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Lazy Cow

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Why do some threads appear to be accessible only to members that are logged in?


IDC, but PiA seems to becoming smaller, and greyer (as in less colourful, I'm not saying we're all old lol!) and I'd hate to see it disappear :sad:.


I wonder whether the more chatty threads give a better idea of what PiA actually is - a friendly place for people to share thoughts, experiences, etc. Perhaps more visible threads, more 'personality', might lead to more people joining?



IDK, I just hate the feeling the party's moved on....or back to PiO!




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Only the Barbie forum posts don't show on the home page listing or to guests iirc, all the others still do. It is the same as PIO as often there is a lot of stuff posted that pushes migration stuff off the home page. PIA went the same way for a while and migration and other stuff was getting lost a bit. I can look at making it visable to all again.


I don't know about the party as I was never invited to one to begin with ;) I don't mind, I'm more of the hang out in the kitchen types anyways and don't follow one way or another. The forum is quieter atm but its ticking over. It won't be disappearing that I know of :)


FWIW I still enjoying posting here, try to help out where I can and see others doing so also. I was never one of the more chatty types on here in the Barbie but I'm slowly coming out of my shell (its been how many years already and I've made it to this point :tongue: so who knows how long till I really go wild :biggrin: )

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There, its back on show to guests on the menus. And in the todays posts. And new posts if viewing via the Forum tab at the top. I think the only place it isn't showing up is on the home page new posts listing. I need to tinker a bit more and find that setting :unsure: Here is hoping I don't delete the forum :wideeyed:

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