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Going back .. should we do it?

Guest thebaddeleys

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Guest Django


I have been scanning PIA since October and I have never seen a thread this long.


Luckily for you then you missed the one about 18 months ago when Stoo, Ian, Graham and myself trying organising a round of golf. :biglaugh: :biglaugh:



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Can I ask you why you moved back to the UK? and why you are considering coming back?


Kerry x


Hi Kerry,


It seems like redfoxy has answered your question on my behalf !! Anyway here’s MY answer.


I hope I didn’t make it sound like it’s easy to move back. Uprooting your life in either direction is hard work and stressful. It is easier though if you don’t have children.


The main reason we came back to the UK was financial. Like now, back in the early 90’s there was a slump in the housing market and I hadn’t been able to sell my flat in England before leaving. I rented it out and knew I would have to come back and sell it one day. There was no internet then and I felt it would be too difficult to try and sell it without being here in person. Both our jobs were coming to an end in Adelaide, so we thought rather than look for new jobs there, where the economy wasn’t doing so well, we would go back to England for 2 years, make some money (the job market was booming then and we were saving up to buy a house) and sell the flat. I must admit I had struggled with homesickness and was very relieved to be going home. I loved lots of things about Adelaide but never really felt settled. We got jobs here and sold the flat OK, but then we bought a house in England and I went and got pregnant! So life took over and for a while we forgot about our plans to return to Adelaide. My resident visa expired so I will need to apply all over again.


We want to go back to Adelaide mainly because my husband (who is from Adelaide) is after 11 years here (with very few complaints) desperate for some decent weather !!!Also as the kids have got older we realise that we want them to grow up in the sun and enjoy the outdoors beach lifestyle that my husband had when he was growing up. They have been to Australia a couple of times and love it, have cousins and grandparents there so we are lucky in that respect. We would have moved back earlier but family illness made us put our plans on hold (my Mum died from cancer in 2006). I am not totally convinced about moving back, as we have a good life here and I worry about the finances. I don’t hate the UK (like the ‘yUK’ brigade do) but I do feel it has got worse in the last 10 years. I don’t totally love Adelaide either but I think it offers a better lifestyle for the children (and we really want a house with a pool in the backyard!!).


I think when you emigrate you don't necessarily get rid of your problems and life doesn't magically get better - you just replace one set of problems with another set of problems. If you really don’t like Adelaide there are always the other states to consider. I really like the Gold Coast - now that's another dilemma. Good luck.

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Luckily for you then you missed the one about 18 months ago when Stoo, Ian, Graham and myself trying organising a round of golf. :biglaugh: :biglaugh:



Well I've just thanked my lucky stars I didn't know about this site 18 mths ago - how many quotes could you possibly post about golf - no don't go there pleeeeaaase.

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Guest redfoxy
Hi Kerry,


It seems like redfoxy has answered your question on my behalf !! Anyway here’s MY answer.


I hope I didn’t make it sound like it’s easy to move back. Uprooting your life in either direction is hard work and stressful. It is easier though if you don’t have children.


The main reason we came back to the UK was financial. Like now, back in the early 90’s there was a slump in the housing market and I hadn’t been able to sell my flat in England before leaving. I rented it out and knew I would have to come back and sell it one day. There was no internet then and I felt it would be too difficult to try and sell it without being here in person. Both our jobs were coming to an end in Adelaide, so we thought rather than look for new jobs there, where the economy wasn’t doing so well, we would go back to England for 2 years, make some money (the job market was booming then and we were saving up to buy a house) and sell the flat. I must admit I had struggled with homesickness and was very relieved to be going home. I loved lots of things about Adelaide but never really felt settled. We got jobs here and sold the flat OK, but then we bought a house in England and I went and got pregnant! So life took over and for a while we forgot about our plans to return to Adelaide. My resident visa expired so I will need to apply all over again.


