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Julia Gillard the right thing

Guest Guest5035

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Guest Guest5035
She was NOT my namesake, my name is COMPLETELY different to hers, I would not want to be associated in any way, even in something as small as this, with a woman who had no consideration for the feelings of her young sons when she decided to air all her - and their father's - dirty laundry in public and a more self-seeking, publicity hungry, mentally deranged person has not been seen in the royal family since King George III (who at least didn't pretend to be holier than thou whilst shagging anything and everything that moved!)


The GG is female btw - pretty historic day when the head of state, governor general, and prime minister are all women imho! Wonder if The Mad Monk will bow when he meets the Queen??


What Charlie boy was a goodie two shoes was he, i get the feeling Diane you didn't like her?? wouldn't suprise me if the Mad Monk showed off his budgie smugglers.



Australia is still part of the Britsh Commonwealth. Julia Gillard should have curtsied to the Queen. It doesn't matter who she is. Anyone who meets the Queen must curtsy. That's what we were taught at school anyway!


Those days are long gone see the link in #22 first paragraph, a handshake is suffice.



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Guest Guest5035
They wonder why Countries are in so much trouble, because people dont have any respect! If JG doesnt show any to the Queen, why should any child/teenager/adult show any to their wife/partner/friends/parent/police/courts/teachers etc etc etc ....dont get me started!


My kids and wife know i don't like the monarch, but they show me respect, so don't blame JG with parents not disciplining their kids from a early age. My god i'm actually sticking up for Juliar



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Guest DanandJanna

If you are receiving a guest, be it a boss, employee or other you greet them in a way that you know is appropriate for that person and will make them comfortable, people from some parts of the world may expect a kiss on both cheeks, others a bow, some a handshake followed by a touch of the chest (your own). Its simple manners. Its just another media stunt from JG (see also bali toerag, same sex marriage etc) in an attempt to please the retards who think whether or not you cursty to the Queen says more about your country than whether you understand common courtesy.

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"With Mod Hat On"


First post of Stevo's was deleted as inappropriate for a public forum, MDB's subsequent post referring to that was also deleted as without the first one there, it didn't make sense.


Reasoned argument please, boys - ok to feel passionately about things but please try to view what you type through the eyes of others and consider if what you have written might offend or upset someone. Julia Gillard (and dead princesses) excepted of course.....!!!!

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I do not like Julia Gillard but I was proud that she chose not to curtsey to the Queen of England.


This is the 21C. Why would the Queen expect -or want- the representative of Australia to show subservience to her title? I think JG showed respect which should be enough. Whether you believe we should continue to support the British monarchy or not, there is a huge difference between deliberately slighting the Queen of England and merely meeting her as a respectful equal.


I sincerely doubt that the Queen cared one jot unless it was to be proud that the country she inherited -our country- is still welcoming her with respect and courtesy...but not as a show of fealty.


Just my opinion lol.



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Ok MDB just to keep you happy I've edited Barbaitch comment (hope you don't mind Barbaitch) to remove all reference to Julia's roots (and I mean that word in the aussiest possible way!) and have edited Stevo's comment to make sure he got the dead royal slapper's name right!


FWIW I don't mind Julia - I think she's doing a tough job in a still predominantly male world, but she should have bowed or curtsied to the woman who is still - like it or lump it - her monarch. She is atheist but still lowers her head during the Lord's Prayer at the opening of parliament after all. If you want to be given respect, you need to give it out and she failed on this occasion. Good old GG though - looked elegant, poised and polite. Now there's a lady who was brought up proper....



A lot of editing been done on this thread but really don't think "dead royal slapper" should be used by anyone on a public forum, where you liked her or not. I'm not usually too fussed about language used in banter, but that really is a bit strong in my opinion.

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Guest Guest5035
"With Mod Hat On"


First post of Stevo's was deleted as inappropriate for a public forum, MDB's subsequent post referring to that was also deleted as without the first one there, it didn't make sense.


Reasoned argument please, boys - ok to feel passionately about things but please try to view what you type through the eyes of others and consider if what you have written might offend or upset someone. Julia Gillard (and dead princesses) excepted of course.....!!!!



Ok Diane, but i thought i was posting about a Queen...



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Guest Guest5035
"With Mod Hat On"


First post of Stevo's was deleted as inappropriate for a public forum, MDB's subsequent post referring to that was also deleted as without the first one there, it didn't make sense.


Reasoned argument please, boys - ok to feel passionately about things but please try to view what you type through the eyes of others and consider if what you have written might offend or upset someone. Julia Gillard (and dead princesses) excepted of course.....!!!!


Oh dear Diane.....your "dead royal slapper" comment


A lot of editing been done on this thread but really don't think "dead royal slapper" should be used by anyone on a public forum, where you liked her or not. I'm not usually too fussed about language used in banter, but that really is a bit strong in my opinion.



Diane you've upset someone.....put your mod hat back on for your comment...:rolleyes:



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Personally i would show respect but some dont have that or think they should not have to show it. Has it offended me no.


What does offend me is grown people who post/cry for the mods when they see something they dont like and post to try to get people banned.

Talk about needing to grow up. The mods are not teachers and running to them every time you see something you do not like or is against your views is a bit sad.

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Guest Guest5035

What does offend me is grown people who post/cry for the mods when they see something they dont like and post to try to get people banned.

Talk about needing to grow up. QUOTE]




thats happened to me twice, i got red carded.



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A lot of editing been done on this thread but really don't think "dead royal slapper" should be used by anyone on a public forum, where you liked her or not. I'm not usually too fussed about language used in banter, but that really is a bit strong in my opinion.


My apologies for any offence caused - have edited to prove that rules are rules - for everyone!! In my defence, in Essex where I come from the word I used isn't considered particularly offensive...but I'm happy to amend here :biggrin:

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Guest Guest5035
My apologies for any offence caused - have edited to prove that rules are rules - for everyone!! In my defence, in Essex where I come from the word I used isn't considered particularly offensive...but I'm happy to amend here :biggrin:


Onya Diane, a mod with balls and not a fishing rod:wink:



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Didn't offend me or upset me at all - just seemed people get edited for lesser comments. As you say, maybe it's more of an offensive where I come from.


Generally we will only edit where a complaint is receieved from another member - which happened in the cases where I have edited in this thread. We do try not to let personal thoughts influence us (but I am only human :biggrin:)

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