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Playgroups, parks, reserves, BMX & skateparks in City of Onkaparinga


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The City of Onkaparinga covers a large number of suburbs and towns in the south and southern foothills of Adelaide.


If you are a new arrival and not certain of the playpark facilities nearby this may help get you started. Or if you've been here a while and perhaps want to visit somewhere new or check out parks in other suburbs or towns with the kids perhaps this list will help :smile:



Parks and Reserves in the City of Onkaparinga


Permits are required for organised functions with more than 30 people. For enquiries & bookings contact City of Onkaparinga, tel. 8384 0135.



Canberra Reserve - Shelter, seating, play equipment, BBQ

Happy Valley Oval, Taylors Rd west - Shelter, seating/table, cricket net, playequipment, toilets, and tennis courts, walking/cycle tracks.

Margaret Cutten Reserve - Seating/table, cycle/walking tracks

Monaro Reserve - Seating/table, play equipment, ball game space

Newport, Hub Dr - Seating/table·Peppermint Reserve - Play equipment, seating, ball game space

Pine Drive Reserve - Ball game space, seating/table, play equipment

Roxanne Reserve - Seating/table, play equipment, ball game space,cycle/walking tracks

Southbound Reserve - Play equipment, seating/table

Stonebridge Dr - Seating/table·The Parkway - Play equipment, ball game space, BBQ, shelter, seating/tables

Windebanks Rd -Thalassa Park, after Carmine Ct, magnificent view throughto the sea - BBQ, play equipment, disabled toilets, shelter, seating/table,walking/cycle tracks & amphitheatre. Friends of Thalassa Park welcome newmembers.Open 8am - 8pm summer & 8am - 6pm winter.There is an ornamental garden of Canadian and European plants

Woodlea Dr - Simpson Reserve - BBQ, shelter, seating/table, ball gamespace



Port Rd/Old Coach Rd - Cricket net/pitch, ball game space, netball court,seating/table, toilets, disabled toilets, tennis court



Butterworth Rd (Symonds Reserve) - Seating/table, play equipment, toilets,disabled toilets, ball game space, tennis court, netball court, BMX track,skateboard

Dover St (John Nichol Reserve) - Seating/table, play equipment, ball gamespace

Esplanade - Ball game space, seating/table, shelter, beach access·Esplanade (Boat ramp) - Shelter, toilets, BBQ, car park, beach access

Esplanade (Clarrie Eatts Reserve) - Shelter, play equipment, toilets, BBQ,beach access, boat ramp·Myerhoff St/Cameron Rd - Seating, play equipment, ball game space



Bagshaw Rd - Seating/table, shelter, ball game space

Brixton St - Seating, soccer goal, play equipment, toilets, tennis court,skateboard

Brodie Cres - Seating, play equipment, ball game space, walking/cycle tracks

Coastal Park - Esplanade opposite Surf Life Saving Club, public art works

Gulfview/Galloway (Lohman Park) - Seating, public art works sculpture·Rotary Park, Beach/Esplanade - BBQ, shelter, ball game space,seating/table, power access, toilets, disabled toilets. Public art works nearby,mosaics

Vincent St/Dorethea - Ball game space, play equipment, seating



Antony St - Ball game space, play equipment, seating

Gerald/Joan - Seating, play equipment, ball game space·Glasgow St - Ball game space, play equipment, seating

Justin Cres (school) - Special needs play equipment

Kevin St - Ball game space, play equipment, seating·Morton Rd - Shelter, cricket net, ball game space, play equipment, seating,skateboard



Clarendon Recreation Ground (perfect family picnic spot nestled in the riverbendnear historic Clarendon) - Shelter, seating/tables, ball game space, netball courts,oval, play equipment, tennis courts, toilets, disabled toilet, and large pavilion withkitchen. Bookings for oval - tel. 8384 0135 (council), netball club courts - tel. 83836524, tennis club courts - 8383 6173

Riverbend Park, Nicolle Rd - to book this space which is adjacent to the ClarendonRecreation Ground, (toilet facilities), contact Council's Organisational Services, tel.8384 0135



Frank Smith Reserve, off Magarey Rd - Oval, shelter, cricket net, ball game space,play equipment, toilets, power