We want to go back to Adelaide mainly because my husband (who is from Adelaide) is after 11 years here (with very few complaints) desperate for some decent weather !!!Also as the kids have got older we realise that we want them to grow up in the sun and enjoy the outdoors beach lifestyle that my husband had when he was growing up. They have been to Australia a couple of times and love it, have cousins and grandparents there so we are lucky in that respect. We would have moved back earlier but family illness made us put our plans on hold (my Mum died from cancer in 2006). I am not totally convinced about moving back, as we have a good life here and I worry about the finances. I don’t hate the UK (like the ‘yUK’ brigade do) but I do feel it has got worse in the last 10 years. I don’t totally love Adelaide either but I think it offers a better lifestyle for the children (and we really want a house with a pool in the backyard!!).


I think when you emigrate you don't necessarily get rid of your problems and life doesn't magically get better - you just replace one set of problems with another set of problems. If you really don’t like Adelaide there are always the other states to consider. I really like the Gold Coast - now that's another dilemma. Good luck.


WHat a nice well balanced post !! yes there are many many pros and cons and yes you can make a home here ..its doesnt have to be for ever !! but there again you dont have to live in the UK either .. we all have other choices and as UK citizens we can always go back !! its the money that it all costs !! but if we wanted a safe easy option we wouldnt have applied for a visa either.. :err:

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Guest graandjac
Luckily for you then you missed the one about 18 months ago when Stoo, Ian, Graham and myself trying organising a round of golf. :biglaugh: :biglaugh:




I remember it well Pete the words pi** up and brewery spring to mind.....pmsl:swoon:

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Guest thebaddeleys
Hi Kerry,


It seems like redfoxy has answered your question on my behalf !! Anyway here’s MY answer.


I hope I didn’t make it sound like it’s easy to move back. Uprooting your life in either direction is hard work and stressful. It is easier though if you don’t have children.


The main reason we came back to the UK was financial. Like now, back in the early 90’s there was a slump in the housing market and I hadn’t been able to sell my flat in England before leaving. I rented it out and knew I would have to come back and sell it one day. There was no internet then and I felt it would be too difficult to try and sell it without being here in person. Both our jobs were coming to an end in Adelaide, so we thought rather than look for new jobs there, where the economy wasn’t doing so well, we would go back to England for 2 years, make some money (the job market was booming then and we were saving up to buy a house) and sell the flat. I must admit I had struggled with homesickness and was very relieved to be going home. I loved lots of things about Adelaide but never really felt settled. We got jobs here and sold the flat OK, but then we bought a house in England and I went and got pregnant! So life took over and for a while we forgot about our plans to return to Adelaide. My resident visa expired so I will need to apply all over again.


We want to go back to Adelaide mainly because my husband (who is from Adelaide) is after 11 years here (with very few complaints) desperate for some decent weather !!!Also as the kids have got older we realise that we want them to grow up in the sun and enjoy the outdoors beach lifestyle that my husband had when he was growing up. They have been to Australia a couple of times and love it, have cousins and grandparents there so we are lucky in that respect. We would have moved back earlier but family illness made us put our plans on hold (my Mum died from cancer in 2006). I am not totally convinced about moving back, as we have a good life here and I worry about the finances. I don’t hate the UK (like the ‘yUK’ brigade do) but I do feel it has got worse in the last 10 years. I don’t totally love Adelaide either but I think it offers a better lifestyle for the children (and we really want a house with a pool in the backyard!!).


I think when you emigrate you don't necessarily get rid of your problems and life doesn't magically get better - you just replace one set of problems with another set of problems. If you really don’t like Adelaide there are always the other states to consider. I really like the Gold Coast - now that's another dilemma. Good luck.


Thanks for posting this, its interesting how everyones post brings something new to the table! It certainly has given me more food for thought!


I feel after the winter here I will be able to tell if we can settle here or if in the rain it just feels like the UK, in which case we may aswell be back there near all our family and friends.


Its such a tough decision, I want my children to grow up in a place that makes them happy, but I want me and my husband to be happy and settled too, at the moment I feel Australia is best for our children but if me and my Husband are settled and too happy here then I wonder how this may impact on our children? Surely there has to be a happy medium????


Kerry x x

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Guest SA Great


I have been scanning PIA since October and I have never seen a thread this long. I am not in a position to comment about Oz as I am still in the UK but I do have family in South Africa. Loads of their friends went through the homesick feelings and returned to the UK for a while but ended up going back to South Africa. I believe quite a lot of them are back in the UK but only because of the safety aspect. I know this has no relevance to Oz but I just wanted to point out that a lot of people who return to the UK regret it within a few months.


