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Hi all,

just got back from my first trip back home, trying not to think about the fact that it'll probably be more than a year now until I see the family again.

On the plus side, spring seems to have finally settled in, was great seeing all the flowers out from the taxi back to the house. Also came back to an email from the agent saying my 457 visa has been applied for and granted while I was away (only took a week!). Gives me a bit more breathing space to apply for the partner visa next year. :)

Hope you're all well,

RockDr :)

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Just read you post, we've just arrived back from the Uk after a three week visit, we've been here in Adelaide just under two years and our children were dearly missing their grandparents. We had an amazing time but incredible exausting as so many people wanted to see us. The strange thing was I felt like a guest in our home country. I think we've come back with the perspective that Australia is really our home.



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I know what you mean, sometimes you get back after a trip home and think "I need a holiday". Trying to fit everyone in, while keeping everyone happy and avoiding spending the entire trip in the car/train travelling can be challenging. It would be easier if half a week didn't get lost to flights. I seriously hope scram-jet technology gets commercialised in our lifetime...

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I still don't understand how you can fax something half way round the world in seconds and yet it takes so long to move one of us humans .... why can't we be faxed there and back??


(And yes, I've seen The Fly or whatever it was called, but surely a good squirt of insect repellent just beforehand would do the trick....??)


Either that, or teleporting - for goodness sake, The Tomorrow People were doing it years ago - what are the scientists playing at?

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