Light Rd/ McNamara - Seating, cycle/walking tracks

Main Road (Weymouth Oval) - Shelter, cricket net, play equipment, seating/table,BBQ (near community centre), disabled toilets, tennis courts, car park Sandow Cres - Ball game space, play equipment, seating

Scherer Ave - seating·Wyndham Res - Seating, play equipment, ball game space, walking/cycle tracks



Godfrey Res - Seating, ball game space, playground·Brookside - Seating, play equipment



Birman Reserve - Basketball ring, ball game space, play equipment, seating/table

Durham Place - Basketball ring, ball game space, play equipment, seating

Glenhuntly Reserve - Ball game space, play equipment, seating/table

Kingfisher Circ - Seating/table, ball game space, cycle/walking track

Manning Rd (Mandilla Reserve) - Seating, play equipment, ball game space

Skylark Close - seating/table, cycle/walking track

Swallow Reserve - BBQ, shelter, ball game space, play equipment, seating/table

Regano Rd - play equipment, seating/table, shelter, disabled toilet

Ridgeway Dr - seating/table, play equipment, ball game space



Collins Pde - Ball game space, play equipment

Cottage Lane (Forsyth Reserve) - Seating/table, shelter, play equipment, toilets,disabled toilets, BBQ, ball game space, tennis court, skateboarding

Doctors Rd (Hackham Sports Ground) - Seating/table, play equipment

Greengate Grv - Seating, play equipment, ball game space

Upper Pennys Hill Rd - Seating, play equipment, ball game space

Scenic Way Reserve - Ball game space, play equipment, basketball ring,seating/table, shelter



Corinth/Valley Fair - Ball game space, play equipment, seating, walking/cycletracks

Fairview Gr - BMX track

Glynville Dr - Play equipment, seating/table, BBQ, ball game space, netball courts,walking/cycle tracks,

Greenbank Grv - Ball game space, play equipment, seating/table

Holly Rise - Seating, play equipment, ball game space

Warsaw Cr - Basketball ring, BMX track, play equipment, seating/table, shelter




Alders Reserve - Play equipment, seating, ball game space

Balee Rd - Basketball ring, ball game space, play equipment, seating

Byards/Jennifer - Ball game space, play equipment, seating

Calomba Cr - Play equipment, seating

Dianne St - Seating/table, play equipment, netball court, basketball ring

Fountain Valley Reserve - BBQ, ball game space, seating/table

Kenihans Rd - Kimberley Fountain - seating, play equipment, ball game space

Mason Reserve - Seating, play equipment, ball game space

Matthew St - Play equipment, seating

Pamela St - Ball game space, play equipment, seating.

Sun Cres - Play equipment, seating, ball game space

Woodswallow Drive - Play equipment, seating, ball game space, cycle/walkingtracks



Brentwood Dr - Ball game space, play equipment, seating

Chilcomb Reserve - Play equipment, seating

Enard/Lorne Cr - Ball game space, play equipment, seating, walking/cycle tracks

Hilltop Reserve - Seating, play equipment·South Rd/Melsetter Rd (Farmhouse) - Seating, BBQ, ball game space,walking/cycle tracks



Bakers Gully Rd - Seating/table, shelter·Kangarilla Rd - Seating/table, shelter, BBQ, cricket net, tennis court, playequipment, oval



Gulf Pde (Frank Hilton) - Seating/table, shelter, play equipment, toilets, disabledtoilets, car park, beach access

Jasmine Ave - Seating/table, shelter, play equipment, ball game space, basketballring

Parkway Dr (Maslin Hall) - Seating/table, play equipment, tennis court



Kangarilla Rd (Dawson Reserve) - Seating/table, shelter, play equipment, toilets,disabled toilets, BBQ

Kangarilla Rd (Clarendon Cemetry) - shelter

Kangarilla Rd (Oval) - Shelter, play equipment, ball game space, soccer goal



Kangarilla Rd/Sand Rd (Lions Park) - Seating/table, shelter, play equipment,toilets, BBQ

Main Rd (Chapmans Reserve) - Seating/table, shelter, play equipment, toilets, BBQ

Main Rd (Ellis Park) - Seating, shelter, car park

Park Dr - Seating/table, oval, tennis court, netball court

Perry St - Seating, play equipment, ball game space, cycle/walking tracks

Railway Tce - Seating/table, play equipment, cycle/walking tracks

Valley View Drive (Gemmel Tassie) - Seating/table, shelter, play equipment, ballgame space, car park