The work situation in the UK is dire and I realise it will probably be the same all over the world, my oh is a self-employed bricklayer and has always been able to find work but he has had about about 10 weeks without work. I work for local government and they are talking about cutting loads of jobs - I know they do this every year but this year is definitely worse.


Michelle's post suggested someone post their bills - here goes for a 3 bedroomed semi & family of 4 (approx per month):


Gas - £85 $40

Electric - £60 $130

Water -£36 $80

Car & Van Ins - £98 $65 (2 cars)

Phone - £20 /2 x Mobiles & Broadband £45 $100 for all phones and broadband

Community Charge - £133 $116 (i am assuming community charge means rates!)

TV lic - £12 don't pay one

Hse insurance - £29

Food - £400 $600

Mortgage/Insurances etc - absolute fortune


Probably missed loads of bills out and apologies if someone has already posted this information. Would be interesting to know the same for SA.




Hi Tracey,


I have put our bills down next to yours. Sorry don't know what community charge means but I am assuming it is rates! Hope this helps.

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I would just like to my two penneth in.


We have been here for 7 months now. At first I was enjoying it, positive, its a new country, going to be different etc etc and yes we have spent, spent, spent, spent and spent.


Now the holiday feeling has worn off, not sure that I want to raise my kids here.


Firstly, I can't give the kids what they had in the UK nowhere near it, I'm forever saying NO. We are struggling like we was 20 years ago! My OH is a painter & decorator on s**t wages, I work partime and still we struggle. My 3 boys are into football which the fees are totally extortionate 3 times more expensive than the UK. The Aussies think that our tradesmen are only good for digging holes and he's been told that by one! My OH is a fully qualified P&D had his own business for 4 years in the UK. How does that work that you can get $25 for cleaning and $24/28 for a skilled electrician or tradie!!!!!!!! Yeah the beaches are good when u can swim in them if theyve not been closed due to SHARKS. The barbies are great but beer and wine every weekend costs a fortune, money we aint got. Our food bill is above the UK. Somebody else mentioned the drivers here, that u take your life into your own hands. There is crime here, it goes on all the time, they just dont print it thats why it seems lower. My kids are on the street and see what goes on. There was a stabbing, fights and a rape on NYE at Glenelg and that was a good one!!!!!!!!


U dont need a crystal ball to see that you'll always be broke here. I know the UK is in depression, but least u get free schooling, free medicare.


I knew it would be hard, but truely not this hard, we're on the 495 temp so get no help, we are friendly people and have made some great friends all English, our Aussie neighbours dont want to mingle with us brits. Our friends, who have lived in Sydney and Perth, said that SA is the most racist towards the brits!!!! Really dont want to stay in Adelaide are thinking of going to Perth where it is more modern and people are more friendly.







Hi Tracey,


I have put our bills down next to yours. Sorry don't know what community charge means but I am assuming it is rates! Hope this helps.

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Guest cornish Busdriver

Bloody hell Lynn.

Sounds like your getting the rough end of the stick there somewhere.

I work as a bus driver taking home about $650 a week, the hrs are awkward but still better than the UK and i sem to survive ok. Ive found all my Aussie neighbours are brilliant, they all welcomed me into the street and i get on well with all of them.

Yes there is crime here and anyone would be stupid to think that theres not, its everywhere no-matter where you go. As for the stabbing, fights and a rape sound like a normal day in the UK.

Over all i find it brilliant here and suits me very well.

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I feel after the winter here I will be able to tell if we can settle here or if in the rain it just feels like the UK, in which case we may aswell be back there near all our family and friends.


Kerry x x


Hi Kerry,


As I remember winters in SA are cold but nothing like as cold and miserable and long as British winters. The sun doesn't set so early, and even in winter you can get lovely sunny days when you can sit outside at a cafe at lunchtime (with your coat on!), or go for a nice walk along the beach. I took my thick winter coat with me and wore it only a handful of times. Plus there is no mud. I seem to live in a sea of mud here, always cleaning football boots and school shoes. Some friends of ours in Adelaide are really into bushwalking, but because of the fire risk they do all their walking in the winter months. So you can get out and about and do things even if it is cold.

