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Australian Passport for child of Permanent Resident Parents


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Hi All,


Been a while since I posted last, A lot has happened! We had a new baby! So She's an Australian (I've registered her and already got her birth certificate etc) But need to know how to go about applying for her Ausi passport, cant do it online as they ask if the person lodging the application is a citizen.... I cant, as I'm just a lowly permanent resident :biglaugh:


My question is.... Has anyone else done this? and if so, how is it done? I may just walk to the the passport office in Currie street (please save me the walk as I work

in the other end of the city)



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Its a bit more than the usual process. And as its a new child passport I doubt you can lodge online. It would be in person. It may be you need to make an appointment for it all.




If you were born in Australia on or after 20 August 1986 and one (or both) of your parents was an Australian permanent resident, you must provide evidence of your own Australian citizenship with a citizenship certificate issued by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP). The DIBP website provides information on how to apply for evidence of Australian citizenship.






I'd go into your local post office that deals with passport applications and ask them and they may well say you need to book an appointment or refer you elsewhere.

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Hi All,


Been a while since I posted last, A lot has happened! We had a new baby! So She's an Australian (I've registered her and already got her birth certificate etc) But need to know how to go about applying for her Ausi passport, cant do it online as they ask if the person lodging the application is a citizen.... I cant, as I'm just a lowly permanent resident :biglaugh:


My question is.... Has anyone else done this? and if so, how is it done? I may just walk to the the passport office in Currie street (please save me the walk as I work

in the other end of the city)




Hi etch123..you have to fill form 119 (https://www.border.gov.au/Forms/Documents/119.pdf) first and you have to get citizen certificate for your daughter.


If you have Permanent Residence Stamp in your passport then you can avoid doing form 119 process.if you don't have PR stamped into your passport then get her citizen certificate first...


after getting her citizen certificate , you can apply for her passport at your nearest Post office.you need to follow checklist available on their website.


Gone through similar process recently.


Passport department will reject application without citizen certificate of your daughter.your electronic Visa of permanent resident is not sufficient for her Australia passport.you will be providing your e-visa for getting her citizen certificate through Form 119.




Edited by sanjeevkathuria
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