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Reynella East Primary or Braeview Primary?

Guest ffi&dyl

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Guest ffi&dyl

Had my mind set on Reynella East Primary until my OH came home from work yesterday and

said someone he knows said there was a bad drug problem at the high school and primary there.


What's everyone else's views on Reynella East Primary, good or bad?


Braeview would be my second choice, anyone have views on this one?



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Reynella East Primary now comes under the heading of Reynella East College along with the high school. Both my 2 are at the high school part and I can honestly say they have never been exposed to drugs there. That's not to say that there won't be kids there who take drugs but you will get that at any school. I would be interested to find out who told your husband that there is a bad drug problem as often these comments come from people who have no direct connection to the school. My daughter is currently in year 12, about to take her final exams and is doing fantastically well. In fact 2 teachers during the holidays have arranged times for the kids to meet up with them for extra study sessions if they wanted to - don't hear that very often.


I don't have much info in relation to the primary school but as the comments you had heard about the high school seemed to be a concern I hope this has helped.

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Every high school has its drugs problems...sometimes the more elite the school..the worse the problem. Wherever kids go...they will be exposed to it...nowhere can escape it.

I know a very senior teacher who teaches at local high school with a good reputation and a waiting list...but refuses to allow their kids to go there...as they are frustrated at some of the teaching that goes on there from teachers who should have retired years ago. Makes you think!!!

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My daughter goes to Braeview and loves it (has been there from Reception and is now in Year 2). Lots of support from the teaching staff, they also have special programmes for children with mobility, communication issues. Parents and staff are friendly and supportive to new children. They have also recently had a lot of investment from the government so have new classrooms and are currently looking at setting up a Stephanie Alexander Garden.


Hope this helps



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