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Guest Lulujim
Hi Kerry,


As I remember winters in SA are cold but nothing like as cold and miserable and long as British winters. The sun doesn't set so early, and even in winter you can get lovely sunny days when you can sit outside at a cafe at lunchtime (with your coat on!), or go for a nice walk along the beach. I took my thick winter coat with me and wore it only a handful of times. Plus there is no mud. I seem to live in a sea of mud here, always cleaning football boots and school shoes. Some friends of ours in Adelaide are really into bushwalking, but because of the fire risk they do all their walking in the winter months. So you can get out and about and do things even if it is cold.


Hi Anne - Thanks for that.. it's good to know. Winter here is soo miserable and we're moving over to Aus in May so I have been so worried about getting to Adelaide and being stuck indoors for a few more months. Esp seeing as summer here was so crap and now winter, it's been ages since we've been out in the sun!!

That's made me feel much better :jiggy:

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Guest blackyboyd
I would just like to my two penneth in.


We have been here for 7 months now. At first I was enjoying it, positive, its a new country, going to be different etc etc and yes we have spent, spent, spent, spent and spent.


Now the holiday feeling has worn off, not sure that I want to raise my kids here.


Firstly, I can't give the kids what they had in the UK nowhere near it, I'm forever saying NO. We are struggling like we was 20 years ago! My OH is a painter & decorator on s**t wages, I work partime and still we struggle. My 3 boys are into football which the fees are totally extortionate 3 times more expensive than the UK. The Aussies think that our tradesmen are only good for digging holes and he's been told that by one! My OH is a fully qualified P&D had his own business for 4 years in the UK. How does that work that you can get $25 for cleaning and $24/28 for a skilled electrician or tradie!!!!!!!! Yeah the beaches are good when u can swim in them if theyve not been closed due to SHARKS. The barbies are great but beer and wine every weekend costs a fortune, money we aint got. Our food bill is above the UK. Somebody else mentioned the drivers here, that u take your life into your own hands. There is crime here, it goes on all the time, they just dont print it thats why it seems lower. My kids are on the street and see what goes on. There was a stabbing, fights and a rape on NYE at Glenelg and that was a good one!!!!!!!!


U dont need a crystal ball to see that you'll always be broke here. I know the UK is in depression, but least u get free schooling, free medicare.


I knew it would be hard, but truely not this hard, we're on the 495 temp so get no help, we are friendly people and have made some great friends all English, our Aussie neighbours dont want to mingle with us brits. Our friends, who have lived in Sydney and Perth, said that SA is the most racist towards the brits!!!! Really dont want to stay in Adelaide are thinking of going to Perth where it is more modern and people are more friendly.







As as Local living in the UK i have been following this forum for some time, i think it is wonderful and very helpful.


It does get my goat up some times when a very very small percentage speak before thinking. A forum is not meant to be offensive and i find the above offensive and well, small minded.


Therefore this has prompted me to add a quote from an Aussie news paper, which all brits should read and make there final decision before buying their one way tickets!







Australia- The Right to Leave



After Sydney not wanting to offend other cultures by putting up Xmas lights.




After hearing that the State of South Australia changed its opinion and let a Muslim woman have her picture on her driver's license with her face covered.




This prompted this editorial written by an Australian citizen. Published in an Australian newspaper.









IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It! I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.





However, the dust from the attacks had barely settled when the 'politically correct' crowd began complaining about the possibility that our patriotism was offending others. I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by coming to Australia.




However, there are a few things that those who have recently come to our country, and apparently some born here, need to understand.



This idea of Australia being a multicultural community has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As Australians, we have our own culture, our own society, our own language and our own lifestyle.




This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom.






We speak ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, Learn the language!




'In God We Trust' is our National Motto. This is not some Christian, right wing, political slogan. We adopted this motto because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you


consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture






If the Southern Cross offends you, or you don't like 'A Fair Go', then you should seriously consider a move to another part of this planet.



We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, and we really don't care how you did things where you came from.





This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this.




But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our National Motto, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom,










If you aren't happy here then move on! We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted. Pretty easy really, when you think about it.