West Parkway - Seating/table, shelter, play equipment, toilets, BBQ, ball gamespace, tennis court, BMX track, skateboard, soccer goal



Babbacombe Dr - Basketball ring, shelter, ball game space, play equipment,seating/table

Esplanade/Nashwauk - Seating/table, shelter, toilets, car park, beach access

Esplanade/Robertson - Seating/table, shelter, toilets, BBQ, car park, beach access

Nashwauk Cres (Moana Hall) - BBQ, play equipment, seating/table, toilets, ballgame space, car park

Regent St (Graham Rabbett Reserve)- Shelter, seating, play equipment, toilets,BBQ, ball game space


MORPHETT VALE - West of South Rd

Applecross Ave - Seating, playground equipment, ball game space

Barbara Ave - Play equipment, ball game space

Fabian Cres - Ball game space, play equipment, seating

Gloria St - Seating/table, shelter, playground equipment

Grazing Ave - Seating, ball game space·Highwray Dr - Ball game space, play equipment, seating

Kantalpa Gr/Knox Park - Seating/table, ball game space, shelter, play equipment·Lynly Crt - Ball game space, seating

Marston Dr - Basketball ring, cricket net, ball game space, play equipment,seating/table, soccer goal, toilets, disabled toilets

Oswin Ct - Play equipment, seating, ball game space

Reserve Pde - Play equipment·Saphire Rd - Play equipment, seating, ball game space

Selina St - Ball game space, play equipment, seating

Simpson Ct - Basketball ring, ball game space, play equipment, seating

Valentine St - Seating, play equipment, exercise circuit, ball game space


MORPHETT VALE - East of South Road

Almond Gr - Play equipment, seating, ball game space·Dalkeith Ave - Ball game space, play equipment, seating

Diosma Dr - Seating, play equipment

Farnsworth Dr - Seating/table, shelter, play equipment, ball game space

Holly Res/Doctors Rd - Seating/table, play equipment, ball game space, car park

Jordan Dr - Play equipment

Kathleen St/Leonard - Play equipment, seating

Madeira Dr - Ball game space, play equipment, seating

Marita St - Shelter, ball game space, play equipment, seating

Nash Cres - Ball game space, play equipment, seating

Richards Dr - Ball game space, play equipment, seating/table

Taylors Ave - Basketball ring, shelter, ball game space, play equipment,seating/table

Timothy/Albert - Seating/table, shelter, play equipment, toilets, BBQ, ball gamespace

Waverley Way - Seating/table, shelter, play equipment, ball game space

Wilfred Taylor Res, Wheatsheaf/States Rd (extensive parklands straddling theupper reaches of Christie Creek, with red river gums) - BBQ, BMX track, shelter, ballgame space, play equipment, seating/table, toilets, disabled toilets, (playground fordisabled children), walking/bike tracks. A dog agility course is located in the park

Yates Res/Dickson Rd - Ball game space, seating/table, play equipment, toilets,disabled toilets, tennis court



Barcelona Rd (Hartley Res) - Seating, play equipment, ball game space

Bethany Crt - Seating, play equipment, ball game space

Challenge Dr - Seating/table, shelter, play equipment, ball game space

Gabrenol - Seating, play equipment, basketball ring

Perry's Bend/River Rd - Seating/table, shelter, play equipment, toilets, car park,fishing

Taranaki Cres - Seating/table, play equipment, ball game space



Serpentine Road Reserve - BMX track, shelter, cricket pitch, play equipment,tennis court, power



Malpas St (Hutchinson Res) - Shelter, seating, car park

Market Square (spacious village green located in the horseshoe of theOnkaparinga River, site of Princess Diana Fountain, ducks on river nearby) - BBQ,ball game space, play equipment, shelter, seating/table, toilets, power, car park

Patapinda Rd - Play equipment, oval, tennis court, toilets, shelter

Walthamstowe Rd/John St - Basketball ring, shelter, ball game space, play



Callander/States - Seating, play equipment, toilets, BBQ, ball game space

Concord/States - Seating/table, play equipment, shelter, ball game space

Gamay Dr - Seating, play equipment, ball game space, basketball ring

Phoenix Cres - Seating, play equipment


Baden Tce - BBQ, ball game space, play equipment, seating/table

O'Sullivan Beach Sports & Community Centre - Oval for hire·Tingira Dr - Seating/table, shelter

