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Radio Traffic Announcers


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Why are all the traffic announcers on the radio, you know the ones who do 5 seconds of useless traffic news followed by an advert, made to sound like they're on the end of a bad phone line, when actually they are in the studio next door getting all their info from people calling in..?


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And they are always WAY behind. I've been sat in stand still traffic for nearly an hour and it took that long to mention it. Other times they say there is an accident somewhere just as I'm driving through it and it's all cleared up. I tend to go the way they say to avoid as everyone else avoids it and it is so behind that it is clearer than normal.

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  Anne B said:
Yes, that is something that really winds me up. You can barely hear what they are saying so it's pretty useless information. Maybe they are pretending they are in a helicopter watching the traffic, that was the trend back in the 80s/90s.


They are in the traffic studio, not the radio station one. The same person does the traffic on multiple stations. I don't have the issue you all seem to.


At at least it shows how good life in Adelaide is if such things are such a problem it drives you to the internet about them!

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