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Guest tooeasy

Originally Posted by weesp viewpost.gif

I would just like to my two penneth in.


We have been here for 7 months now. At first I was enjoying it, positive, its a new country, going to be different etc etc and yes we have spent, spent, spent, spent and spent.


Now the holiday feeling has worn off, not sure that I want to raise my kids here.


Firstly, I can't give the kids what they had in the UK nowhere near it, I'm forever saying NO. We are struggling like we was 20 years ago! My OH is a painter & decorator on s**t wages, I work partime and still we struggle. My 3 boys are into football which the fees are totally extortionate 3 times more expensive than the UK. The Aussies think that our tradesmen are only good for digging holes and he's been told that by one! My OH is a fully qualified P&D had his own business for 4 years in the UK. How does that work that you can get $25 for cleaning and $24/28 for a skilled electrician or tradie!!!!!!!! Yeah the beaches are good when u can swim in them if theyve not been closed due to SHARKS. The barbies are great but beer and wine every weekend costs a fortune, money we aint got. Our food bill is above the UK. Somebody else mentioned the drivers here, that u take your life into your own hands. There is crime here, it goes on all the time, they just dont print it thats why it seems lower. My kids are on the street and see what goes on. There was a stabbing, fights and a rape on NYE at Glenelg and that was a good one!!!!!!!!


U dont need a crystal ball to see that you'll always be broke here. I know the UK is in depression, but least u get free schooling, free medicare.


I knew it would be hard, but truely not this hard, we're on the 495 temp so get no help, we are friendly people and have made some great friends all English, our Aussie neighbours dont want to mingle with us brits. Our friends, who have lived in Sydney and Perth, said that SA is the most racist towards the brits!!!! Really dont want to stay in Adelaide are thinking of going to Perth where it is more modern and people are more friendly.




I felt I had to reply to this I am an electrician and dont know where you get your wages from but I earn more than the wages you put for sparkies as for unfriendly aussies I have found it the complete opposite and have quite a few aussie friends from the building sites I have worked on yes over here we have to dig trenches but so do the aussie sparks we dug one the other day me and an aussie spark :) as for p&d wages the ones I have worked with earn nearly as much as me and I am earning more than I was in the uk with more fringe benefits

Its not all doom and gloom I actually look forward to going to work now and the day flies past I have had no racism towards me yea sure we take the pee out of each other but its friendly banter and no malice in it

some things are more expensive here yes shopping for one

as for crime we go out quite a lot and have not seen any yes it goes on but not nearly as much as in the uk

So all in all we are loving our new life in australia and have been here for 8 months now and a lot more years to come I hope :)

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Guest Guest75

Hey Lynne (Weesp) you seem to have it particularly tough at the moment.


It does get better in time.You are out of the honeymoon period now.You should have finished replacing stuff from the UK so surely expenditure should drop?


As for the Aussie - we find em' lovely and helpful,very accepting of us.


Not picking a fight but I think you guys have just hit a lot of bad luck in meeting Aussies.


Hope things turn around soon.

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Guest Guest75
As as Local living in the UK i have been following this forum for some time, i think it is wonderful and very helpful.


It does get my goat up some times when a very very small percentage speak before thinking. A forum is not meant to be offensive and i find the above offensive and well, small minded.


Therefore this has prompted me to add a quote from an Aussie news paper, which all brits should read and make there final decision before buying their one way tickets!







Australia- The Right to Leave




I've chopped the text but I love that statement :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:
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I myself have looked at this thread with interest and frankly the saying" there but for the grace of god go i"


I really fail to understand why Weesp has received such condemnation for telling what is ultimately the truth of her life in Adelaide.Personally i can unfortunately identify with a lot of what Weesp says and i have been here 3 and a half yrs.


My husband is in the motortrade here and the treatment he has received since he arrived here totally disgusts me and the sad thing is despite all the ill treatment he has tried to pick himself up and go on to the next job. I wish his optimism could be matched by some decency on the part of the employers.


Due to frequently changing jobs to try and improve his wage and being made redundant three times in the last yr,he has had since we arrived over three and a half yrs ago i kid you not ,three and a half weeks holiday in total,two of which taken at his bosses behest ,whilst i was visiting my sick mum in Uk,so we have had i and a half weeks together in all that time.Family wise it has almost destroyed us.So much for Oz providing quality time together as a family.