Yangarra Rd - Ball game space, play equipment, seating/table, skateboard, shelter



Chelmsford Ave (Earls Green) - Ball game space, seating/table, walking/cycletracks

Foxfield Dr (Bakers Green) - Seating/table, ball game space, basketball ring

Northwood Green - Seating/tables, shelter, BBQ, ball game space, tennis court

Oldborough Dr (Arbury Park) - Ball game space, seating/table, walking/cycle tracks



Cnr Gawler St/Murray Rd - Adjacent Arts Centre - public art works, mosaics

Hender Ave - Seating, play equipment, ball game space

Leitch Ave/Murray Rd - Seating, ball game space

New Rd/River Rd - Ball game space, play equipment, seating

Oliver Cr - Seating, play equipment, ball game space

Saltfleet St - Seating, toilets, disabled toilets, BBQ



Britain Dr (Pt Noarlunga Oval) - Shelter, play equipment, ball game space, car park

Cliff/Jane (Karingal Reserve) - Ball game space, play equipment, seating,skateboard, toilets, tennis courts

Esplanade/Costa Vista - Seating/table, play equipment, toilets, disabled toilets,BBQ

Fremantle Rd/Perth St - Ball game space, play equipment, seating

Saltfleet St - Adventure Park - BBQ, shelter, ball game space, play equipment,seating/table, toilets, walking/cycle tracks, car park



Bowering Hill Rd - Ball game space, cycle/walking tracks

Caffery Cr (St Nicholas Res) - Seating, play equipment, ball game space, BMX track

Esplanade (Star of Greece) - Seating/table, shelter, toilets, car park, beach access


REYNELLA - East of South Road

Malbeck Dr - Seating, play equipment, cycle/walking tracks

Rosa Ct (Reynella Oval) - Seating, play equipment, ball game space

Wild Ave (Stoneyhill) - Seating, play equipment, ball game space


REYNELLA - West of South Road

Baroona St - Play equipment, ball game space, seating

George St - Play equipment, seating·

essamine Ave - Seating, play equipment, ball game space

Pembroke Dr - BBQ, basketball ring, shelter, ball game space, play equipment,seating

Robertson St - Seating/table, shelter, play equipment, toilets, BBQ, ball gamespace, car park, tennis court

Ross Crt - Play equipment, seating, ball game space

Tamarac Pl - Ball game space, play equipment, seating·Young St - Seating, play equipment, ball game space



Compass Dr - Ball game space, seating/table

Helmsman Tce - Basketball ring, cricket net/pitch, ball game space, playequipment, seating/table, shelter

Lyndhurst Rd - Shelter, cricket pitch, ball game space, play equipment,seating/table, car park, basketball ring

Quadrant Tce - Play equipment, seating, shelter, ball game space, basketball ring

Tiller Dr - Ball game space, play equipment, seating/table



Admiralty Cres - Ball game space, play equipment, seating/table, tennis court,shelter

Clearwater Cres - Seating, play equipment, ball game space

Grand Blvd (Recreation Centre) - Seating/table, shelter, play equipment,skateboard area.

Lantern Dr - Ball game space, play equipment, seating·Rockbourne - Seating/table, shelter

Smugglers Dr - Seating, walking/cycle tracks



Esplanade - Seating/table, shelter, toilets, BBQ, beach access, boat ramp

Greenoch Reserve - Ball game space, play equipment, seating

Hastings Ave Reserve - Seating/table, shelter, play equipment, ball game space,BMX track, and soccer goals

Riviera Rd (William Eatts) - Seating, ball game space, play equipment, tennis court



Aldinga Rd Rose Garden (Entrance to Willunga McLaren Vale linear trail) - BBQ,shelter, ball game space, play equipment, seating/table, toilets, walking/cycle tracks

Bassett St - Basketball ring, ball game space, play equipment, toilets, tennis court,seating

High St (Old Court House)- Seating/table, toilets·Kell Street Reserve - Seating/table

Main Rd (Oval) - Seating/table, play equipment, toilets, cricket pitch/net, tenniscourt



Banks Rd - BBQ, BMX track, basketball ring, shelter, ball game space, playequipment, seating/table, and skateboard park

