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Hey Im New. 22 from Surrey :D

Guest Chloe

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  • 10 months later...

Baaah this is so embarrassing! i started this thread absolutely aaaages ago now, lost my password, and have only just finally stopped procrastinating and have got back into poms in Adelaide so i thought i would try and track it down! and i'm very happy i managed to find it :D


i know its a very veeeery late reply! but is it to late to arrange some drinks? lol


god time flys by! it has been great fun hanging around Adelaide so far!!! is everyone else enjoying their time here??


i hope everyone is!


i know it has been so long but it would be great to hear from you all and hear how things have been going :D


Clo x

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  • 2 weeks later...

haha! ahh that's alright then, as long as i'm not the only one lol :P wow a year! how does it feel?? great to hear you are still up for meeting up for a coffee :D


unfortunately i have recently really badly sprained my ankle!!? (may have been a tad drunk) haha


so I'm kinda immobile for the next week and a bit, but after that we will def have to catch up :D do you know the kiosk on Broadway? (the one right by the beach) we could go there if you want, its lovely! :D


Clo x

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