He has worked overall worked much longer hrs here than the uk.Our daughter has had a lot of health issues since we arrived and we were told by drs that other problems may arise, as a result and without family support it has therefore been impossible as a consequence for me to get a job


.I was a litigation lawyer in the UK,but very stressed as a result and thought coming here cheaper housing etc i could have a less stressful life here ,i can honestly say hand on heart ,that without doubt this has been the most stressful three and a half yrs of my life.


We have gone from a very comfortable lifestyle to near poverty.The guilt i feel about not being able to afford to continue to send my daughter to her catholic high school, or get her braces done is horrendous.


Think very carefully about what you have in uk, sadly optimism that everything will turn out ok is often not enough.You might say that i will do anything to make money,but you may not necessarily be given that chance by employers here.


I would love to have barbies for my friends, but agree with Weesp that i can hardly afford to feed us.I have celiac disease and food allergies so have to buy a lot of fruit and vegs and as much organic food as possible so our bill is even higher,but i agree generally food here is m ore expensive.


With regard to the racism aspect i have seen it quite often.There is a lot of narrow mindedness amongst certain aussies here generally those who have never left the state.

I agree that the Uk is too politically correct, but that does not mean open racism is acceptable either.A young ethnic lad at my daughters school was openly referred to as Chocco,I am sorry but i find that disgusting.I have heard kids frequently saying Retard and Spazzo,again disgusting.


At a recent school event i heard a parent say" no wander we are all getting ill with all these immigrants bloody coming here".Again narrowminded.


Aussies i understand are reluctant to befriend immigrants as they so often move, or go back home so can understand that aspect.


Crime here i think generally from my perspective is less but i know is not reported as well as uk.


Right to leave,not necessarily so, as financially not always viable.Be careful about staying longer it doesnt always get better ,it can often get a lot worse.


I know 100% that if i had had a crystal ball i would have returned to UK as for us in terms of financial security, wellbeing and family support it was the best option.


I am not being alarmist, but truthful.I know many people whose life is better,but the majority financially are worse off and in such a volatile economic world, risks with family life is not such an easy option.


The long term damage to family life if it goes wrong can be irrepairable and that is a price no one wants to pay.



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RIGHT!!!!! I have read this post all morning and want to throw my twopen'orth in, please.


Firstly; we have left the UK for a reason, what was that reason? i am sure you all have one, and many have said why. I personally believe that many of us left because we are so disillusioned with our homeland, we decided to get out while we COULD.

Of course we miss family and friends, thats normal, but a little effort will get us new ones here! That is why we use PIA, isnt it???????


Rentals; bloody good luck to those "self-serving" (not my opinion) people who have short term lets for the use of. A few folk have been ripped off by taking holiday lets at 3 times the cost; I consider these people a useful resource for new migrants, especially as not everyone can get/ is elegible for OAA.


Health care; reciprocal health care is available; you then only need to "add on" the dentist, optitian; g.p. unless you actually must have FULL insurance, for your own reasons. We, as a family of 6 pay $38 a month, cheap as...........


Jobs; ok i am lucky, i really like my job and my colleagues, and found the aussies to be helpful, tolerant (in the main) and to hear of "threats of violence" has me wondering why this hasnt been reported to the boss, or better yet, the police!! You wouldn't tolerate that in the uk, so why here?


Food; ok, some stuff is expensive, but the quality is better. Given this country is as big as EUROPE, hardly a shock that some foodstuff costs more.............ever heard of transport/ storage costs???? Ok, we cant get 9p tins of beans, and 50p bread, it something we will have to deal with. You can of course, grow your own veggies..........tomatoes, onions, etc in pots!!!! Many of my colleagues actually do, and with varying the crops they grow, they swap produce, saving somewhere in the region of $20 per week. I am turning my little plot into a market garden, so please feel free to get feudal..............although i draw the line at pigs and chooks.