Delamere/Julia Crt - Seating, play equipment, ball game space

Dressage Ave - Play equipment, seating/table, tennis court, shelter

Equestrian Dr - Ball game space, play equipment, seating/table, shelter

Joplin/Queens Way - Seating/table, shelter, play equipment

Potter Drv/Harriet St - Shelter, ball game space, play equipment, seating

Pegasus Drive - Shelter, BBQ, play equipment, seating/table

Reynell/Pine (Tangari Park) - Seating/table, shelter, ball game space, walking track



If you want the PDF listing all these playparks and reserves you can find it here - http://www.onkaparingacity.com/public/download.jsp?id=4521&page=/onka/discover/parks_open_spaces.jsp

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Playgroups in the City of Onkaparinga



Aberfoyle Community Centre, 1 Jessica St, 8270 5377 - Mon to Fri various am and pm

Hub Preschool, 36 Taylors Rd, 8270 2595 - Fri am (music based, coordinator led)

Our Saviour Lutheran Church, 8270 4466 - 32 Taylors Rd West, Wed am

Seeds Uniting Church, 42 Sunnymeade Dr, 8370 6472 - Mon to Thurs am



Aldinga Community Centre, Symonds Reserve Hall, Stewart Ave, 8556 5940 - Tues am and Wed am

Aldinga Children's Centre, Aldinga Primary, Quinliven Rd, 8557 6208 - Bubbly Bubs Playgroup Tues am and Thurs am and Learning Together Wed 9am

Centacare Mobile Family Connections, 8159 1400, John Nicholl Reserve, Storey Ave, off Aldinga Beach Rd - Fri am

Mary of Galilee Catholic Church, Sally 0419 944 740, cnr Quinliven Rd & How Rds, - Mon am

Granny Annie playgroup and activities, 8556 5078, St Ann's Hall, - Thurs am



Centacare Mobile Family Connections, School Oval Dr, Wed 10.30 for 0-5 years, 8159 1400

Christie Downs Community House, 8384 6894 - Pre PALS Playgroup Tues am

Christie Downs Primary School, Elizabeth Rd, Learning Together 8382 5950 - Wed 1pm, Fri am and Nunga playgroup Tues am

Christie Downs Community House Reserve, Morton Rd, 8159 1499 (Centacare) - Wed am, Thurs am - for families with sick or premature children 0-6 years, 9724 8999

Lonsdale Heights CPC-7 School, Sunningdale Dr, 8382 8206 - Mon am



Christies Beach Baptist Church, Fowey St, 2nd & 4th Wed am during school terms, 7200 5611

Taikurrendi Children and Family Centre, 8 Price St, 8186 1102 - Mon am, Wed am and pm, Thurs and Fri am



Clarendon Kindergarten, 82 Grants Gully Rd, 8383 6115 - Mon am



Coromandel Valley Kindergarten, Sean Ct, 8270 2964 - phone for details

Coromandel Community Centre, 442b Main Rd, 8370 6880 - Thurs and Fri am



Flagstaff Hill Kindergarten, 15 Renwick St, 8270 1268 - Fri am



Centacare Mobile Family Connections, at the Reserve on Warsaw Cres, 8159 1400 - Wed pm

Family Connections, 72 Collins Pde (near Coles), 8186 6944 -individual needs supported playgroup Tues am, Babies Wed am and Toddlers Thurs am

Hackham East Kindergarten, Arnold Dr, 8382 6551 - Fri pm

Hackham West R-7 School, 50 Glynville Rd,8338 1777, 0403 369 791 - Save the Children playgroups Fri pm

Hackham West Community Centre, 2 Majorca Rd, 8384 1065 - Playgym Mon am, Baby group Tues am, Thurs am



Old Cottage Playgroup, 81 Byards Rd, Enrolment officer, 8411 8454 (message bank) or 0403 303 465 - Mon to Fri am & pm, Sat am



Huntfield Heights Primary School, Melsetter Rd, 8384 5300 - Mon am



Community hall, 8 Surf Court, 8327 2158 - Fri am



Madge Sexton Kindergarten, 249 Main South Rd, 8323 8684 - Fri am



Seeds Uniting Church, Moana Pioneer Memorial Hall, cnr Griffith Dr and Nashwauk Cres, 8370 6472 - Tues am



