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Kindergarten - Info for new arrivals and parents of 3/4 year olds


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Just a quick post to let people know that as of next year, the intakes into kindergarten will be changing and, if born after 2008, your child will be affected by these changes in that the dates they can start school and kindy will be changing. There will no longer be an intake every term.


The date when your child can start kindy/ school can be calculated here - http://www.sa.gov.au/subject/Education%2C+skills+and+learning/Early+childhood%2C+education+and+care/Preschool+and+kindergarten


Some kindy's will still offer pre-entry sessions, that is, one session per week in the term before your child should start, as a way of easing them in to kindy. Some kindy's will no longer be able to offer this service, depending on their staffing structure, funding and enrolments. Some kindys will offer set days and others may be able to maintain a flexible schedule, allowing for parents to fit sessions around their working lives etc.



Why am I writing this? Well I am the Chairperson at Hallett Cove Karrara Kindergarten and I have people asking me these questions all the time! Of course, I am biased and think that everyone coming to Hallett Cove should send their 4 year olds to our Kindy, because it is fabulous! But, I also know that as a migrant, knowing nothing about the kindy system, having someone to ask is a good place to start. So I can suggest that you either post on this thread, or actually ring the Kindy as the staff there will be very happy to chat to you about what going to kindy involves. The director's name is Maddy and she is there Mon-Fri except training days. She is very familiar with talking to people from the UK about kindy and the school transition. The website for the kindy is http://www.karrarakgn.sa.edu.au/.

The kindy still offers pre entry, lunch care, full days, half days and early entry for eligible children (again, speak to Maddy about this). You can choose which days your child attends and there is also a great playgroup on Fridays, 11am - 1pm (bring your lunch!) for younger children. There are several family day care carers who attend playgroup, so again, another resource to investigate for childcare!


Currently, my son attends 1 full day at kindy and 3 half days. Many of the children do 2 full days and access lunch care on those days. You can change your days term by term if required - some people choose to increase the number of full days as their child reaches school age. The kindy also offers transition visits to Hallett Cove East Primary and there are also a number of children who travel to and from kindy on a mini bus from a local daycare centre, should you need to utilise this service.


If you are here already, the best thing to go is to come along and visit the kindy. You are welcome any time!


Jo xx

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