Clothes; ok, i agree, and my daughter would too. Designer tramp? WTF is that about? $150 for a pair of cut off short that wouldnt cover a dolls arse, let alone a 10 year old's. Next and Mn S do have international deliveries, and for thse fortunate enough to have rellies, Primark, Asda etc are excellent value. I have a brother and a dad, not much use for buying ones foundation garments, so i will rely on girlfriend and her daughters! Admittedly, the cost is high, but you pays for quality my lovers!


I am so sorry for anyone who is having a bad time of it; and i am not critising them for saying so; that is what the forum is, getting support and a shoulder to cry on when times are tough, and having a laugh with others in the same boat!!


Reading BB's post, well, yes, we chose to be here, we have to put the effort in to get something out; and yes, we all have the right to leave!!! How many times have we said that back "home" about bitchin migrants????? And here we are doing the same thing!!!


So, guys,and gals, endeth the sermon. Gd bless and good luck


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Guest tooeasy

it is true australia is not for everyone because everyone differs all I was saying is from my experience here we have had a very good time I am on more money we have just bought a house on my wages alone we could never have done that in the uk

as for racism I have not experienced any so far thats not to say it doesnt go on all the aussies I have met have been nothing but friendly :)

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Guest Guest75
it is true australia is not for everyone because everyone differs all I was saying is from my experience here we have had a very good time I am on more money we have just bought a house on my wages alone we could never have done that in the uk

as for racism I have not experienced any so far thats not to say it doesnt go on all the aussies I have met have been nothing but friendly :)


Bang on Tooeasy.


It just ain't for some here.

I really cannot understand why it is for some and not for others.


Some of what has been posted sounds totally alien to me and seems to be an alternate country to the Australia I'm living in.


We are now involved in some volunteer work as well - we feel thoroughly welcomed and accepted.

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Guest Django



To me, its like we all got off the plane in different places.:unsure: I got off at the same Adelaide as Russell. I have found the locals not only friendly but overly so. A guy who put my tv in the back of my car firstly asked about my accent and how long I'd been here. He then ran into the shop and back out again with a piece of paper. Written on it was his personal phone number and told me that if there was anything I was unsure of, couldn't find or anything else to give him a ring. One of the guys who came to sort the carpet out after the flood is on the look out for a job for me.

I haven't come across anyone that has had 'an attitude' except for a couple of brits I unfortunately came across at a petrol station one evening. I'm sure they are out there somewhere as they are everywhere in every country. If I did I certainly wouldn't tar all aussies with the same brush.

We are well out of holiday mode and into the daily grind. Yes beer and wine is expensive but then we don't drink a great deal. Food shopping can be more expensive but it can also be cheaper. It all depends on what you buy and where you buy it.

The one thing I will say is this. In the UK we both worked. We struggled. Tracey got paid into the bank on one day and on the next the account was empty and some bills went unpaid. Over here only Tracey works at the moment and we still have money left in the bank when she gets paid again. So I can't see how Oz is more expensive than the UK overall. Yes some things are more expensive they are bound to be. Somethings however are a lot cheaper. It takes time to find out where to but stuff and what indeed to buy.



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Guest cornish Busdriver

Bang on Tyke.

I think it comes down to peoples attitudes and willin to except a different lifestyle.

If people are not willin to adapt and intergrate in to the aussie system and way of life then thats there problem.

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Guest cazzie

Wow! Look what the Baddeleys have started off!

I am amazed at the vitriol pouring out here - it is incredible! Blackyboyd - I thought the newspaper article was over the top - God, the flag etc. I hope the people who agree with your post have their Aussie flags proudly flying and are all God fearing Christians who are completely happy with everything Aussie - good for you if you are. But - surely to God this forum is for people to speak their minds and hope for support?

I feel for anyone who is finding it difficult, especially financially. Anyone who has really struggled financially at any point in their lives should understand how utterly miserable being desitute can feel. Couple this with missing family and lack of support, no wonder people can feel a bit down! Yes, they chose to come here of their own free will, but with the best will in the world, the best laid plans don't always pan out the way you might hope. I really hope those who are struggling eventually find their feet and make the right choice. Good luck to you all. God fearing - you bet I am. Flag flying - no chance. Right to leave - yes, and what a great choice that is! And I am one of those who is actually enjoying life here right now...

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Guest massive

Yes we have all choosen to make this move and maybe its because most of us newbies (6mths or less ) have become totally fed up with the uk but still reading back through this there is a big difference in experiences .