Bains Rd Preschool, 10 Gum Crt, 8322 3798 - Thurs am

Calvary Kindergarten, 5 Windsong Court, 8382 8057 - Fri am

Coorara Preschool Centre, 22 Matison Rd, 8325 0866 - Fri am

Flaxmill School P-7, 80 Flaxmill Road, 8326 6076

Morphett Vale East Kindergarten, 1 Archer Ct, 8382 8422 - Fri am

Morphett Vale Preschool Kindergarten, 20 Venning St, 8382 1597 - Fri am

Hillier Road Uniting Church, 28 Hillier Rd, contact J Amezdroz, 8382 4353 - Mon am

Morphett Vale Primary School, Lawrence St, 8186 5064 - Fri am and pm

Prescott College Southern, 140 Pimpala Rd, 8381 4290 - Fri am in church hall

Take heart playgroup, for children with autism spectrum and/or some developmental delay, Impact Church, 104 Pimpala Rd - 0408 600 463 - Mon am



The Bilby Bus, Ramsey Place, Colonnades or Noarlunga Library in extreme weather 8159 1400 - Thurs 1 to 2.30pm, including school holidays,(but not public holidays) for families who are at risk



Noarlunga Downs Preschool, Canterbury Cres, 8384 4395 (Primary School) - Fri am



C3 Church, 5 Main South Rd, 8387 5344 - alternate Tues

O'Halloran Hill Kindergarten, Wren St, 8381 3550 - Mon am



Old Noarlunga Primary School, Malpas St, 8386 2093 - Fri am



O'Sullivan Beach Childrens Centre, Galloway Rd, 8382 2850 - Supported playgroup Tues am during school terms, Learning Together Wed am, Blokes N Kids Playgroup Sat am



Seaford K-7Campus Preschool, 39 Jane St, 8327 2280 - Fri am



Edge Church South, 255 Old South Rd, 8322 2888 - alternate Tues am

Reynella East College, Malbeck Dr, 8381 5255 or 0400 413 422 - Fri am

Reynella Neighbourhood Centre, 164 Old South Rd, Old Reynella, 8322 3591 - Mon, Tues, Fri am

Reynella South Preschool & Primary School, Sherriffs Rd, 8381 1168 - Mon am

Reynella South Kindergarten, 28 Thames Dr, 8381 2086 - Mon am



All Saints Catholic Primary School, Grand Blvd, 8327 0020 - Tues, Wed and Thurs am

Centacare Mobile Family Connections, Nautical Circuit, Wed 12 noon, 8159 1400

Seaford Community Centre, Beechwood Gr, 8386 3319 - Wed am and Thurs am Learning Together supported group

Seaford District Community Children's Centre, 178 Grand Blvd, 8386 0505



Sellicks Community Hall, Riviera Rd, Mobile Family Connections, 0414 447 299 - Fri am



Willunga Preschool and Playgroup, Station Rd, 8556 2488 - Fri am

Willunga Primary School, Kim 0411 582 986- Fri am

Willunga Waldorf School, Jay Dr, 8556 2655 - Mon - Fri



Emmaus Catholic School, 2 Todd St, 8322 7211 - Tues am

Woodcroft Heights Children's Centre for Early Childhood Development and Planning, Investigator Dr, 8381 8005 - playgroups throughout the week including neonatal parents playgroup, Fri fortnightly 9.15am, Jenny 0407 186 851

Woodcroft-Morphett Vale Neighbourhood Centre, 175 Bains Rd, 8384 0070 - Tues, Wed & Thurs am (subject to change)




Information from City of Onkaparinga Libraries via this site - http://sacommunity.org/org/205559-All_Playgroups_-_City_of_Onkaparinga

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Skateparks and BMX tracks in the City of Onkaparinga :smile:


Skateboard facilities


Aldinga Beach - Symonds Reserve, Stewart Avenue.

Small skate facility featuring a quarter pipe, a flat bank, a large and small fun box. Beginner to intermediate skill level.


Flagstaff Hill - Minkarra Park / Northern Community Recreation Park.

Reserve on the corner of Happy Valley Drive and Manning Road. Large skate facility featuring a large peanut shaped bowl and street section including a eurogap, rails, 8 stair, sub box and flat banks amongst other features. Beginner to advanced skill level.


