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Returning to UK for holiday but possibly staying? Advice needed please


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Hi diane,


Yes she was planning to renew when she was there due to the cost! But you need it countersigned by someone who has know you 2 years in a certain profession which she wont have, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it.


I just needed to know really that by entering the country on an australian passport will it have any implications on how long she can stay there? And of course her expired passport proves she is a uk citizen.


No worries about the passport. I'm a British and US citizen as are my kids - by US law I had to enter America on US passport and I always returned on my British into the country and vica versa. I always said my family must be sitting in immigration limbo... We did have a moment this last trip where something triggered on one passport and we had to explain but as along as you have proof of citizenship for both countries (expired will do) she'll be fine.

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Wont leaving the UK on your brit passport make them flag up..oh you need a visa to get into australia?? Someone else told me today to use aussie passport when leaving UK as they will ask that very question.


Hi lorluc, from all the experiences and good advise coming up on this thread it really becomes clear that having both current passports covers all corners and should take away all worries you may have.

She will go away and have great fun, you will still be sat at home worrying, in time we come to realise and accept that like us, they are adults with their own life. Our daughter did the same she went back for some 12 months had a ball came back to what is now her home, married an Aussie this year built their house, kids??? we await, then that is when they do the worrying!

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Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this thread. I really appreciate all the answers and advice you have all taken the time to give. Yes its all a learning curve for us. She came out at the age of 15, and this is the first time in almost 8 years that any of us have gone back! For her its an adventure that at the moment we have no idea how its gonna pan out. Return ticket is booked, but at the same time we have to prepare that she may decide to stay...But at the age of 23 it is certainly time for her to make her own mind up what she wants to do, where she wants to be etc...


Appt booked for monday for renewal of her brit passport :)

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