas.


Hope you guys have a great stay......



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Guest kangomik

Gorge wild life park i reckon is the best, drive up gorge road from Athlestone for some nice views up to Cudlee creek, once you finished drive back down the hill to Gorge road, hang a right, the look for a right turn to Lobethal, when at lobethal turn right then stop at the Bakery for some ice cream. Drive through to the other end of Lobethal and stop for some beer tasting. From here you can head to Handorf, or towards Ashton and back into town down north summit road (nice and twisty) or crank a left and go across to greenhill road and drop into the city that way for some stunning views.

Dolphins i have never seen at Glenelg, but do see them around the port, North haven / largs and off Semaphore beach, sometimes they come in very close.


Fishing off the jettys, is not great, nor from the beach unless you know the spots or get the time right. West lakes has fish, small ones, and watch the puffer fish they are posionous. Mozzie lakes has Carp (check on you tube) but is closed at the moment to what i guess will be blue algae.

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Thanks for all those, feel I am sorted and ready to fly now! One last one I forgot was where is best to pick up a day trip on the Murry River cruise, I see there are a few places, which is the nicest?

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Hey Lizy,


we're from the wirral too, small world.....................but been here for 16 months.


dont know about fishing, never done it, but hear most jetties are ok to fish off.

Also plenty of dolphin tours to grab at the port.

Cleland is nice, feeding the kangas, emus etc, and there is a fee to cuddle the koalas.


Hope you guys have a great stay......




Hi Jane which part of Wirral were you from?

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Guest kangomik

Never been on one of the boats, but the water up near Berri, Loxton, Waikeree area stays at a permanent level thanks to the locks. It's a 3 hour drive but you get an Oz feel for vastness once you drop down off the ranges. There are various ways to get to that area, and i never knew till last month that they have the biggest wine place in the southern hemisphere round there, but you could always fit in a wine tasting session at the Barossa on the way through.

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Guest Trakki

Defintely cudlee creek (Gorge wildlife centre) for Koalas. Not far from there is the largest rocking horse. Warrawong wildlife centre is also lovely, nice wander around the woods, we saw loads of wildlife and some Platipus in the lake. Also the emus come to say hi when you are having your lunch, its also free to get in to.


Home of the Platypus in Adelaide South Australia | Warrawong Wildlife Sanctuary


HTH and hope you enjoy your trip

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hi wen u said u only fished in conwy u mean north wales........? lol

have 2 only fished there coz thats were im from! xx

Yes North Wales Conwy Uk! and also went out in Menai a few times but never really did well!

I love Conwy but would be better in the sun!! OH has a boat in the marina so we often go there for a day out! His friends fish Conwy River most days in the old fishing boats! (Nobbies)

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Guest Drumms
Hi Drumms, We are in Heswall too!!!! Small world!


My god, really is a small world. I went to Pensby Girls, sister to West Kirby. My folks own the garage on Pensby Road, next to the dentist and live just off the puddydale!


I wonder if we know each other? Going to PM you!:chatterbox:

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oh its a small world! probably know some of them! wen are you planning the big move?

Hi Clare, we have to validate by May so did hope to move by then but have lost property sale and other things went wrong so are validating next week then aiming for July for the big move. A bit of a pain to have to do it that way with all the extra expense but feel we had to to make sure we had the validation in place incase anything else crops up!!

When do you hope to move?.

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My god, really is a small world. I went to Pensby Girls, sister to West Kirby. My folks own the garage on Pensby Road, next to the dentist and live just off the puddydale!


I wonder if we know each other? Going to PM you!:chatterbox:

Not sure how I get pm's?!

Bet we know some people in common! The Wirral is a small place!

OH went to Pensby, I went to Upton but new quite a few W.Kirby girls

We are just off the bottom village in Heswall, We know your parents garage well! They had that nice man who always filled up for you instead of self service?! My cousin worked years ago near by in Christopher Boyton hairdressers x

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Guest Drumms

I think it's something to do with settings - I don't seem to be able to send you a PM.


Have you been to Adelaide before? Our friends have been there nearly a year, again from Heswall and Neston! I used to work at Christopher Boyten as well - I started there as part of my YTS. Very small world. Have fun validating. We are moving over in November via New Zealand.

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Guest clare

yep know how that feels we had 2 validate in jan 2008! had probs with our house sale then we sold it last may an now live with my mum and dad saving like loons 2 go in june on the 24th its anitemare isnt it still hopefully worth it!

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I think it's something to do with settings - I don't seem to be able to send you a PM.


Have you been to Adelaide before? Our friends have been there nearly a year, again from Heswall and Neston! I used to work at Christopher Boyten as well - I started there as part of my YTS. Very small world. Have fun validating. We are moving over in November via New Zealand.

Hi I have enabled the pm now I think! Thanks Liz

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