Hackham - Forsyth Reserve, Cottage Lane.

Small concrete half pipe. Beginner skill level.


McLaren Vale - Gemmel Tassie Reserve, Valley View Drive.

Large concrete half pipe. Intermediate to advanced skill level.


O’Halloran Hill - Serpentine Reserve, Candy Road.

Medium concrete half pipe. Beginner to intermediate skill level.


O’Sullivan Beach – Corner of Yangara and Galloway Road.

Skate track with aluminum metal flat banks, fun box, pump hump and curved rail slide.


Old Reynella - Pimpala Reserve, South Road (adjacent to Reynella Enterprise and Youth Centre). Large concrete half pipe. Beginner to advanced skill level.


Port Noarlunga South - Corner of Cliff Avenue and Jane Street.

Small concrete half pipe and street section with quarter pipes, wedge ramp, rail and manual pad. Beginner to advanced skill level.


Seaford – The Quarry, Grand Boulevard (adjacent to Seaford Recreation Centre). Large street-style facility featuring two small ¾ bowls with spine and volcano, flat banks, quarter pipes, fun box, pyramid with rails and stairs with rail. Beginner to advanced skill level.


Sellicks Beach - Hastings Avenue Reserve, corner of Gulfview Road and Wellington Avenue.

Large concrete ‘paint tray’ style skate bowl. Intermediate to advanced skill level.


Willunga - Railway Terrace, Willunga

Beginner to intermediate level street style skate park. The park includes a half pipe, pyramids, ledges and hips.


Woodcroft - Corner of Investigator Drive and Bains Road.

Small facility featuring quarter pipe with roll in, small euro gap, pyramid, manual pad, rail and ledges. Beginner to advanced skill level.

Click here to view a printable copy of the skate facilities


It is compulsory to wear a helmet approved to Australian Standards when riding.



BMX tracks


Below is a list of BMX tracks that are found throughout the region



  • Aberfoyle Park - Happy Valley Sports Park, Taylors Road
  • Aldinga Beach - John Nicholl Reserve, John Street
  • Aldinga Beach - Symonds Reserve, Stewart Avenue
  • Coromandel Valley - Frank Smith Park, Magary Road
  • Flagstaff Hill - Minkarra Park / Northern Community Recreation Park, Manning Road
  • Hackham - Forsyth Reserve, Cottage Lane
  • McLaren Vale - Gemmel Tassie Reserve, Valley View Drive
  • Morphett Vale - Flaxmill Road (adjacent to Flaxmill School)
  • Morphett Vale - Valentine Street Reserve
  • Morphett Vale - Wilfred Taylor Reserve, States Road
  • O’Halloran Hill - Serpentine Reserve, Candy Road
  • Old Reynella - Pimpala Reserve, South Road (adjacent to Reynella Enterprise and Youth Centre)
  • Port Willunga - Skoda Street Reserve
  • Port Willunga - St Nicolas Street Reserve
  • Reynella - Jessamine Reserve, Jessamine Street
  • Seaford - The Quarry, Grand Boulevard (adjacent to Seaford Recreation Centre)
  • Sellicks Beach - Corner of Gulf View Road and Wellington Avenue
  • Sellicks Beach - Greenock Street Reserve (also referred to as Norman Victory Reserve)
  • Willunga - Railway Terrace
  • Woodcroft - Corner of Banks Road and Blaxland Avenue
  • Woodcroft - Robert Wright Park, New England Drive
  • Woodcroft - Tangari Regional Park, Pine Road


It is compulsory to wear a helmet approved to Australian Standards when riding.


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Large Parks in the City of Onkaparinga




Jubilee Park & Jubilee Adventure Playground, Saltfleet Street - BBQ - electric, shelter, ball game space, play equipment, seating/table, disabledaccess toilets, walking/cycle tracksFun for all ages - lighthouse, fire pole, rockwall, ship, castle, rocket, monkey bars,slides, rubber bridge, tyre tunnel, etc - wheelchair access



Parks Catering to Children with Disabilities

Serpentine Park, O'Halloran Hill Wilfred Taylor Reserve,

Morphett Vale Disabled access toilet


Clarendon Recreation Ground

On the Southern Vales scenic route, nestled in the riverbend near historic Clarendon is the perfect family picnic spot, with lots of trees, grass, play space and BBQ's. Also included are netball courts, oval, play equipment, tennis courts and kitchen. To book the oval - tel. 8384 0135,To book Netball club courts - tel. 8383 6524. To Book Tennis club courts - tel. 8383 6173


