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Interesting article on the 'Australian Overtake'


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I boggle at the rubbish driving here and the undertaking aspect is certainly one that annoys me. So many times you can't overtake properly as people are sitting in the middle and outside lanes and there is no way to get across to overtake safely. And they refuse to move over to the inside lane NO MATTER WHAT, even if traffic is moving quicker in the other lanes.

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Ignorant, selfish, dangerous, oblivious, risk taking, arrogant and obnoxious - the traits of the average Adelaide driver. The interesting thing is everyone considers themselves a good driver and will also agree with you that the driving is of a poor standard - yet everyone is doing it and quite happily passing on the awful attitude to their kids.


I admit my own driving has taken a steep downward spiral just to get by on the roads on my daily commute, including undertaking idiots who sit in the outside at or just under the speed limit and won't pull over.

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I think the thing that most gets me about driving here is the way people seem to drive as though the obstacles in the road will move out of the way before they get to them. So if you are waiting to turn right on a road and someone is coming up in the lane behind you they won't slow down or change lanes until they are practically right on top of you. I was turning right on to a busy dual carriage way road once and pulled in to the middle waiting area but was sticking out slightly in to the oncoming traffic of the side of the road I had just crossed. When I pulled out there was no traffic on the half of the road I crossed but the gap I thought I had on the other side closed down and I couldn't get out. While I was sat there waiting to get out a car drove up the road in the lane I was obstructing and beeped at me when he got to me as though I had just obstructed his passage despite the fact that he would have been able to see me there for a good 500 meters.


Sometimes I wonder if my car is invisible or if half the drivers on the road are blind.

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I do think that Adeladians are not good drivers....


My son 5 years ago was learning to drive (competent learner driver) and got pulled up because he was taking too long at a roundabout...my sons's answer to him was that it was not safe to pull out - instructors answer was squeeze your way through otherwise you will annoy everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!! We stopped using him!!!


The standard here is absolutely 'SHODDY' as an OZ would say!!


I was taught like a lot of English people via a reputable driving school like the 'BSM'


It is so hard to believe that SA people are so lovely until they get behind the wheel LOL

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  Bailey said:
I do think that Adeladians are not good drivers....


My son 5 years ago was learning to drive (competent learner driver) and got pulled up because he was taking too long at a roundabout...my sons's answer to him was that it was not safe to pull out - instructors answer was squeeze your way through otherwise you will annoy everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!! We stopped using him!!!


The standard here is absolutely 'SHODDY' as an OZ would say!!


I was taught like a lot of English people via a reputable driving school like the 'BSM'


It is so hard to believe that SA people are so lovely until they get behind the wheel LOL


You are right, I have often thought it is very paradoxical - people are, generally, lovely....until they get behind the wheel of a car and they turn into monsters. Its very odd and I don't understand it

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