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Guest steph&neil

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Guest steph&neil

Hi just wondered if anyone out there can help! plz

we have been looking at the house & land packages & are struggling to find out how long it takes from start to finish? - we realise that it can be different depending on loads of factors; we would just like to know what sort of general timescale should we expect?

The development we are looking at allows us to choose a plot then a house design, but trying to find out anything is a bit of a nightmare:confused:!

Has anyone out there build there own home that can offer advice?

I have emailed a few of the builders but none have replied:mad:


The other thing we would like to know is how do we claim the $7000 first time buyers discount? is it automatically taken off?

we are going under PR & believe that we are entitled to this?


steph x :cool:

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Guest betty22


Our house and land package only took seven months from when the slab was laid.


My friend bought some land and then went with a builder and 11 months on they have just moved in this week.


Sorry don't know about the grant but I expect the conveyancer sorts that bit out, as they do the council rates and water rates.



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Guest Libby1971



Just to let you know that when we began the rental we too were concerned about how long to sign for. The agent told us that as long as we work with them adn not against them, they would sort things out and we hope that proves to be the case.


We are also looking at new builds. We have been told approx 12 months from when they start building. Bear in mind the compulsory costs of footings, land check, compulsory water talk. There were a whole host of other expenditures that we hadn't considered inlcuding floors, air conditioning (not standard), height of ceilings, kitchen styles etc etc. Basically standard/ included is as basic as possible and everything that could possibly be an extra is an extra.


We have decided to buy an existing property to move into from the rental towards October when we have sorted out a permanent job, buy a piece of land and start building we think no later than December. The house we have bought then becomes our investment property once our new build is completed. I have issues paying someone else's mortgage when I could be paying my own.

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Guest Russfamily

the first time buyers allowance of $7k has to to be applied for, you have to take up residence in the house within 12 months of purchase its sent to your bank after youre completion date thats our house on the left sign contracts in march and completed 1 month later

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Maybe a little naive of me perhaps who knows ! But if you do agree to buy a plot of land & a particular builder is able to build your home to spec, isn't the 'detail' agreed up front followed by the price ?


I've read a lot that you pay loads for extra sockets, upgrading units & much more but if you discuss this before hand then doesn't the cost / finish spec of the build become fixed ?


Who am I ? Would be interested to know how the process has worked already?


Thanks :cool:

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Guest Libby1971

Hi there


Not necessarily. You buy your plot of land. You then choose your builder who will charge extra for certain features like air con, double garage etc.


As I understand it, then you obtain an engineer's report on your land who presents it to the builder. If they have not written final price on it or words to that effect, you are then responsible for any extra costs should they hit rock or whatever.


One builder I know of is advertising fixed price footings which is helpful but I can't remember the price which is not so helpful.



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Guest deanrm

please can anyone recommend any websites (other than the usual) where we can look at house and land packages?

Have been looking at some good ones - but can't remember how we found them? (thick or what).




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Guest Aussiebound

Will post some websites for you tonight - Neil is very keen and interested in the house / land packages and has found loads of websites for them. Unfortunately, as it seems such a long way off I have not shown that much attention to them and could not tell you what they are. He seems very impressed by the prices though!


Will post them when he gets home



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Guest graandjac

found another good one www.westwoodsa.com.au and click on display village and there is another 5 builders i think these are in or towards the northern suburbs which i know every one lookes towards the south but these might be worth a look. cheers Graham

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Guest pasha

i know that when we had tennants in our house they had just started the building process

they ended up renting for two years! but knowing what kind of tennants they were i could believe it!!

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probably common knowledge?

we looked at land and build packages in flagstaf area while on holiday. the prices did not include foundations, services, fencing/walls and landscaping etc

good luck

the maxwell house

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Guzzler&Sas
  graandjac said:
Try this one www.statesman-homes.com.au the prices seem too good to be true , so i think the extra costs thing just bring the true cost out, conclusion ...... if it is too good to be true maybe it is, ?!?! cheers Gra & Jac






We are currently building with Statesman, the prices they quote are for each house design with their allocated specs, the extras you pay for are your slab (footings), after a site inspection they advise you of a price, determined by quality of soil (soil reports), sloping block needing cut or fill, retaing walls etc.

Once they "fix" this price they honour it even if they hit problems when excavation starts.

Before they start work you go to colours selection where you start selecting your finishes, this is where the cost can dramatically rise upgrading the basic package.

If you don't upgrade you don't pay any extra, saying that we upgraded loads, getting the house to look how we wanted it and ended up spending an extra $75000.


A couple of other points to note basic package in most cases will not include






Rainwater tank


Prices are pretty good especially when your in the UK converting things back to pounds and don't forget you need to find and buy land (easier said than done)


All the best



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Guest steph&neil

hi can anyone tell me what sort of prices we will be looking at for the foundations/footings/slab? have tried to find a price on the internet with no joy :eek:any info appreciated!

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Guest Guzzler&Sas



Impossible to give a price because each block will be different, reactive soil, rocky, clay,fill,single storey, double storey the list goes on, our slab 300m2 single storey on average soil ??? prepared the site myself via contractors $6500, slab $15000 not a lot of help I'm afraid,


Good luck



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