Market Square, Old Noarlunga

A spacious village green located on Patapinda Road, in the horseshoe of the Onkaparinga River, surrounded by massive pines and quite close to the National Park. It has electric BBQ's, playground, ball playing area, seating/table, disabled access toilets, power and ducks. Site of Princess Diana Memorial Fountain


Tangari Regional Park

This suburban bushland straddling the Vines Golf Course has a creek, dam and anetwork of walking trails. Enter from Pimpala, Reynell or Pine Roads. A Bush care Group helps to conserve an area of rare flora so bikes are not permitted.


Thalassa Park and Gardens.

Set high on Windebanks Road, Aberfoyle Park, it presents a magnificent viewthrough to the sea. Picnic areas include shelter and seating, BBQ - electric, walking/cycle paths, aplayground, an amphitheatre, disabled access toilets, gardens and great kite flyingsite. Open 8am-8pm summer, and 8am-6pm winter.


Wilfred Taylor Reserve, Wheatsheaf Rd, Morphett Vale

The extensive parklands straddling the upper reaches of Christie Creek weavesthrough an avenue of river red gums. Facilities include BBQ - electric, BMX track, shelter, ball game space, seating/table, disabled access toilets, playground for disabled children, canine (dog) adventure trail (by the BMX track) and the Morphett Vale Railway Model Train puffing around the park on 2nd and 4th Sun, 1-4.30pm


Willunga Rose Garden

This beautiful rose garden is situated in historic Willunga on the Aldinga BeachRoad. It has an electric BBQ, shelter, ball game space, play equipment, seating/table,disabled access toilets and is near the entrance to the Willunga McLaren Vale lineartrail




Christie Creek Trail

Meanders from the coast to the hills between O'Sullivan and Christies Beaches. From there it winds for 9km through parks, suburbs and into the Mt Lofty foothills. Various sections of the creek are being upgraded and walkers might experiencesome difficulties.


Golden Wattle Way

10km of pleasant suburban walk/cycle ride between Marston Drive Reserve, Morphett Vale and Melsetter Road, Huntfield Heights. The paved walkway passes through developed parkland, avoiding many busy roads by utilising underpasses.


Coast to Vines Rail Trail

The Coast to Vines Rail Trail offers a spectacular 37km journey through Adelaide’s south. Winding along the historic, former railway corridor between Marino Rocks and Willunga, the Trail can be enjoyed by walkers, cyclists and horse riders (within the City ofOnkaparinga section only). The Trail offers scenic coast to hinterland views and is a gateway to many of the region's cultural, recreational and historical attractions.



Bikes and horses are not permitted in these parks.For more details contact National Parks and Wildlife, tel. 8278 5477 (Belair)


Aldinga Scrub

Situated behind the sand hills of Aldinga Beach with an entrance and board walk off Fraser St. It is the only remaining area of the coastal vegetation that once covered the Willunga plains.


Onkaparinga River National Park

From the river's estuary it follows the river through the coastal wetlands and up thegorge. A new wetland walk can be entered off River Rd, Port Noarlunga. There are short nature trail walks off Piggott Range Road or overnight walks for the more intrepid. A wetland boardwalk is located off River Rd. More details can be obtained from Friends of Onkaparinga Park.


Scott Creek Conservation Park

In the hills near Iron bank, the park has an interesting mixture of open forest and hilly terrain which now disguises the mining activity that once occupied the area. Miningruins and the historical MacKerath's Cottage can be viewed on the walks. For more details contact Friends of Scott Creek


Sturt Gorge Conservation Park

Tucked behind Black Rd, Flagstaff Hill and straddling the Sturt Creek this attractivearea makes the ideal suburban river bushwalk.




Kuitpo Forest

Located on the Meadows Willunga Road. The area has walking tracks, horse ridingtrails and camping facilities. Accommodation cottages are available nearby. Contact the Kuitpo Information Centre, Office open 9am - 11am Ph. 8391 8800, fax 8391 8801 Kuitpo Forest, Private Mail Bag 2, Meadows SA 5201

Edited by snifter
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