For all of you making the move soon you will have time to make your own minnds up as many have said Adelaide is not paradise ( although we have one here) it is tuff missing family and friends is a killer but with time the pain isn't as hard to bare .


There are socail problems, crime and unemployment here there is definatley a huge difference in rates of pay across the state we have been fortunate to both get work and although can appreciate that we have every evening and weekend off together to spend time with our chillren we no longer have a big morgage or credit card bills we are still a little unsure of what we have done . So keep an open mind what my husband says is that Australia is our home now not just Adelaide and with this in mind we are willing to embrace the Australian way of life and are not scared to up sticks and try another state if necessary ,


After only a short space of time we are becoming more settled but i still feel that it is more expensive for food shopping so I have just added up this months money i have spent on food shopping and petrol alone and it comes to $1772.40 in total and we are a family of 4 so this isn' t an estimate and it doesn't include wine and beer becuase we buy that seperatley


Would we go back ? not at the moment but this was originally Kerrys thread and her situation is very differnt to ours but good on her for like many have said starting it and in my mind possibly one of the most honest threads i've seen and although some peoples opinions may get others backs up it is just theirs and you will form your own soon enough


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I think if it was only adopting to a different way of life,that would be ok, but when people have to decide between food and medical treatment for themselves and their family that is an entirely different matter.


As i said earlier there but for the grace of god go you.

Imagine if one of you through ill health suddenly wasnt able to work and you didnt have the money to buy your child antibiotics or food,are you not going to feel very distressed.I very much doubt it.That wouldnt happen in the UK,it could easily here.


My husband works with people who literally can hardly walk because they have had surgery in the past and were never able to afford the follow up physio,how tragic is that.I am sure those sunny beaches make up for that.Get real.


Just because you arent experiencing it now doesnt mean you wont in the future and then and probably only then would you see the big picture.


In the meantime for those with the usual smug, condascending attitudes try and have a little humility for others.


As Cazzie said with all the best plans things dont always pan out,no matter how hard people try..


To go back 20 yrs financially is a very harsh blow.If i can make anyone think a little bit more carefully about what they may have to lose than i will be happy.



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Guest BraduZ

[How dare you. what right have you to say that i am small minded and have spoken before I have thought about what I am saying! If you would have read the post properly, I have LIVED HERE for 7 months and am speaking from EXPERIENCE. It must be nice sitting in your little home in the UK makin your mind up on people when you havent even met them. Perhaps YOU should come here yourself and TRY it instead of sitting there thinking that you know it all.


This is a forum where people can say how they feel and what they are experiencing. I think you should keep your opinion to yourself until you can say that you have lived here!!!!!!!!









quote=blackyboyd;65075]As as Local living in the UK i have been following this forum for some time, i think it is wonderful and very helpful.


It does get my goat up some times when a very very small percentage speak before thinking. A forum is not meant to be offensive and i find the above offensive and well, small minded.


Therefore this has prompted me to add a quote from an Aussie news paper, which all brits should read and make there final decision before buying their one way tickets!







Australia- The Right to Leave



After Sydney not wanting to offend other cultures by putting up Xmas lights.




After hearing that the State of South Australia changed its opinion and let a Muslim woman have her picture on her driver's license with her face covered.




This prompted this editorial written by an Australian citizen. Published in an Australian newspaper.









IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It! I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.





However, the dust from the attacks had barely settled when the 'politically correct' crowd began complaining about the possibility that our patriotism was offending others. I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by coming to Australia.




However, there are a few things that those who have recently come to our country, and apparently some born here, need to understand.



This idea of Australia being a multicultural community has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As Australians, we have our own culture, our own society, our own language and our own lifestyle.




This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom.






We speak ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, Learn the language!




'In God We Trust' is our National Motto. This is not some Christian, right wing, political slogan. We adopted this motto because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you


consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture






If the Southern Cross offends you, or you don't like 'A Fair Go', then you should seriously consider a move to another part of this planet.



We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, and we really don't care how you did things where you came from.





This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this.




But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our National Motto, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom,











If you aren't happy here then move on! We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted. Pretty easy really, when you think about it.

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