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Queensland flooding

Guest Nick11

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It's absolutely awful - was watching the pictures on TV this morning with 4-wheel drives just being tossed around like toy cars, and some poor lady desperately searching for her horses that had been washed away. Can't begin to imagine what it must be like, and Brisbane and several other towns and cities are still getting yet more rain today, and many people evacuated and fearing the worst. There was even something I caught on the news about people that had evacuated their homes and were in a (single storey) centre somewhere, and no-one had been able to contact them since.... Just terrifying and as you say, thoughts are with them.

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Guest Guest5035

Ok back to reality now.....(someones been at work)...so have i, last night i worked 12 hours overtime which was donated and matched dollar for dollar by the company and donated to the relief fund.



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Our thoughts and prayers are with you - such a dreadful thing to happen. I'm impressed by the way folks on here have responded and want to help in a practical way.


The coverage in the UK is very intermittent and sparse. We seem so bound up in our own country's woes that we can easily forget global disasters when they are on the other side of the world. The whole country was so obsessed with the snow a month ago that nothing else mattered - how selfish is that.


I pray that shattered lifes will be rebuilt and that the situation doesn't get any worse. The scale of this is catastrophic, and I can`t begin to imagine what those poor people must be suffering. My heart goes out to them.

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Guest the4hopes

The news rarely affects me, but this has upset me so much today, does anyone have a link for somewhere we can send donations? clothes, household etc. Where will everyone up there even be spending the night let alone the next few months/years?

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Guest seekingsunshine
The news rarely affects me, but this has upset me so much today, does anyone have a link for somewhere we can send donations? clothes, household etc. Where will everyone up there even be spending the night let alone the next few months/years?




I know you can donate money direct at Coles supermarket and i think the banks are taking donations too. there is a national number to donate money too.....but dont know what it is!does anyone know? otherwise will prob go into our bank or coles to donate money.....would also like to know where can send physical things if they are needed eg clothes.


if anyone has these details and could post them on here it would be fab :)


such an awful, awful situation :( been watching pretty much all day - its all terrible but the news about the kids is particularly heartbreaking :(

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There are a couple of sites on Face Book that are taking clothes, toys etc. They are called 'QLD flood appeal' and 'Queensland flood appeal' One says that the storepac on Grand junction road has been set up as a drop off point for north eastern suburbs and that others down South will be liasing with them

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Just seen this

From tomorrow morning until January 21st the Gawler Show Office will be open from 10am - 6pm as a collection point for donations to the Qld Flood Victims. If you can help, donate we would love to see you.


i guess they are gonna take just about anything you have to give X

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Guest Guest75
Today I have started to make up parcels of clothing, household items, toys etc in anticipation for appeals that will be made for Queenlands residents.

Come on PIA we all must have something to donate. Please have a look around your home to see what you can give.


We have a huge amount of clothing /towels and domestic bits and bobs if anyone is coordinating a collection???

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The next couple of days are going to be critical - am hoping and praying that the majority of those unaccounted for are safe and well and hopefully just incommunicado. What with the fires in WA and the floods in Queensland, and locusts on the hatch again Australia just seems to be falling apart.


In cases like these, I never know what to donate (apart from money of course) - do they really need more "stuff" when they have nowhere to put it? Wish I was a builder or something and had a skill I could donate...

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