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furnished family home needed


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Hi everyone,

i know loads of people are looking, but i have to try.

We are hoping to make the jump in mid november; and need a 4 bed house for a few weeks:shocked:; for a family of 6....; just until we find somewhere we like/can afford....

i have e-mailed letting agents etc, but they just don't want to know unless we are actually there. I will keep badgering them though, we are a tenacious lot us northern nurses:). I cant even find out what info they require for rental, don't they want the business?

I wont have my stuff tll Jan09 so the basics will do, just somewhere clean!


Hotels are not an option, too expensive,and too restrictive.

I know it will be summer by then, but i can't sleep on the beach, what would i do if the whaling fleet showed up?:biglaugh:


Any ideas? Suggestions to be kept clean pls!!!



Jane, Andrew James Sam Connor and Esther

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Hi scouse mouse, we also arrive in november. I have been torturing all letting agencies for a long time now and eventually i got a unit in grange for 2 weeks at $550week. It will do until we find somewhere to live and get the kids settled. I also checked ot the caravan parks but west beach is $1100 per week!! You should try Lucille Orr from Aware Properties, she has been gr8 for us. Good luck

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Hi scouse mouse, we also arrive in november. I have been torturing all letting agencies for a long time now and eventually i got a unit in grange for 2 weeks at $550week. It will do until we find somewhere to live and get the kids settled. I also checked ot the caravan parks but west beach is $1100 per week!! You should try Lucille Orr from Aware Properties, she has been gr8 for us. Good luck

Were in Grange, so if you want us to reccie the unit, give me a shout.


Anything else we can do, let us know.



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Thanks all:wubclub:

I gues tonight i had best stay up late and phone the b##gers!

Getting nowhere fast with e-mail, so the phone bill is gonna cost me as much as the flights:biglaugh:..

So many just wont help. I just get "you need to be here..."; or "wait till you arrive" or nothing at all. Bit of a pain, unless you want holiday rental, and as we don't know how long it will take to find a place, get furniture (as needed)........:arghh:


The one consolation; the sun is shining here, the washing is drying nicely, and everyone is at school or work; bliss



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Just a note, how you mentioend that "don't the real estate companies want the business?"... The Adelaide rental market is red hot at the moment, has been for the past few years, and will continue to be so for the next few at least. There are very few available rentals, and most are snapped up immediately. It's a shame but this is probably why the real estate agents pay less attention to people not yet in Australia... because they can find someone a lot faster and easier who is already in the city.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Jane and Andrew,

Not sure if you are still looking for short term accomodation. We have a 4 bedroom, fully furnished 2 year old home near the beach which will be vacant from the 27th of November until Feb 3rd as our family are going away during this time. PM me if you are still looking.

kind regards, Anita

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Hey its fionah... just read you 1st post.. i'm worried 6 people may feel a little cramped in my small home!!! but if thats no problem then i guess we could always put bunk beds in!!!

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Guest colinjez

Hi Anita


We are looking ..where about is the house...How much per week? And do you have any pics.


We are coming over 11th nov and have 2 weeks in a temp apartment.



Lynn and Colin

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Hi everyone,

i know loads of people are looking, but i have to try.

We are hoping to make the jump in mid november; and need a 4 bed house for a few weeks:shocked:; for a family of 6....; just until we find somewhere we like/can afford....

i have e-mailed letting agents etc, but they just don't want to know unless we are actually there. I will keep badgering them though, we are a tenacious lot us northern nurses:). I cant even find out what info they require for rental, don't they want the business?

I wont have my stuff tll Jan09 so the basics will do, just somewhere clean!


Hotels are not an option, too expensive,and too restrictive.

I know it will be summer by then, but i can't sleep on the beach, what would i do if the whaling fleet showed up?:biglaugh:


Any ideas? Suggestions to be kept clean pls!!!



Jane, Andrew James Sam Connor and Esther


4 bed short and long term rentals are very hard to come by the agents won't be interested until you are here as there is so much competition, not enough rentals to go around. What you will need is any references from landlords (if you rent in the UK), character reference, ID-passport and/or driving licence, doesn't need to be Aussie. You can always offer a larger bond or more rent up front. DOn't take the kids to see the house, we went into houses one at a time, just incase they played up and put the agents off. I put a real sob story to the agent about us being homeless soon and I think she took pity. Ultimately it is the landlords decision. Also eveidence of work can help. We also on Judis advice wrote a letter to go with the application to the landlord basically sucking up, telling them how great their house is, how it is ideal for you etc. Also try for a 3 bed (hard I know, we left a 4 bed in the UK, but needs must)for the short term but book at least a month, it took us 3 weeks to secure a long term, we had only booked 2.5 weeks in the short term and had to move to another for a week. There are 6 of us and found it hard to gt a long term rental. Only one 4 bed came up and there was so much competition for it (40 applications) we didn't get it. What we looked for in the end was a 3 bed with either a study to turn into a 4th or a three bed with at least living room, dining room and familky room, therefore the kids share and their toys are in the family room so the bedrooms are just for sleeping. We have now got a long term but it is only a 3 bed so Jack 7 and Joe 1 are sharing and Sophie 5 and Niamh 2 are sharing, not ideal but it will do and gives us breathing space to find a 4 bed or buy.



HTH and good luck

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Hi scouse mouse, we also arrive in november. I have been torturing all letting agencies for a long time now and eventually i got a unit in grange for 2 weeks at $550week. It will do until we find somewhere to live and get the kids settled. I also checked ot the caravan parks but west beach is $1100 per week!! You should try Lucille Orr from Aware Properties, she has been gr8 for us. Good luck


I will second that, she is the agent that I think Helped us get this place, she seemed excited that we were English. Well worth contacting but please anyone book more than 2 weeks especially if you have kids.

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Hi Jane and Andrew,

Not sure if you are still looking for short term accomodation. We have a 4 bedroom, fully furnished 2 year old home near the beach which will be vacant from the 27th of November until Feb 3rd as our family are going away during this time. PM me if you are still looking.

kind regards, Anita


A real estate agent is handling our property for us you can see all of the information and pictures of our property at http://www.toop.com.au. follow the links to rental properties Forrest Avenue Marino


Hope this helps,


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And don't worry if your kids have to share bedrooms, they can have alot of fun.Lots of people never had their own bedroom til they left home and have great memories of after dark talks etc with their sibs. Just take the first placeyou are offered and a lot of the newer houses will have that space caled the study or 2 sep living areas. Otherwise you can stick em all in the shed .....You could get some bunks in there and have the house to yourself.:D

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What lovely peeps.....:wubclub:

The OH booked with Judi at RooRentals; so we are "secure" for a few weeks now.


Thanks, everyone for the great advice, the rental agents really are better when you speak to them!


We are so grateful to you all for your help.


See you all in November; maybe a meet-up in Dec???????




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Guest the staffords
What lovely peeps.....:wubclub:

The OH booked with Judi at RooRentals; so we are "secure" for a few weeks now.


Thanks, everyone for the great advice, the rental agents really are better when you speak to them!


We are so grateful to you all for your help.


See you all in November; maybe a meet-up in Dec???????







glad you got sorted..meet up in dec???bleedin scousers after a free xmas dinner eh!!


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