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Should the jack go

Guest Guest5035

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Guest Guest75
If you want to live in Australia, then you want to live like an Australian, like have only 1 passport, a AUSTRALIAN ONE, why keep a British one???




Reminds me I must renew my UK one:cute:


Great for speeding up entry/exits back and forth from the UK.

Selfishly I would like the links to the UK to continue - what if there was a war down this way??

Look how much effort the UK put into defending the Falklands:idea:

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Guest Guest75



Great for speeding up entry/exits back and forth from the UK.



What.....you go back to the UK every week then






At one time it did feel like it.

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the forum today looks like a sparring ring;


So, my 2 pennorth; the empire wasnt THAT bad....................


Im no royalist, but to call the monarch an "old hag" is just rude.............


Im tired of the way EVERY body expects the British to apologise for all the worlds ills, just because we had ruled other nations;


Castigate the French for the state of Sierra Leone for a change..............

Or the Spanish for the Peruvian poverty,


The Aussie Flag, with or without the addition of the Union Flag, should be the very least of our worries.


Y'all have a nice day now, y'hear?

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And then migrants will be hit with the moment you enter Australia you must give up your British passport and sever all, how well would that go doen then guys?


Welcome to Australia, you now have to turn your back on how things were, you cnt vote, you need visas to go see family friends, you cnt travel to europe without a visa, you could not own property in the UK it has to be sold before you arrive in Aus...etc etc.....sure you still have family and friends back in blighty but that would be it.


My bro in law has been told should he marry his girlfriend back in Russia he MUST give up his British passport and become a Russian citizen, no dual nationality there.



there is alot which comes with thre Union Flag and the british passport....




Very doubtful as most countries recognise dual nationality these days. What I wonder is how relinquishing Commonwealth status would affect the working holiday visa - the thing which aids so much in making Aussie global citizens. Coming from the US, I always wished we had the same option - I had to pay international tuition to go do a stint in the UK:/

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someone mentioned the Referendum back there:


a bit of a misunderstanding in most people's minds surely-we were asked to decide whether to accept a very particular(-and argubly rather peculiar) Constitutional change:


it would have involved the Federal Politicians vetting who was acceptable as a candidate for the positoon of "President"


Surprise, surprise very few people accepted that particular idea.


However, all the polling confirmed that in broad trerms the majority of pepole really don't see us continuing with the monarchy that much longer.


Heaven help us if the UK becomes a Republic before we do, so let's push ahead with a change to the flag as precursor a.s.a.p.



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Guest Django
If you want to live in Australia, then you want to live like an Australian, like have only 1 passport, a AUSTRALIAN ONE, why keep a British one???




No not at all. I live in Austraia. However I'm British and therefore have a British passport. I have no intention of ever calling myself Australian. Just like when I moved out of London into Lincolnshire I was still a Londoner. If you sleep in a stable does this mean you suddenly become a horse???


If Ausralians want to change their flag then good on them. Myself I think it is one of the nicest flags on the planet and don't even notice The Union Flag in the corner. Its their choice and makes absolutely no difference to me as its not my flag.

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Guest Guest5035
No not at all. I live in Austraia. However I'm British and therefore have a British passport. I have no intention of ever calling myself Australian. Just like when I moved out of London into Lincolnshire I was still a Londoner. If you sleep in a stable does this mean you suddenly become a horse???


If Ausralians want to change their flag then good on them. Myself I think it is one of the nicest flags on the planet and don't even notice The Union Flag in the corner. Its their choice and makes absolutely no difference to me as its not my flag.


If you call yourself british then why live in Australia, re the flag, why does Australia need the union bit in the corner, we don't rely on her anymore?



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Very doubtful as most countries recognise dual nationality these days. What I wonder is how relinquishing Commonwealth status would affect the working holiday visa - the thing which aids so much in making Aussie global citizens. Coming from the US, I always wished we had the same option - I had to pay international tuition to go do a stint in the UK:/


Russia is one that dnt recognise dual citizenship.....as bro in law is finding out....



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Guest guest4504

Interesting if we were able to look into the future on this. If it bothers Australians so much about the flag, then so be it change it, who or what will it harm ?

As to the comments regarding the "Old Hag" and we dont need her anymore.Im no royalist but its that "Old Hag" that would commit her armed forces in defending Australia from foreign invaders to save the sorry asses like them.

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Guest katsmajic

Its bloody impossible to visit...cost my mum a fortune, had to have a letter of invitation al sorts of crap...


and to get the gf here on a holiday was lousey too - oz would let her in, russia wouldnt let her out!


Personally i like the flag...and its british connections.


Yes but that is still a pretty 'old school' country...can be even difficult to visit let alone live there
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